Low Cost Business

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

90% of webmasters are not marketing their websites correctly. They lose 1000's of visitors each month due to this. There are 3 secrets every webmaster must know in order to learn website marketing correctly. Check 'em out:

Secret 1 - Be a Focused Website

Most website marketers are aiming far too broad with their campaigns or keyword focus.

If your website is not focused on particular keywords, you won't get ranked in the search results of Google, and you won't be getting any free traffic. Choose 3 keywords you want your website to be ranked under. Then make sure that there are a couple pages with each keyword found 7-9 times on them. If you take this approach you're much more likely to get free SEO traffic, rather than pay for it.

Secret 2 - Value

A site without anything useful won't get any real traffic flow. In order to get some serious traffic, you have to have something worth while on your website. Help out your website's viewers by giving them something useful, like a free resource. If you are in the skateboard niche for example, offer free trick tips or videos. If you are helping people out, they will spread the word for you and your website will grow. It all takes time, but if you have something awesome, people will find you.

Secret 3 - Myspace.com

More and more webmasters are turning to Myspace as a marketing tool for their websites. The logistics of it is simple. Myspace has millions of users, and they are all organized into specific niches called Myspace Groups. If you can learn to leverage this powerful resource into traffic for your website, you will never pay for advertising again. The amount of traffic some users get to their profile is ridiculous. The key to achieving this is having a huge network of friends. The more Myspace friends you have, the more people that could be going to your website. Include links and banners on your profile so people click on them, rather than just a text link. And really help people out in the Groups, it will go a long way.

If your website isn't getting over a thousand unique visitors a day, you are missing out on your traffic potential. To take your website to the next level and get some serious traffic flow, Sign up for the free e-course at TrafficTactix.com It's totally free and has some serious info in there to take your website to the top of the search engines.


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