Low Cost Business

Monday, June 23, 2008

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

You have a brick and mortar business in an outstanding location with good signage and an effective advertising program. So why would you write articles for the internet? There are a number of good reasons to use internet articles as part of your marketing mix.

First, it's effective it's easy and it's no cost. And once even one article is out there it's available for people all over the world to read anytime, any day. And if your product is shippable there is no reason not to have an international business.

Second, articles position you as an expert in your field. This may not seem as important in a retail business but people like to know that they're buying from the best, no matter what they are buying. The easiest way to position yourself or your business is to be published. And published is published whether it is on paper or on the internet.

Third, articles help you build an email mailing list that you can then use to do email promotions - locally, if that is your preference. Or internationally if you have a digital product or sell things that are shippable. Once people have opted-in on this list, they are more predisposed to buy what you sell than people on a list acquired any other way.

To illustrate what an article writing campaign might look like for a brick and mortar business, let's imagine you have a decorative glass business in northern Virginia. Here are some ideas of articles to write to drive people to your website, and we've barely gotten started.

7 ways to use decorative glass in your home

Creating a welcoming entrance to your house with decorative glass

Custom furniture that includes decorative glass

Stained glass window - using decorative glass to enhance your home

How to enhance your kitchen with decorative glass door inserts

If you are specializing in working with architects and interior decorators as well as homeowners, being positioned as an expert is certainly a plus for your business.

If you would like to learn more about internet marketing tactics to use for your brick and mortar business, I invite you to look at http://www.BusinessOnTarget.com

From Jane Trevaskis and Success-Catalyst.com

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

First of all, SEO provides you with targeted traffic, not just any visitors. That means visitors that are looking specifically to buy what you are selling.

Common traffic methods like traffic exchanges, safelists, popup or popunder traffic, buying traffic and other methods provide visitors, however these visitors are not always looking for what you sell. In other words most of the time they are looking for something else. It means they will not buy from you.

There are many other reliable traffic generation methods, it is not just SEO. However SEO is one of the best methods and here are some reasons.

First of all you can get a ton of traffic, not little but a lot. You may require some time if your website is brand new to get rankings and start getting traffic. But once you get that first keyword ranked on top, you start getting rankings much faster and much easier.

It is because you get more link exchange requests. Search engines prefer old sites, instead of those brand new. Once you start making money you can invest to automate SEO completely.

So if it takes you two months to get that first keyword ranked on top, it will then take you a month to get three or four more at once. The experience alone and results motivate you to do more. There is another advantage.

If you just got the top position for a keyword such as free mouse traps it will be easier to get on top position the keyword mouse traps or cheap mouse traps. It is because you already have several backlinks with the anchor text mouse traps. If you have the top position for free mouse traps, you should have backlinks with that anchor text.

That is another benefit of choosing long tail keywords, which means keywords with multiple words.

The more backlinks you have the better. So after you get that first keyword ranked on top, while optimizing your site for the new keywords you already have a ton of backlinks. Your site is already established, not brand new. This all makes it easier to get high rankings again and again for new keywords.

So do not believe into what you hear that SEO takes long time, like six months or a year to get results. It all depends on how well you know SEO and how properly you follow SEO strategies. You need to learn SEO from a proven source, someone who can show you results. On the Internet there are many so called SEO experts and firms, who guarantee too good to be true results.

You should get on page one within two months, not a single day more. If it takes you three months you are doing something wrong or you can do something much better, or you are not applying some method correctly enough.. SEO can be fully automated and it can be your traffic generation machine day in day out. SEO alone is enough to give you enough traffic to make four, five or six figures income assuming your website copy and other elements are properly set as well.

There are keywords you can target once you get that experience and you have that extra more investment which can give you fifteen thousand visitors or more a day. Just from one keyword.

That alone should be a good reason to think about implementing SEO in your business as one of the main methods to get targeted traffic.

OutRankSmart brand new seo software to make automatic link exchanges. Karl Sultana's software is fully automatic, so even a 7 year old kid can use it.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

One of the most popular money making concepts on the internet today is Bum Marketing. When you first come across the term 'Bum Marketing' you are likely to be a little taken aback by the terminology. A quick Internet Search will let you in on the background and the concept behind this term - that it is a method of making money online so simple that the Author believes be can take a Bum off the street and have him earning money by the end of the week.

The 'Bum Method' really is that simple. You simply find a keyword that does not have a high level of competition, but attracts a reasonable number of searches. Write an article that is bound to appeal to the people searching for that term, and insert an affiliate link into the article before submitting it to article sites. Article sites are special content sites that accept submissions from many different authors and as a result of their high levels of updated content; they attract a huge amount of attention from the search engines. If someone clicks through your affiliate link and goes on to make a purchase, you get a commission for the sale. Even better, the article is out there for years after you complete it, meaning it could be earning you commissions well into the future!

