Low Cost Business

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Article Income Secrets - 3 Quick & Powerful Ways to Create eBooks With Your Articles

Article marketing is a great way to drive visitors to your web sites. The problem is that many people think and will even teach you that you cannot make any money with your articles.

Well, I'm here to tell you that there are several ways to make money with your articles.

One of the best and fastest ways to profit from your articles is to create ebooks. Many people teach and/or are convinced that it takes a tremendous amount of time and effort to create an ebook. The good news is that it can be quick and easy.

1. A collection - Just collect several of your articles around the same topic and turn them into an ebook. You can either just offer them all together or divide the ebook into sections. My first traditional book was simply a collection of 52 of my articles divided into three categories.

2. A theme topic - You can collect 5 - 10 articles around a specific topic and create chapters. To create a chapter you can either add further information to each article or bundle a few articles together to create a chapter. My very first ebook "Beat the BOZOS: How to Deal with Difficult People without Becoming One" was created from several articles on the challenge of dealing with difficult people.

3. Record & Transcribe - This is my absolute favorite way to create an ebook. Hold a teleseminar and have it recorded. Then have the recording transcribed into a text document. It takes me about 30 - 45 minutes of editing to turn a teleseminar transcript into an ebook that I can sell right away.

And now I would like to offer you free access to 2 of my Instant Article Templates when you subscribe to my free Article Marketing Minute, a 52 week audio/video newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get your instant access at http://www.ArticleMarketingMinute.com

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network

Article Marketing - 4 Highly Impacting Ways on How to Achieve Effective Article Marketing

The primary purpose of article marketing is to relay a message that you know will be of importance to your recipients. This is the only way that you can measure the efficiency and the success rate of your article - when you know that your article material has reached the people who need your information. It is for this reason that it is being suggested for article marketers to follow the below written guidelines to achieve an effective article marketing scheme.

1. Make sure you understand how the information that you have included on your article can be of use to your readers. When you know the answer to this, you will not then have a difficulty in understanding what sort of information that needs to be included on it. Always consider that the information that you put on it shall be used as a basis to come up with decisions.

2. Make sure that your readers have, to the least, an ample amount of understanding of what you are conveying to them. This means that whatever information that you include on your article, make sure that it is not a total stranger in the perception of the reader. Make sure that a generalized idea or concept is provided somewhere on the contents to promote an air of understand ability.

3. Consider the various types of readers that your article material may be encountering. Significantly, you have to make sure that your article material should be able to adapt with the immense cultural and intellectual differences of the readers. It is only with this that clear understanding of the article material can be achieved.

4. Proactively solicit for any feedback or suggestion that concerns the information that you have included on your article. This will make the writer more competent the next time he writes and all at the same time, it allows for diverse ideas to amalgamate that can produce far better form of information.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Marketing Tips - Effective Methods

It's no secret that using articles is one of the best ways to market one's business, add credibility to a website and promote products. However, for you to be able to use articles as a marketing tool, you need to know how to market the articles in the first place, so that they maybe viewed by as many people as possible!

In this article we will discuss ten powerful and effective marketing tips that you can implement in order to unleash the true power of your articles!

Article Marketing Tips #1: Useful Information: When it comes to this type of marketing, keep in mind that the biggest reason why anyone will read your article is for information that will help them. So make sure you include some helpful information and minimize the amount of "fluff" or "padding" which is often used to maximize the word count.

Article Marketing Tips #2: KISS: In this case it means "keep it Short and Simple." When you write content or get it written for the internet and ezines, keep your articles precise and concise. This is important to hold the attention of your reader because unlike offline publications, reading off screens results in much shorter attention spans for your audience.

Article Marketing Tips #3: Name Games: When naming your article be sure to mention the main message or the main reason why people would read your article in the title itself.

Article Marketing Tips #4: Use Article Directories to the Fullest: One of the best ways to market your articles is to submit them to directories which already command a huge audience. The top five article directories in my book are:

1. EzineArticles
2. Articlesdynamic
3. Articlesinsync
4. Articlemarketer
5. Buzzle

Article Marketing Tips #5: Automate your Articles: Simply set up your articles on an autoresponder and use it to list all your articles!

Article Marketing Tips #6: RSS Feeds: Put your articles in RSS feeds and syndicate them to all parties who are interested. RSS works! Some examples are Google Blog Search, XML Sitemaps, and Microsoft's RSS Powered Longhorn etc.

Article Marketing Tips #7: Place Articles on Your Website: Position all your articles on your site. Not only does this help build trust and credibility but it will also attract tons of keyword based traffic from the search engines.

Article Marketing Tips #8: Use eBooks: This is a great viral technique that actually delivers. The idea is to position all your popular articles in an eBook that can be branded and distributed, for people to read refer to as many times as they want!

Article Marketing Tips #9: Use Affiliates: If you have affiliates, allow them to brand your articles using their affiliate IDs and promote them for you. In other words, use your affiliate's resources to market your articles as well!

Article Marketing Tips #10: Cross Link Your Articles: This means, you should cross reference your articles by placing links to your other articles in the article you are creating. If your link placement makes sense and content is helpful and not a blatant promotion of your other articles, then, there should be no reason why ezine webmasters or editors should object to your doing this.

So, to conclude, follow the above mentioned article marketing tips in mind and discover the true power of article marketing!

Raymond Nwambuonwo has been a contributing author for this website and is an acknowledged expert in the field of Article Writing and Submissions. He can be found on the internet at this website: Free Articles Submission

Raymond Nwambuonwo has been a contributing author for this website and is an acknowledged expert on articles in the field of Internet marketing. He can be found on the internet at this website: http://marketinguses.blogspot.com

Article Marketing 101 The Whole Thing in a Nutshell

Article Marketing is one of the best ways to bring much needed traffic to a website and we all know that more traffic equals more profit. Perhaps the biggest benefit of article marketing is that the traffic that it generates is highly targeted and highly qualified.

