Low Cost Business

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Article Marketing - How To Gain More Traffic To Your Site

Article marketing is becoming more and more prevalent today. This is a new form of advertising that is making it exciting to go to new websites and learn new ideas. The articles are short but often have useful information that you previously made not have been aware of. The biggest benefit to this style of marketing is perhaps the creation of new traffic on the site.

The most important thing to remember when using article marketing on your site is that you need to generate unique articles in order to generate new traffic. People don't want to read the same old stuff, so you have to get creative and find some interesting viewpoints and information on your topic to snag the reader in.

When you have a lot of unique content, you will attract a lot of Internet traffic. People everywhere use search engines to locate information. If they are searching for information that is related to your articles, then you have generated possible new traffic to your website.

Unique article content is what drives the web market today, bringing in customers by the droves who become engaged in that unique content and are therefore statistically more likely to make a purchase there. By creating custom articles you want to keep the attention of those reading it but also keep it short and to the point. Do not make it seem like an advertisement and don't appear to be adding filler - just make sure to include the keywords naturally in your writing.

Why should you include these certain words? The main reason is that you want the article to flag Internet search engines, which will increase your ratings at these search engines. This will lead to increased new traffic from your article's keywords.

You can generate new traffic to your site by placing your articles on other sites with a link back to yours. This uses article marketing to its fullest revenue generating potential. More articles on other sites with links to your site provide you with more potential new visitors. This, in turn, gives you more opportunities to earn, which is the main gist of marketing.

Article marketing is a crucial tool in modern business. It can be modified to suit nearly any subject and it has the potential to generate a lot of new traffic. Remember that it is not static. It must always change. The best way to make it successful for you is to perhaps write one article a day.

The most vital thing to be aware of when using article marketing for your website is that you must create unique articles that will generate new traffic for the site. People get tired of reading the same content over and over so you must utilize your creativity and find some novel points of view and information about your product that will entice the reader. If your site has a lot of unique content, you will probably draw much more traffic. Search engines are widely used everywhere by people who need information.

Online Article Word Count - The Reader's Perception of Author's Authority on Topic

Articles which are very short often have very little substance. Now this is not universally true or an absolute by any means, but generally it is. If your online articles have very few words the chances of the reader perceiving you as an authority on the subject might be very low.

The reason you should you care or even consider this topic is because as an online article author you want your reader to see the wisdom or brilliance of your article so they know that you know what you are talking about. If the reader sees this while reading your article then the chances are much better that they will seek you out for more information or visit your website.

Informational selling requires that the information you give to the reader or prospective customer is relevant and reality based. In my humble opinion, I believe that not only should the reader perceive that you are the authority on the topic, but also that you should be an authority and expert on the topic you are writing on. Otherwise one might say you are using trickery to attract Internet Surfers.

So the question has been pondered at the top online article submission site: "How many words does it take in a given article to be perceived as an authority on a micro-topic?"

As the leading authority on online article writing, having written some 11,000 articles, it is my contention that your articles should deliver information to the public or your potential prospects that they cannot easily find elsewhere and that the articles you write give at least one new thought or piece of valuable and readily usable fact. So, the real question is how many words does it take to accomplish that?

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/. Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Best Article Marketing - Revealed - 4 Incredible Ways to Explode Your Article Marketing

Your desire to impart your knowledge can take you a long way in internet marketing. Write articles that contain information that will be useful and valuable to your target market and submit them to publishing sites. This will not only help you position yourself as an expert on your chosen niche, it will also augment the number of your inbound links that can easily pull up your search engine ranking.

Here are the 4 incredible ways to explode your article marketing:

1. Go for original content. While it is tempting to duplicate other writers' content, you must think of prioritizing your readers and give them fresh and new content that they will surely appreciate. Besides, copying others' work can greatly ruin your online credibility and can lead to penalties from the search engines.

2. Submit your articles to publishing sites the proper way. Identify the keywords to which your articles were based on and write a compelling article summary that will drive online users to check on your content. Use the preview feature of each publishing sites to ensure that all your links are working and that there is a proper spacing within you content to that make them easy on the eyes.

3. Ensure that your articles are posted online. Check publishing sites at least 5 days after your submission to check if your articles were accepted. Too many times articles are declined because of keyword spamming, inappropriate content, broken links, and blatant advertisements.

4. Use article submission software. Manually submitting your articles to publishing sites can be tedious, time-consuming, and downright exhausting. It can also eat up a lot of your writing time. Buy yourself more time and energy by using software that can help you electronically distribute your articles to various publishing sites.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Lucrative Article Marketing - Discover 5 Reliable Ways to Energize Your Article Marketing

If you don't have the budget to cover the advertising cost but would still like to popularize your website and connect to your potential clients, article marketing could be your best friend. It can help you promote your products and services without spending your precious dime.

Here are the 5 reliable ways to energize your article marketing:

1. Write and submit quality articles. Quality is one element of article marketing that can either make or break your marketing strategies. If you can consistently present content-rich, informative, well-written, and easy to understand articles to your readers, you will easily gain their trust and you can quickly compel them to click on your resource box.

2. Consider the rules set by publishers. To increase the chances of your article being posted online, strive to follow all the rules of each publishing site. Most of them do not allow hyperlinks on the article body, inappropriate content, and blatant advertisement. They do favor articles that are well-written, keyword-rich, and those which are highly targeted to the needs and demands of your potential readers.

3. Keep your articles short. People generally do not like reading lengthy articles and they prefer to get the information they need quickly. Help them out and make your articles short, direct to the point, and concise.

4. Empathize. If you want to quickly build rapport with your readers, make them feel that you understand where they are coming from. Understand what they are going through and offer sound solutions to help them out.

5. Use automatic submission software. Manually submitting your articles to hundreds of publishing sites can be time consuming. To maximize your writing time, invest on software that can help you automatically submit your articles in just few clicks.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.