To begin the process you need to find an affiliate program, and then find a word or key-phrase that is related to the product you are promoting. Selecting your keyword is important because you want to find one that people are searching for regularly, and that advertisers are using. Why look for one that advertisers are already using? The goal of a bum marketing article is to go straight to the top of the natural search engine results. The advertisers are paying money through Google Adwords to be listed at the top, so we know they are earning something back, but with a Bu marketing Article we can get on the first page for free! The lower the number of competing results, and the higher the number of ads the greater earning potential a BUM article has.

Once you have the keywords, it's time to write an article that will be noticed by the readers of ezine sites, and by the search engines. The key here is to have your article be rich in original content, and also provide value to those who read it. Tips tricks and insights are the most popular types of articles, and lead to a higher rate of click trough's. By making small changes to the way you do things you will strike on the formula that brings people back again and again for more sales.

Once your article is published on one of the more popular sites like ezinearticles.com or goarticles.com, you will find the amount of traffic to your website improves quickly. You may even find your article becomes syndicated, which will greatly increase the traffic through your back link.

Whether you use Bum Marketing as your only method of online marketing, whether you use it to test the waters in the online world, or whether you use it as a stepping stone to test your keywords before moving them to a pay-per-click campaign, Bum Marketing is a cheap and easy way to start your online earnings.

Well there you have it. A brief article, on bum marketing. How we use it to earn extra income. I trust you found something beneficial and/or informative to help you in your online ventures.

Walter Scheu Sr. Th. D. writes article reviews for and about products and/or services etc., which may be seen on the internet. He and his bride run a small family farm in North Carolina. This article is about a affiliate marketing and how they did it, and he knows these tips work well! Hopefully you have found this article informative as well as interesting and desire more information. Please follow this link: http://the-winning-affiliate-marketer.com

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Holding a title of SEO copywriter has often made me come across with people who are curious to know how my website gets ranked in Google & other search engines? Being in this profession for long and accepting challenges to explore the search engine process in detail, I often find it hard to describe such a vast procedure in brief. I believe in perfection and offering brief information that may not cover the substantial points on a topic is against my ethics. This may be one of the reasons that I never gave unsatisfactory answer despite being asked the same question multiple times.

However, this could not quench my thirst to offer accurate & influential information to those who are seeking it. Hence, I decided to write this article and provide detailed and valuable knowledge to those who aspire to make maximum out of their website. This article is a result of all my experience and expertise out into words. In my notion, this is a valuable scripture that would work as bible for those who want to promote their site without spending their hard earned money.

I am sure that certain things, considered important for promoting a website are known to most of you. These may include link building & website content. My expert advice for now is to focus on website content. I am not denying the fact that link building is important, but to achieve that, you may either opt for paid links or can go for link exchange program. However, being a professional, I never relied on these procedures and do not recommend the readers to follow them either. Purchasing link may make your wallet lighter by many dollars, and approaching for affiliate or link exchange program may harm you in future (but not always). The procedure may harm you when a site possessing your link and your site contain link of that site, get spammed or Panelized, you will get punished for the task youve accomplished. So, you have to be extra-vigilant.

The question that still remains unanswered for many who aspire to promote their website is how to achiever links? Well, I am not surprised here. You must have many times encountered with website such as wikipedia.com, howstuffworks.com etc. These sites may be well defined as digital encyclopedia offering tons of information on any topic under the sun.

Have you ever checked their link popularity? If not I would recommend you to check it once. What I want to elucidate here is that adding lot of content on your website, that would prove to be helpful for the visitors, try to educate visitor about your products/ services will certainly prove beneficial in the site promotion.

For instance, if you are selling security devices such as stun gun, nanny camera, hidden camera etc. Online, displaying products at a good resolution & listing features are not enough to promote your site. The key is to try it differently. You must have heard the famous phrase- winners dont do different things they do things differently. This is exactly what you have to take in to consideration.

The crux is to write informative articles related to your products. Read the examples given below on the topics you need to cover if writing for a website related to selling security products.
a) Home surveillance products- Why to choose them to protect the ones you love most.
b) Why home security has become so much important these days- can Nanny Cameras put you on ease?
c) Is your home really safe- A quick watch at spy cameras.

This was just an example. I would highly recommend my readers to focus on upgrading their website content on a regular basis and include as many articles possible. If you are successful in adding useful information on your site regularly, youve won the battle. Valuable information is very important to allure regular visitors to your website. People would visit your site to enlighten them with the knowledge you are spreading and chances are that many of these visitors would add your site in their favorite list. And hey! This is just the beginning of people starting to add your link to their site.