While this type of marketing is hands down one of the top marketing methods I have found that many people I talk to are either unfamiliar with article marketing or are intimidated by it. Read on and I will give you the entire basic strategy in a Nutshell.

Those truly new to article marketing may be wondering why anyone would want their article in the first place. The answer to this is content, content, content. Websites and other publications are constantly on a search for fresh, new content. The only way to keep readers returning is to consistently rotate the content. Article banks and directories fill this need. Webmasters and publishers use the articles as new content.

Article Marketing 101

1.) The first thing that you need to do is begin writing articles related to your business or niche. The article itself is not a sales pitch and should not be written as so. In many cases the article directories my reject an article that is. What you need to do is write 300 450 words which are informative and about your niche.

2.) Decide which of the article banks and directories that you wish to use when submitting your articles. Personally I only use a few and all of them require registration. In my opinion using only registration required directories shows more professionalism. Be sure that you read and abide by the editorial guidelines of the directories. Doing so will save you headaches later.

Take the time to make sure that you are placing your articles in the proper categories. You want targeted traffic to your website. Placing your articles in the correct categories will ensure that any traffic that filters back to your website is highly targeted to the niche that you are working.

3.) The final part of the article is the resource box. It is in this section that you want to lead readers back to your website. Always include your name, a real link (www.yoursite.com) back to your website, and 3- 4 sentences about yourself and/or your product. Give the reader a reason to want to visit your website

In conclusion please keep in mind that not every article you submit will be published, especially if you do not follow the editorial guidelines. Keep writing and submitting new articles daily. The more articles you get out on the article directories the better. Also keep in mind that article marketing is not an overnight thing. It takes time as do all businesses worth pursuing.

Lee Ruleman is an article marketing professional specializing in assisting others in achieving their goals in the internet business marketplace. For more insight and a complimentary report on Article Marketing please visit http://www.jklpublishing.com

Article Marketing Is The Bridge Between You and Your Customers

With information technology on the rise and gaining relevance in the world today, article marketing has become a significant tool to promote businesses on the Internet. While it is well-known that articles make consumers understand a product better, a well-written article can be one of the main reasons why any product sells. These days, article marketing is so advanced that it has become the foremost advertising strategy for many online businesses.

Central to the effectiveness of article marketing is the implementation of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The primary function of this form of article writing is to achieve prominent rankings on the search engines by utilizing keywords which are popular among Internet users. When a user enters a search term which is identical to your keyword, the web page of your article will be displayed as a search result. With effective SEO strategies, you can rank among the top search results and benefit from a steady flow of incoming traffic, which will ultimately lead to increased sales.

Due to the fact that SEO article writing involves a great deal of research and expertise, most website owners prefer to employ SEO experts to manage their web content. These specialized professionals will provide you keyword-rich articles that will dramatically improve the visibility of your website and win customers over with their convincing content. SEO article marketing is such a proven success in the world of online business that many website owners are willing to hire the services of top SEO experts to help them launch their businesses into greater heights of profitability.

Other than its overall contribution to the betterment of sales, article marketing also brings professionalism and prestige to your website. With comprehensive articles that offer expert information about your products, your website will be widely regarded as an authoritative entity. It will assume a position as the favored destination for consumers seeking specialized knowledge pertaining to your products. As your reputation grows, your brand will be established as a trusted name in the business and this will in turn translate to a long-term influx of web traffic.

Compared to other forms of online advertisements which incur quite a substantial amount of financial investment, article marketing is basically free advertising. Since your articles are included in the information base of search engines, they will automatically show up whenever a search term coincides with one or few of their keywords. In a way, an article is a living advertisement implemented on the Internet and it grows in recognition from time to time, without you having to pay extra for each and every appearance. Web owners who understand the full potential of article marketing will also post their articles in directories and ezines to boost their chances of drawing more visitors to their websites.

As the Internet continues to extend its influence into our livelihoods, article marketing will prevail as the most important means to distribute information, whether for a product or a mere matter of general interest. There is no website that can communicate effectively without web content, and articles are indeed the most significant bridge between webmasters and users. By adopting an elaborate article marketing strategy, you can be sure that your business will achieve new heights of success.

Need quality articles? Contact Allen Taylor at http://www.articlecontentprovider.com

Breakthrough Article Marketing - Latest 5 Must-Have Methods to Amplify Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the most powerful ways in building your online reputation and driving targeted traffic to your website. It is being used by millions of webmasters from across the globe as it is not only efficient but it is also cost-effective, hassle-free to do, and easy to maintain.

Here are the latest 5 must-haves methods to amplify your article marketing:

1. Your articles must be convincing. By this, I mean that your content must be credible and fact-based. One of your main objectives in writing and publishing your articles is to establish your expertise and online credibility so people will trust you and follow your recommendations. That can only happen if your articles are factual and backed up by reputable resources.

2. Write for your readers. The first step that you need to take in order to convince your readers to consider doing business with you is to provide them with the kind of information they need. If you can consistently offer them with content that is valuable, timely, and relevant to their needs and demands, you will stand great chances of converting your readers to potential clients.

3. Great titles make huge difference. Your headlines are considered as the advertising tool of your articles. They must be attention-grabbing, striking, intriguing, and interesting so you can move online users to read your articles.

4. Your articles must be search-engine friendly. Make your articles rank better on search engines by incorporating the most searched keywords on your content. You must also keep keyword density in mind so your content will be user-friendly too.

5. Your articles must be publisher-friendly. Before you even write your articles, get to know the rules set forth by major publishing sites to increase the chances of your articles being accepted and posted online.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Productive Article Marketing - Revealed - 4 Huge Ways to Breakthrough with Article Marketing

Gone are the days when people need to shell out huge amount of money or launch reciprocal link building campaigns just to popularize their websites and attract quality traffic. Today, thanks to article marketing, anybody can succeed online by just writing and distributing articles to publishing sites.

