Low Cost Business

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Article Marketing Secrets

Article marketing is one of the easiest ways to generate quality, qualified traffic to your web site, and I want to share with you now some secrets of article marketing.

First off, before I get into any secrets of article marketing, let me explain what is not a secret: how article marketing works.

The basic premise with article marketing is that you write articles that are related to topics on your web site, and then you put links to your web site in those articles. You submit those articles to the various online article directories, and they publish your articles on their web pages.

So what are the secrets?

One more disclaimer these are not really secrets, but since almost nobody does these, then I assume most people dont know them. You see, the average person submits somewhere in the neighborhood of 7 articles. But the average fulltime article writer submits perhaps 20 or more per day. And you have to assume that article marketing works if people are willing to spend the time to write and submit 20+ articles per day, and call it a living.

Now the secrets.

1) You have to write more than 7 articles. If you write and submit correctly a lot of articles, people see your name online a lot, they run into your articles all over the web and they naturally assume that you are an expert. Who are you going to believe the guy with 1000+ articles, or the one with 4 articles?

2) The article directories that have high page ranks in the search engines can get your articles into the top ten spots for select keywords something that your puny little site can scarcely do. So when they get your article to a top ten spot, you get clicks from the articles. And the clicks are high quality, because they not only originated in a search engine, looking for you (higher quality than PPC) but they have read your article and have decided they want to know more from you. This is really high quality traffic.

3) Your own subscribers will develop more trust in you as they read your articles online. This will augment your web site, your email campaign, your sales campaign everything.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 900 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.


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