The result is, accumulation of valuable links, without losing your money. Sounds interesting, isnt it? Remember, the target will be achieved if the articles or site-content are clear, crispy & most importantly, informative. Indulge in article that would make a visitor glued to your site for long and make him curious to visit again & again. By now, you may be wondering about the strategies to adopt for writing an article that fits well into your website & make sense for the reader to read it!

How to write an article?

I have observed that most writers concentrate on penning down what they actually want to write in their articles. This may well satisfy the creativity and purpose of the writer, but this is not the most effective and recommended way to write an article.

The key to effective article writing is to concentrate on a topic that your targeted market is already interested in. a brief research will solve your query of the kind of article your targeted market is interested in. research is what I would recommend my readers to conduct prior to selecting a topic to write about. When conducting a research, you must try to visit forums that cover your targeted market. Observe to see what they are talking about & even looking for. The foolproof formula that works is to locate a problem and write an article that would fix it up easily, effectively and permanently (if possible!).

This kind of approach would manifest your devotion as a problem-fixer. It is simple! Help people resolve their problems and strengthen your credibility, resulting in profits that will soon follow.

How many times have you been lured to read the content of a site by the title of the article? I would say, most of the times for myself. Article title is equivalent to the attractive wrapper of a gift that lures a recipient to open it eventually. Cover the gift with a shabby-looking wrapper if you want to repel the recipient. Article Title

Choosing the title of your article will be one of the most prominent decisions that you will make, towards writing an article. This would also determine whether or not it would be read by your visitors.

The best thing to do is, to take your time and challenge your brain to produce a revolutionary title. My advice would be to choose a title for your article that is
Attention grabbing
Pleasant to read
Arouses curiosity and,
Offers an idea of what you want to say, in brief

Personally, when I choose a title for an article, I write down several, compare, scribble and eliminate some of them before I settle for one. My basic idea of choosing a title is to make it as accurate and exciting as possible. This doesnt come easily, as I spend some time to get the feel of word variations, & tweak the weak areas.

Once youve selected the perfect title for your article, its time to accomplish the main task; writing down the content.


I am quite surprised to find that most articles that visitors come across on websites today are nothing but sweetened versions of sales-pitch or material that is void of the required valuable information. Hence, readers are disappointed.

The basic Mantra is to understand, the reason a visitor would spend his valuable time & energy to read a 500-word article. The reason is the thirst for education. Enlighten your reader with knowledge and you will be amazed to achieve your targeted goal/goals!

A poorly written article would repel your reader. This may put adverse effect on your credibility & on any other article/articles that you plan to publish in future. Hence, write it the right way for the first time. Try to focus on optimal keyword phrase placement, while still engaging the target audience with clear, succinct copy. I would personally advocate my readers to conduct a research on keyword search popularity.

Dont ever settle for dry, corporate-sounding jargon that doesnt engage the reader & wont strengthen your relationship with them. Try to employ phrasing that speaks powerfully to your target audience.

As a professional, I target to achieve a fresh set of META tags & a search engine submission for each article I post. I also consider it necessary to see that every article is enriched with keyword & squeeze in a few extra keywords where appropriate. This boosts up my search engine ranking & generates some very targeted traffic.

Here, I would like to make you aware that there is a fine line between what search engines consider the natural occurrence of keyword stuffing. If your document is a good read that happens to be keyword rich, you stand a much better chance at having it appear on a search engine than if is an obvious attempt at search engine trickery.

I believe in posting my articles as stand alone web pages at my own site. This becomes easy for more webmasters easy access to my articles as well as attracting more traffic through the search engines.

Write structured content for your web content/article that tells the readers what they want to know. The effort must not be to overwhelm them with loads unnecessary information, but enriching your site with informative, compelling and accurate content to drive-in potential traffic to your site & converting visitors into clients.

Provide resource information to your reader and for this, you must attempt to offer URLs of various websites where the readers can have an easy access to rich information on the subject youve explained to them. It would be productive to offer good outgoing links from your website. This will result in improving the page rank of your website.

I am freelance writer, I have written on many fields that are under the sun. I have passion to play with words. Accuracy, clarity and impact are the hallmarks of my work.

I am not a Shakespeare, and dont have ability to convert imagination and thoughts into words, If I have to define myself in a few words, I would say I am a copywriter, I have good command over research, expertise to explore extensively and ability to prove that. I can write on any subject, from beauty to intellect, food to travel, paradise to Hades, flowers to nuclear bombs, rainbow to Tsunami, pen to sword, Britney sphere to Halen Keller, Tumors to Health and fitness, celibacy to Seduction. You can also find some of my articles at http://www.smanik.com and http://www.article-ghost-writer.com

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Are you in the mist of starting up your own business? If so, have you started thinking about how you will market that business?

Unfortunately, a large number of business owners wait until their business is up and running before they start thinking about marketing.