1. Offer quality information. If you want your articles to be read and widely republished, you have to fill them up with information that are being searched for by online users. Share a slice of your expertise that can help online users in resolving their pressing issues or provide them with the answers to their burning questions. You can also share information that will empower your readers to do certain things on their own.

2. Use simple terms. Write to inform and not to impress. Substitute complicated terms with simple words that can easily be understood by your readers so they can easily grasp the message you are trying to get across. When introducing new concept or discussing a rather complicated topic, elaborate more and give samples whenever appropriate.

3. Use exclamation points and all caps sparingly. Some writers are using these all throughout their content so they can attract attention. What they don't know is these can easily alienate readers as they appear like shouting at online users. The best way to attract the people's attention is to give your articles attention-grabbing titles and content that is well-written and useful.

4. Enjoy writing. You can't write articles just because you have to. You must love what you do so you can always provide your readers with quality articles. If you are just writing to drive traffic to your website and you really don't care about your target market, you will easily fail in this marketing technique.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Keyword Phrases Help Optimize Landing Pages to Attract Buyers

Buyers - What e-Commerce Website Owners Want

E-Commerce website owners are in business to make a profit. If this article were about why e-Commerce websites existed we could end right now and you would not need to read any more.

Huge volumes of traffic are important but pre-qualified visitors are more important because they are easier to turn into buyers. Think of this like a brick and mortar store would. When they open their doors in the morning are they looking for people to come to the store to walk around or are they looking for that person who is looking for a specific item and has the money to buy it when they find it?

True, the browser might stumble across something that they want and will make a purchase. This is called an impulse purchase and does matter to the retailer. All types of retailers love impulse buys and present their store in such a way as to inspire these types of purchases.

However, all types of retailers both brick and mortar and e-Commerce want a pre-qualified buyer more than any other type. The are not looking for mass crowds to wander the store as much as they are looking for that pre-qualified buyer who is responding to an ad about a specific item, who has a need that the store can fill or grabs 2 buggies on the way in because they plan to do all of their shopping at this store.

Optimized Landing Pages Bring Pre-Qualified Visitors to the Site

Landing pages are a term used to describe a page or series of pages that focus on a specific keyword phrase. This keyword phrase should be something that your visitor is interested in and something they want to buy.

Some great sources of keyword phrases for your landing pages are:

  • Google Analytics. If you have installed Google's free analytics tool this is a great source of information about what visitors to your site are looking for. Keywords and keyword phrases are reported.
  • Google Webmaster Tools. This tool has a section that reports how your site ranks on keywords and keyword phrases as well as how many visitors clicked on each of these phrases.
  • Google AdWords. If you are an AdWords customer you really need to pay attention to the reports to see which keyword phrases are attracting visitors. These keyword phrases need to become landing pages so you can use AdWords to attract buyers not naturally coming to your site.
  • Frequently asked questions. If your visitors are asking questions maybe the best place to answer them is through an landing page. Create the FAQ and be sure to link it to the landing page. This way you cover all your bases.
  • Your niche market keyword phrases. You know your niche market. Use this knowledge to come up with the keyword phrases important to your own niche vertical market.
  • Free shipping. Internet buyers love free shipping. More and more of them are searching for the product name and then putting free shipping at the end of the search. Is your site optimized to attract this pre-qualified visitor?

Creating an Optimized Landing Page

Your optimized landing page should have the following items:

  • Page title with the keyword phrase as the first thing in the title. You should also have variations of the keyword phrase in the page title.
  • The first section heading should have the keyword phrase at the beginning. Be sure to use h1 tags in your section heading.
  • Use the keyword phrase throughout the page content. Make it readable to humans and do not repeat the keyword phrase right after each other. Not sure how to do this? Keep reading.
  • Use bold text to emphasize the keyword phrase.
  • Use hyperlinks with the keyword phrase in it to move visitors to other parts of your website.
  • If possible, use the keyword phrase in the footer of the page. Many times I use the text, "Your Internet source for" and then the keyword phrase for that page. Come up with your own text that best fits your site.

Keep in mind that the purpose of this landing page is to attract pre-qualified visitors to your site. Once there, this page should be filled with useful information about the keyword phrase. If not, you are going to anger the visitor. They will leave and probably not come back.

Give them what they are looking for and you will have won the first part of the battle. Be sure that your landing page has plenty of hyperlinks to other parts of your site, specifically to the types of products these pre-qualified visitors are looking for. Make their shopping easier and you will win them over.

Optimizing Page Content

How much is enough? How many times should I use the keyword phrase?

I mentioned earlier some things you should do to create your landing page. One of these things was to use the keyword phrases in the content, but not to overdue it or repeat it.

When I created this article I optimized it for "keyword phrase". I did this to make a point about keyword page saturation. You were reading an article about creating and optimizing a landing page. You were also proving the point of using the keyword phrase in your page content to make it readable.

The following keyword phrases were used in this article.

Optimized landing page. Mentioned 5 times, once in the title. .05% Saturation Keyword phrase. Mentioned 25 times. Is first in the title. 2.6% Saturation

A saturation level of .05% is not nearly enough. The search engines will not see your page as important enough for the keyword phrase.

However, a saturation of 2% - 3% is probably going to raise a search engine eyebrow. Your page is going to be seen as more important and obtain a higher ranking, have increased impressions on the search engines and definitely more pre-qualified visitors to your site.

Nathan Lewis has over 25 years of experience applying technology to solve complex small business problems.

Mr. Lewis is the Sales and Marketing Manager for CJ Internet Sales, an Internet retailer with sites such as:

Article Marketing Insights by a Real Article Marketer

Article Marketing Insights by a Real Article Marketer

Dont take offense to that if you are a real article marketer. And I will let you determine what a real article marketer is.

But one of the things I have observed online is that there are roughly 100 people or less who make a full time income online using article marketing. I call them real article marketers. Then there are people who are actually article marketing, but just do it part time and I dont know the number of this group.

