Low Cost Business

Monday, June 23, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

One of the most popular money making concepts on the internet today is Bum Marketing. When you first come across the term 'Bum Marketing' you are likely to be a little taken aback by the terminology. A quick Internet Search will let you in on the background and the concept behind this term - that it is a method of making money online so simple that the Author believes be can take a Bum off the street and have him earning money by the end of the week.

The 'Bum Method' really is that simple. You simply find a keyword that does not have a high level of competition, but attracts a reasonable number of searches. Write an article that is bound to appeal to the people searching for that term, and insert an affiliate link into the article before submitting it to article sites. Article sites are special content sites that accept submissions from many different authors and as a result of their high levels of updated content; they attract a huge amount of attention from the search engines. If someone clicks through your affiliate link and goes on to make a purchase, you get a commission for the sale. Even better, the article is out there for years after you complete it, meaning it could be earning you commissions well into the future!

To begin the process you need to find an affiliate program, and then find a word or key-phrase that is related to the product you are promoting. Selecting your keyword is important because you want to find one that people are searching for regularly, and that advertisers are using. Why look for one that advertisers are already using? The goal of a bum marketing article is to go straight to the top of the natural search engine results. The advertisers are paying money through Google Adwords to be listed at the top, so we know they are earning something back, but with a Bu marketing Article we can get on the first page for free! The lower the number of competing results, and the higher the number of ads the greater earning potential a BUM article has.

Once you have the keywords, it's time to write an article that will be noticed by the readers of ezine sites, and by the search engines. The key here is to have your article be rich in original content, and also provide value to those who read it. Tips tricks and insights are the most popular types of articles, and lead to a higher rate of click trough's. By making small changes to the way you do things you will strike on the formula that brings people back again and again for more sales.

Once your article is published on one of the more popular sites like ezinearticles.com or goarticles.com, you will find the amount of traffic to your website improves quickly. You may even find your article becomes syndicated, which will greatly increase the traffic through your back link.

Whether you use Bum Marketing as your only method of online marketing, whether you use it to test the waters in the online world, or whether you use it as a stepping stone to test your keywords before moving them to a pay-per-click campaign, Bum Marketing is a cheap and easy way to start your online earnings.

Well there you have it. A brief article, on bum marketing. How we use it to earn extra income. I trust you found something beneficial and/or informative to help you in your online ventures.

Walter Scheu Sr. Th. D. writes article reviews for and about products and/or services etc., which may be seen on the internet. He and his bride run a small family farm in North Carolina. This article is about a affiliate marketing and how they did it, and he knows these tips work well! Hopefully you have found this article informative as well as interesting and desire more information. Please follow this link: http://the-winning-affiliate-marketer.com


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