You are advised against doing this because it could be a costly mistake. Even if your business has yet to open to the general public, you may want to start searching for Internet marketing ideas, namely revolutionary Internet marketing ideas.

Revolutionary Internet marketing ideas; if you are wondering why you should be searching for them, you are not alone.

There are many individuals who wonder exactly what the difference is between traditional Internet marketing ideas and revolutionary ones.

As you likely already know, revolutionary is another word that is often used to describe something new.

Revolutionary Internet marketing ideas are ideas that are relatively new; often just developed.

As a new business owner, you can greatly benefit from finding and implementing revolutionary Internet marketing ideas. In fact, you may find that it ends up giving you an edge over the rest of your competition, which is something that you need when starting a new business.

When it comes to finding revolutionary Internet marketing ideas, there are many business owners, especially first time business owners, who are unsure how they can go about finding those ideas.

You do have a number of different options, but it may be best to use the Internet to your advantage. Online, often with a standard Internet search, you can find a number of resources that are just what you are looking for.

These resources are ones that you will provide you with new and updated information on Internet marketing, including strategies and ideas that you may want to try.

As previously mentioned, you may want to try a standard Internet search. When performing a standard Internet search, it may be best to search with the words "Internet marketing ideas", or "new marketing strategies".

Whichever search phrase you use, your Internet search is likely to produce a fairly large number of results. One of those results is likely to be websites that offer business marketing tips and suggestions.

In most cases, you will find that these websites are run by professionals or other business owners. What is nice about these types of websites is that the person giving the information has likely already implemented the strategy in question.

This is a great way to decide whether or not a particular idea is worth your time. If it worked for someone else, it might just work for you.

In addition to traditional websites, your Internet search may also come up with online business magazines or online business journals. These resources are just like printed ones, but they are found online instead.

Since most business magazines come out on a monthly basis, even some on a weekly basis, you are sure to get the latest information.

This is great if you are looking for relatively new Internet marketing ideas; ideas that not many business owners have had the chance to try.

There is also a chance that your Internet search will lead to the websites of individuals who claim to be Internet marketing specialists. Internet marketing specialists are ideal if you want to market your business, but you dont have the time do so.

You will find that most Internet marketing specialists use the latest Internet marketing ideas and strategies. In fact, doing so is what keeps them one step above their own competition.

As you can see, there are a number of different ways that the Internet can assist you with finding revolutionary Internet marketing ideas. Whether or not you choose to use those ideas is completely up to you, but at least you know where you can find them online.

You can get more quality informations in this 5-part minicourse "How To Formulate a successful Internet marketing strategy". http://www.revolutionarymarketingstrategies.com

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

There are many ways of link building techniques which provide good traffic and SERP results. Among them one of the most important techniques is through commenting in blogs. Commenting in blogs is an effective way to get most targeted traffic. Along with a link back from that blog, you will be getting traffic through that comment. Recently after Google considering the "nofollow" tag to reduce spamming, there has been a decrease in the commenting in blogs.

But actually there is an unknown fact that even though Google does not index links with "nofollow" tags, but the remaining search engines will consider links even with those tags. So it is really worth commenting in blogs even if they are with nofollow tags. But right now there are many blogs which are removing nofollow tag from their blogs. One main advantages of removing nofollow tag for web masters is, increase in the traffic stats and advantage with commentators is, they will be getting a back link which will be followed by search engines (including Google). So commenting is really a good way to develop long term traffic and page rank.

Here are some useful tips on how to get good results using commenting:-

1) Try to write comments regularly in blogs so that the blog owner will visit your link often.

2) Right now many blogs are using top commentators list which will provides top 5 commentators. Hence if you comment on same blogs often then you will come in top commentators list. Once you are in that list then you will be getting extra traffic.

3) Try to write useful comments which are 2 lines are more as some blogs use spam filter. So once you pass the spam filter then your comment will start giving traffic.

4) The more relevant the comment and useful the more traffic you will be getting to your link.

5) Try to find new blogs and mostly "DOFOLLOW" blogs as you will be getting some value for the link. If you are not sure where to find these blogs then there are some search engines which will provide these blogs.

6) There are many blogs with which are not popular but use top commentators. Hence if you find those blogs, then try to write just 5 to 10 comments each month and you can get a link in a home page.

7) Its is better if you write comments on the blogs that are related to your niche then you will be getting most targeted traffic which really convert most of the visits to sales (if you are an affiliate marketer).

There are some useful tips which are most important which actually help in website or blog development using comments. If you want to know more about these effective site development techniques then visit here.

I am a full time blogger who like to explore about new sites and new ways of earning money online. So, my blog, http://www.bucksfrominternet.com generally consists of complete resources on how to earn money online. Also my blog provide site development tips as we know that, the better your site with good traffic the more you can earn.