But I can tell you this. At the time you are reading this, I have over 1300 articles published online, and all of them are set up in such a way that I get traffic to my web site from them every single day.

The articles are my lifeblood they drive the traffic that makes me a living.

In the process of writing and publishing 1300 articles, I have developed some insights. The first insight is that there are two purposes to article marketing.

One purpose is that of generating backlinks to your web site. To do that you need to write a few articles and submit them to hundreds of article directories.

The other purpose of article directories is to write multiple articles and submit them to a few directories, the top few directories in terms of traffic.

Another insight I have had is that you cannot accurately measure article marketing results after 20 articles, or even 100 articles. I have been article marketing for over 8 months now, and I still get traffic from the very first articles I published over 8 months ago. This means that there is a cumulative effect of time on my articles. If I had measured the success of my articles that first month I would have only been measuring 1/8 of the total time that my article is online. And if I try to do a complete measurement right now, I would only get half of the result that I will if I measure in another 8 months. What about 5 years from now?

It is impossible for me to even imagine the total impact of my articles after 5 years on the internet.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1200 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.

Article Marketing Benefit - Surges in Web Traffic Over and Over Again From Article Writing

Writing dozens, hundreds or even thousands of articles and making them available for distribution is one of the best ways to ensure that your website gets surges in traffic over the long-haul. Why? Let me explain:

When you put your articles into distribution (meaning you submit them to ezine publishers and the article sites that ezine publishers visit for fresh content), you increase your chances of your article getting picked up as supplemental content by ezine publishers. They take your article and send it to their email newsletter membership or add it to their website.

Why would you give them your article for free? Heck, you're a paid expert, right?

The answer is because good ezine publishers will leave your article in tact and provide you with an active link back to your website. When they send your article to their list, you can expect an immediate surge in traffic. Most of the time, you won't know who sent your article to their list, but you will see spikes throughout the year if your articles are quality.

There is another technical reason that you may get surges in web traffic from your articles: Every time your article is reprinted on a website with an active link to your website, your articles help you increase link popularity which may elevate your rank with the major search engines. More rank means more natural traffic to your site.

Having worked with thousands of article authors and tens of thousands of articles, I can tell you that there are clearly two types of ezine articles:

Ezine Articles Type I Designed for mass distribution:

How can you setup your article to be picked up by the largest number of potential ezine publishers? Easy: Write 250-500 word articles that are easy to read, bullet points and lists, and only 1 or 2 links in the resource box below the article (and never more than 2). You also don't want to pitch affiliate programs with your links as ezine publishers frown on this and won't pick up your article. Lastly, don't lace your article with heavy HTML code or HTML tables or anything complex. Lowest common denominator (plain text) rules.

Bottom line: The easier you make it for ezine publishers to use your article, the higher your distribution rate. Your goal is increased distribution and exposure.

Ezine Articles Type II Designed for value only from originating site.

How can you limit distribution and only get value from the article directories that you submit your articles to? Easy: Include anchor text links instead of full http:// URL's and bloat it up with HTML garbage and cute HTML code that adds value to the article but would make any ezine publisher cringe because they can't work your heavy article into their ezine template.

As you can guess, I favor "Ezine Articles Type I" authors as they really "get it." Type II article authors are missing out on the viral nature of article distribution.

Tip: If you're going to be a "Type II" article author, at least include one http:// URL in your resource box instead of only anchored text links. This way your article will still generate an active link for ezine publishers who might use your article to their text-based email newsletter audience.

Crank Up The Traffic:

Don't be a 1-trick article author and only post 1 article to 1 site and then call it a day. If you want to crank up the traffic, you've got to crank up the quantity of quality articles you put into distribution. Only the rare article author hits the jackpot with tens or hundreds of thousands of views to their article while the greater majority needs tens, hundreds or even thousands of articles to do the same traffic.

Set a goal to write 4 articles at a time, 250-500 words each and submit them to ezine publishers from your core niche along with submitting them to websites that archive fresh ezine articles daily. It is possible to crank out 100-500 new articles per year for most authors in their spare time. Those who say it's impossible are usually passed up by those of us who know it's possible.

There is no doubt that there is an article writing labor investment here, but the payoffs are in surges in traffic to your website this year many years to come without having to buy the traffic. Consider it an investment in building your websites's foundational traffic-future. :-)

About The Author:

Christopher M. Knight invites you to submit your best quality original articles for massive exposure to the high-traffic http://EzineArticles.com/ expert author community. When you submit your articles to EzineArticles.com, your articles will be picked up by ezine publishers who will reprint your articles with your content and links intact giving you traffic surges to help you increase your sales. To submit your article, setup a membership account today: http://EzineArticles.com/submit/

(c) Copyright - Christopher M. Knight. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Article Marketing - What Is The Magic Number Of Articles To Be Successful?

This is a question that I get asked many times by people. How many articles do I need to write to be successful with article marketing. Now let us look at some key considerations that are important to be successful with this method of marketing.

When you are first starting out it is going to be difficult to write one article a week. For most people writing does not come easily. So it is very important that you focus on doing one article a week. Once you become good at this you can increase this number to two a week.

Over time you will become very good at writing at you will be able to write five articles a day. Then you can gradually increase this and you will be writing ten articles a day.

So back to the original question. How many articles should you have written to start seeing measurable results. You need at least two hundred and fifty articles to start seeing good results and determine if you are progressing with your article marketing. If you were thinking of only writing a few articles sorry to disappoint you.

So what is the magic number of how many articles that I need to write? You need to write as many as possible. You see the more articles you have in distribution with the article directories the higher the number of readers of your articles. This equals more subscribers and more paid customers. Knowing this information once you become good at writing you may want to write at least ten articles a day.

Hopefully this information will motivate you to write more articles so that you can increase your business.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Six Simple Steps to Google Heaven

We all want our web pages to be listed in the top results for Google. So how do you do it? Ask this question of most search engine experts and you'll probably get a very long answer. It isn't an exact science because we are all trying to guess what how Google ranks sites.

However there are six really simple steps that you can take that will improve your site for Google and help boost you up the rankings.

Step One:

Are you using your Title tags properly?

These are the tags that you put at the start of your html code. They look something like

Website Promotion Guides

These tags are read by Google when it looks at your site and it uses this information to decide what each of your pages is about. You should make sure that you have a different title tag for every page and that it describes your page using the keywords for that page. Avoid titles like Home Page etc.

Step Two:

As with the title tag, you should be using the description meta tag.

Search engines read this tag in the same way they read the title tag and they use the information to decide what you pages are about. So use a different one for each page and include the keywords to that page. Also it's usually both the title tag and the description tag that are displayed when Google lists your page in its search results. So make sure they are also enticing to click on!

Step Three:

Think about your internal linking.

Make sure you have a good linking structure within your site for the Google to follow as it crawls your site to index it. Linking text within the main content of your web pages to other pages in your site is a good way to help Google. Don't just rely on your menus to help Google find its way around.

Check for broken links in your site. There are lots of programs, many free, that will check your site and report any broken links.

Step Four:

Use different keywords for each of your pages. Google indexes pages not web sites so you don't need to use the same keyword on every page to optimize for that keyword.

Target each page with a single keyword and make sure you use that through the page. I mentioned using it in title and description tags earlier. You should also try to use your keywords in some of the headings on your site. Make sure you are using the H1, H2 codes for headings. You should also use the keyword for the page as the linking text from other pages back to the page.

Step Five:

Make sure you have a content rich site. By that I mean lots of words! Make sure your words are relevant for the topic of your web page. Don't forget that your web page needs to be readable by your human visitor not just Google.

Images are fine to break up a page and convey meaning to your human visitor, but Google doesn't see them. If you do use images, make sure you use the alt tag. Google will read these and use the words to help index the web page. However make sure the alt tag describes the picture. Don't just stuff it with keywords. Using the alt tag is important for addressing web site accessibility which is now a legal requirement in many countries.

Step Six:

Don't try to trick Google. Avoid techniques like cloaking, keyword stuffing, hidden text or any of the other tricks meant to fool Google because I can assure you they will not work.

They are unethical and frankly unnecessary. If you have a site with a good link structure, full of relevant content you will be rewarded by Google. I hope you follow through on all of these steps. In themselves they won't get you top ranking but if you don't follow them you have no chance of a good ranking at all.

Mike Seddon is the founder of KKSmarts. Their site contains many free guides including their Free SEO Training Online Course.

What Is Article Marketing And How I Got Started With This Business Model - Part 1

The very first Internet marketing technique I learned when I started online in early 2006 was article marketing. At first, I didn't really believe this would work and I didn't take action.

I bought a cheap ebook called secret affiliate weapon and I read the material. One of the pdfs was about article marketing and was called lazy traffic. I read and didn't take action like most of the people online. After a while, I got a coach and he taught us affiliate marketing. I was stuck because he was teaching us the exact same tactics and strategies I learned before.

Since we had daily assignments, I was forced to write those articles because one of the condition of this coaching program was to do the tasks in time. If you failed, you could be dropped from the program.

I submitted article manually for the first time to ezinearticles, goarticles, article city, article dashboard and a couple of other directories. I can tell you that I was typing and submitting like crazy. I didn't have money in my early beginning and I couldn't hire a ghostwriter or even use a submission software. I needed to do the work alone.

I forget to say that I was enrolled in the program by submitting articles. The entrance fee was $197 a pop, and although I had a burning desire to enroll in this mentoring course, I didn't have the money at the time.

Happily, there was an alternative option for marketers on a budget. All I had to was to submit forty articles with the mentor's resource box at the end. I was so happy! I wrote those 40 articles on the fly. It was my very first batch of articles, and I must admit that grammar and punctuation was bad. But I have no choice, I took action and submitted the articles.

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Visit http://www.mynetmarketingland.com/article-marketing/ now!

Ezine Publishing - How Can I Build My Subscriber Base?

Question: How do those of you who have a monthly/weekly ezine or newsletter get subscribers? I am new to this and my subscription list is well below 100 subscribers. My goal is to have 500-1000 subscribers. Help!

Answer: You just have to keep promoting your newsletter at every turn. It takes some time to build a solid list, so don't give up. Here are a few tips to help you build your subscriber base:

  • Include a link to your subscription page in your signature line. Writing a mini advertisement to go in your sig line is nice, but don't forget the link.
  • Put a subscription box in a prominent place on every page of your website. Most marketing gurus will tell you the best place is in the top corner, because it is most visible.
  • Create a special subscription page on your website with compelling ad copy to make your visitors want to subscribe.
  • Write articles (or hire a ghostwriter) for marketing and promote your newsletter in the bio at the end of the article. Submit these to article directories, websites or comparable newsletters.
  • Exchange ads with similar newsletters. A lot of newsletters are more than happy to give you ad space in exchange for you placing their ad in your newsletter. Make sure the ad swaps are something your market would be interested in, and vice-versa.
  • If you have business cards, include a link to your newsletter sign-up page on there, too. Advertising offline can gain subscribers as well as online advertising can.

You can get more writing tips at http://www.hopewrites.com . Don't forget to subscribe to the free newsletter: http://www.hopewrites.com/free-newsletter/ to get even more terrific blogging and writing tips from Hope.

How to Increase Traffic to Your Artist Blog

Welcome to part 2 of "Why Every Artist Needs a Blog", a series showing how a successful blog can help you sell more art.

Now that you have successfully published your artist blog and have tested your dedication to frequent blog posting, it's time to get your blog exposure on the web. Using blog-specific online marketing techniques, you can promote your blog to a target audience and build quality traffic to it - for free.

7 Steps to Build Traffic to your Artist Blog

1. Submit to Blog Directories

  • A list of the top 35 blog directories with direct links to submission pages and inclusion requirements is available at The ARTrepreneur. Keep in mind that the process of submitting to directories is always long and tedious, but will absolutely prove its return on the time investment, especially considering that it's free online promotion for your blog.

  • Create a record of submission document for your blog to keep track of submission dates, member registration information, etc. Many of the better blog directory sites require a reciprocal link or tracking script to get listed, so work with your technical support person to place a reciprocal link on the page.

  • Make sure that the information you submit to the directories is consistent. Meaning, always submit the same title and description for your blog. The title you submit should be the title tag and meta description for your blog - both written using optimized copy rich with your blog's keywords.

    (See Part 1 of this series for tips on writing optimized copy for your blog)

2. Ping Blog Services "Pinging" is a way of letting blog directories and search engines know that you have updated your blog. By sending a ping to each service, you let them know that a new post has been published so they can come check you out.

  • Bookmark Ping-O-Matic - a site that lets you ping many blog sites with one click: http://pingomatic.com/
3. Optimize each blog post for search engines Getting visibility in natural search for a blog post is no different than getting visibility for a web page. The same rules of "writing for search" apply - meaning keyword rich titles, content length, optimized hyperlinks, alt tags, etc. Here are quick tips for optimizing each of your blog posts for higher rankings in natural search results:

  • Identify your keyword phrase. Is it something people actually search for? If not - phrase it differently. For example instead of using "The Dorm Diet" for a title, you might consider "Lose the Freshman 15" since freshman 15 is a very popular searched phrase. (source: http://inventory.overture.com/d/searchinventory/suggestion/)
  • Blog Entries should be at least 300 words long.
  • Your targeted keyword phrase should appear 3-5 times in the entry (once in the title, in the summary and throughout the blog)
  • Use the keyword phrase in any hyperlinks you have in the blog as well as in any bulleted list.
  • Use ALT tags for your images
4. Build Links to Your Blog A link building campaign is the best way to get quality and relevant traffic to your blog. These methods, although time consuming, are the best ways to get links pointing to your blog.

  • Link to your blog from the main page of your site.
  • Use your blog as often as possible in the "related links" area of articles published on your site.
  • Post legitimate comments on other blogs with related topics and include a link back to your blog with your signature.
  • Offer to exchange links with other similarly themed blogs and websites.

5. Promote Bloglet Bloglet is a free service for people to sign up for an email alert each time their favorite blog publishes a new post. It's perfect for people who have not jumped on the RSS bandwagon just yet, or for those that never will (sorry mom!).

  • Set up a Bloglet subscription form on your blog and invite everyone to subscribe: http://www.bloglet.com
6. RSS Feeds Set your blog to display RSS feeds and submit your blog's RSS feed to the major RSS feed directories online. Go here for a list of the top RSS directories: http://www.rss-specifications.com/rss-submission.htm

  • Make sure you have an RSS feed URL that people can subscribe to. Test your feed here: http://feedvalidator.org/
  • Use the same submission guidelines listed in step 1 above (Blog Directory Submissions) to have consistent results.
7. Email Signature

  • Use your mail program to create an email signature file that will be included in every email you send. Keep it short with your name, email address, blog title and URL. This little trick will work wonders!
  • Become an active member of a relevant online community forum and add your blog title and URL to your signature line at the bottom of each message you post.
Building traffic to your artist blog is not a scientific process. It takes time, hard work, and persistence to build a loyal audience and create your niche interactive community on the web. Tracking your success is a key motivational tool that will help get you through some guaranteed trying times that come with building a successful blog. Be sure to benchmark the current state of your traffic, your rankings on the major search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN) and the visitor commenting activity on your blog before implementing these free online marketing techniques.

Kristin Royce is a search engine optimization and online marketing professional contributing online marketing and promotional content for artists to The ARTrepreneur E-Zine and newsletter.

The ARTrepreneur offers articles helping artists focus on proven techniques to accomplish any goal. Read More: http://www.theartrepreneur.com

Copyright 2005 Arctic Mouse, Inc. All rights reserved.

Article Marketing - The Cold, Ultimate Truth About Article Marketing

The myth of autopilot income from articles is truly a myth. I know I'm going to receive a ton of flak for this, but there's no such thing as truly automated income from article marketing. The reason for that is this: articles lose some of their traffic generation power after some time, you'll have to keep pumping them out to keep your profits coming in. Information is growing exponentially online; if you don't continuously release new content, your traffic will drop.

It's also not good enough to submit five to ten articles a month. Many article marketers simply submit a number of articles similar to that and stop. Totally. They don't see results and they give up! Five to ten articles will never create hundreds of visitors to your websites, you have to be pumping them out in the hundreds to see any "real" traffic.

Go to sites like Ezine Articles. The top writers churn out hundreds and thousands of articles and they are doing it for a reason. Because it works. It works in generating traffic, and it's also a great branding tool. Having hundreds of articles out there is a great credibility weapon.

I don't care if you are marketing affiliate products, an ecommerce store, an eBay store, or selling your own digital products. Article marketing works, but only if you work it. Most people give it a try and declare that it doesn't work. Maybe they are too lazy to write the articles. Well, if you have a bundle of extra cash, you can certainly outsource the articles. But if you don't, you'll just have to keep churning them out. The rewards will be totally amazing.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to http://www.MurderYourJob.com to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Using Your Local Community To Build Your Small Business On The Web

For a Local company one of the biggest aspects of SEO is getting people in your community to link to you. Almost everyone has an online page of some sort whether it is through MySpace or an actual website. Your friends want you to succeed and so will often be willing to place a link to your site somewhere in their page, along with some words about what you do. This last point the text being about what you do is important because the incoming links help more if they are surrounded by information that relates to your website. Without this information the relevance of the links goes down.

One thing that sets Washington apart is how wired it is, there are many more people online here then any other part of the country, what's more it is the most literate part of the United States as well. For these reasons various forms of online PR and article marketing are likely to do very well for getting people in the local community to link to your site, especially if you have something on your site of interest to link to. Having something to link to is important, almost everyone has a website but very few people have enough incoming links to get a good position. In order to get a good position it is important that you create unique content, content that will make people who see your site want to link to you. In a small community it may be more important to get local sites to link to you, as these will allow you to look more important to the search engines local based searches.

Having content on your website that is worth linking to may be easier then you think (depending on what you do). Small businesses owners like you have a wealth of knowledge that people are often looking for. The use of tools in hardware, paint color schemes that are popular, clothing styles that are unique, information on books and authors. All of these things are pieces of information that you as a small business owner can have special access to, and so can place on your website.

For a restaurant it may be even easier to provide something worth linking to in the form of recipes. People love recipes and so by providing some you stand a good chance of gaining incoming links.

Another way to get incoming links is to join the organizations in your local community; your chamber of commerce for example could provide a good link to your site. A school in your area could also provide a link to your website if you made a donation related to your business or where on something which they organized. By the same little leagues and other such entities will often link to donors, so you can ask about this. In all cases remember that it is best to get these links in such a way that discusses your business.

Remember also as you go out to get these links however that you don't want to do it too fast. It is advisable not to get more then 2 or 3 links a week and maybe even less, because Google will punish you if you get more. In a local community this is also easier to control because you can ask people to wait to link to you if necessary.

Ty Hulse is putting together information on internet marketing in the State of Washington at http://www.internetmarketingwashington.com

List Building - Who Cares About SEO?

Search engine optimization (SEO) has been more prominent since last year when Stomper Net opened its doors. There's no doubt that if you make a page search engine friendly, you're going to get lots of free search engine traffic. But to keep an SEO system working well, you really need specialized knowledge. Does that mean it's not for you? Absolutely not! You can use some simple SEO strategies to get your list building pages seen.

It's incredibly important that you put your opt-in box anywhere you can--the homepage of your website, your blog, your profile at MySpace, and so on. Do that today, if you haven't already. It's that important to list building. You're wasting some prime space there.

But to increase the list building potential of any site or blog, you'll need to drive traffic to those sites. The first thing you need to figure out is a huge list of keywords that are part of your niche. Write all the words you think of down on a piece of paper.

Let's say you're selling jewelry online. You'll come up with words like pearls, gemstones, diamonds, earrings, rings, and so on. Then, hop over to http://inventory.overture.com and see how many people searched on each term in the previous month. Then, disregard the words with the highest number of searches because it will be too hard to rank in the search engine results for those. They're just uber-competitive. Also disregard any terms with 3,000 searches or less. Nobody's looking for them. They won't help you.

Then, from the words that are remaining, choose three to five and those will be the words you want to rank for. Use them in every blog post you make, but not all at once. Use the first word in a post, then the second, and so on. You'll need to use them at a keyword density of around 2%. That means, if you write 500 words, about 10 of them should be your keyword. It's not that easy, and it's very difficult to get 2% for all of them in one post. It will look and "sound" funny to the reader's ear. Plus, search engine spiders will think you're trying to spam them. Not good.

OK, so we're list building. Right? How does this apply? Hang on, you'll see...

When your post is done and the keyword density for one of your terms is at 2%. Find one of the words you used, let's say it's "bracelets," and make it italic, bold, or underline it---once. Link another "bracelets" to the page on your web site where you sell bracelets, too. That way when search engine spiders read your blog post, they'll see that the word "bracelets" is important in the post and that it links to a page all about bracelets. So, it will realize that your blog post is probably about bracelets, too. Your page will rank somewhere in the results for that term, though it could be on page 50. You won't be surprised when I say that it won't be on the front page at first, but keep using your keywords in your posts, and you'll soon see your site rise on the results pages. When you get into the first three pages, BANG! You've just improved your list building efforts exponentially, and it can happen if you consistently use the keywords or keyword phrases you've chosen.

You can do the same thing with your website and your blog at MySpace or wherever you hang out and be improving your list building efforts, too. You don't have to be an SEO genius to use these tricks, and you'll be amazed at the results. So, go sit down and start listing all the keywords you can imagine. Watch them work for you.

Tellman Knudson, CEO of OvercomeEverything, Inc., is a master list builder and well-known for his first project, List Crusade. Tellman teaches you his system for explosive list building at MyFirstList.com.

Opt In List Building - How To Write Your First Email

Your very first email that you send to your opt in list is a very important step to establishing a very good relationship with your list. The reason for this is that you need to welcome them correctly and usually in any relationship first impressions last a very long time. So in the way that when a stranger approaches you and you form an impression by the way that they dress, speak and use their body language the same applies to your visitor that has subscribed to your email list.

Usually you will have a sequence of messages setup in your autoresponder. The first message that you send will be labelled day 0 meaning that it will be sent immediately. Now the important thing to structure with this email is to establish trust and credibility with your subscriber and deliver a warm welcome. You definitely do not want to send a sales message for your first email as this will put them off and they will likely unsubscribe from your list. So usually what works for me here is I thank them for subscribing to my list and introduce myself. I also send them the link of the free report that they requested from my squeeze page. Here is an example of the email that I send:

Hi [[firstname]]

Thanks for requesting for your report and opting-in to the "The Name Of Your" list...

You can download your report in PDF format:

(your report)

=> (the download link of your report)

You will enjoy the report and learn the secrets (whatever information you are giving away)

I look forward to getting to know you over the next few months, and sharing some of my most effective secrets with you.

To Your Affiliate Success!

Mark Abrahams

Would you like to know more about the magical marketing techniques that have helped me to quit my day job? I have just completed my new guide.

Download it free here: Secrets Of Internet Marketing

Here's your chance to drive massive traffic to your web site: Secrets Of Article Marketing

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Best Article Marketing - Latest 4 Powerful Steps to Accelerate Your Article Marketing

If you think that spending your money on paid listings and banner ads is the best way to drive quality traffic to your website and augment your sales potential, think again. These days, people do care about what you have to say as they would like to gauge your expertise. They would like to know if you can offer them the kind of information they need before they would seriously consider doing business with you. Right now, the best way to showcase your knowledge is through writing and submitting your articles online.

Here are the 4 powerful steps to accelerate your article marketing:

1. To easily drive qualified traffic to your website, you must write about topics that are closely related to your products and services. For instance, if you are selling laptops, writing articles about mobile phones might drive people to your website, but they will surely not buy your offering as they were looking for information about mobile phones in the first place.

2. Be an expert. When you sink your teeth into article marketing, you automatically get the responsibility of giving quality information to online users. Thus, it would help if you can make yourself more knowledgeable about your chosen niche by constantly reading related reading materials either through online or offline resources.

3. Use attention-grabbing titles. The competition in getting online users' attention cannot be stiffer these days. To give your articles an edge, you need to power up your titles. Make them more interesting, intriguing, and highly descriptive of the content of your articles.

4. Use keywords. Don't forget the search engines when writing your articles. You need to please them so they will index your articles and make them highly searchable online. Download a reliable keyword suggestion tool that can help you figure out the most searched keywords within you chosen niche. Use these keywords all throughout your content to make your articles search engine-friendly.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Unlock The Secrets To Creating A Resource Box That Will Explode Your Opt-In List

A powerful resource box is one of the most important parts that you need to master when marketing your business using articles. The reason for this is that this is where your link to your website exists.

Let us look in forensic detail how this process works. The major article directories make most of their money from advertising. So the more content that their website has the more traffic that they will attract from search engines.

When you submit an article and it gets approved by an editor at a directory they will include it in their database. You have to first give before you receive. If you share a slice of your expertise you will find that some readers will like what you say and click through to your website.

Now this is where many novice marketers lose their visitor. They write very long articles so that the reader does not even make it to the end and see your resource box. I suggest that you focus on 250 to 350 word articles.

Your bio needs to be your unique selling proposition. You need to have your 30 second elevator pitch here. Make your reader curious enough to want to click through to your website. Also ensure that you send them to a squeeze page so that you can build a list.

Finally, many people bury their link. They will first mention their credentials. This is one of the worst mistakes that you can make. Have your unique selling proposition with an ebook that your visitor can download.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Affiliate Marketing Secrets - 2 Reasons Why You Need To Valid Your Market With Keyword Research Tool

Finding a profitable market is vital to your affiliate marketing success and you will have to do this step correctly. You will firstly list down a list of the potential markets that you want to be involved in, follow by doing a research to find the profitability of the market. The next step that you will have to do is to validate.

The 1st reason is to make sure that the market is present on the internet. You will want to make sure that the market does not belong to the past or it has become redundant. There will be no market for you if the topic does not arouse any interest. If there is no interest in the market, it will also logically mean that you cannot make money from that money.

The 2nd reason is to verify that people are hungry enough for information that they have to search for it online. The search engines like Google and Yahoo have recently become a very popular option when people want to look for information. If you are able to find a list of keywords that are related to the niche market that you are in and there are high number of people who searches for information through the same key phrase, you will be sure that there is a demand for it.

These are the 2 simple reasons why you will need to validate your market with a keyword research tools. Once you have understand the 2 reasons, you will always check to make sure that the market you have chosen is profitable and you can build a long term business around it.

I would like to offer you Free "7 Days to Affiliate Marketing" course when you subscribe to my newsletter on Affiliate Marketing. You can get your instant access at http://www.MyAffiliateMarketingOnline.com

From Zack Lim - The Up And Coming Affiliate Marketer who provide valuable affiliate marketing information at http://www.MyAffiliateMarketingOnline.com

Web Promotion Methods

Web promotion is very important aspect in online marketing. Your web site should have the best possible visibility for the online population. While promoting your web site you should focus on the content. You have to project your services better than your competitors. Select the best keywords which can drive traffic to your web site. Keywords selection is the initial and very first step in web promotion. From choosing the domain name to designing should be under the guidance of Search engine optimizer then it is easy to promote your web site. Here I will tell you some of important points which are useful in web promotion.

1. Initially select the right and related keywords about your industry. Divide the keywords into primary and secondary according to their competition.

2. Then choose the easy navigation structure which is useful for the visitors as well as for the search engines. Design site for the visitors not for the search engines.

3. Then write the unique content for your keywords. Place the unique content in Meta description tags. Never try to place keyword rich Meta description as this is harmful to your web site.

4. Body content of pages should be very informative and user friendly. Never use the complicated words try to use the general words. Never bother about the keyword density in the beginning.

5. Try to differentiate your services or products from the competitors. Just put your services as it is how it is. Never go for the unnecessary hype because it cause problems for your site.

6. Traffic is necessary but targeted traffic is more necessary. From the beginning you should have the clear idea about your web promotion. Use the free tools like Google analytics, webmaster tools and if your web site hosted in Linux servers your control panel it self shows details about search keyword phrases, unique visitors, hits etc.,

7. After completing the content and Meta structure submit your web site in directories and search engines. Before submitting frame the different descriptions, title and use randomly.

8. Then go for the link building. Link backs are like online votes that's why you need to approach your subject related web sites. Link request should be very convincing and you should explain why link backs are necessary and write the advantages and it should be small and straight.

9. Create the blogs and write about your services or products. Publish the unique content in blogs never post the duplicate content. Duplicate content is always harmful.

10. Next go for the article submissions. Initially submit article in one article portal if it is accepted then submit in many article portals. Max article portals use similar method to check the duplicate content.

In my next article I will tell you most advanced and result oriented web promotion methods for the static as well as for the dynamic sites.

Subhash Bose is working as SEO for Itglobalsolution. For any assistance in Webpromotion and all web related problems contact webmaster@itglobalsolution.com