Low Cost Business

Friday, September 12, 2008

Nuts and Bolts of Traffic Building & Reciprocal Linking

The Internet, today, is not only a medium for communication or for gathering information, but also is a very viable industry that can help one to earn up to millions. However, for assuring success in web-based businesses, one needs to master a lot of things, the most important among them being effective Internet marketing.

Profit from your website, is directly related with the number of visitors to your website and it is here that reciprocal linking finds its optimal validity. When reciprocal linking is done properly, it can be a great source of website traffic. Reciprocal linking has to be done carefully to get the results that are desired, which will give you a big affiliate income in return, if you are able to manage your traffic properly.

Reciprocal linking is a type of linking in which two website owners exchange links on each other's websites. The aim of link exchanges is that the targeted traffic is directed to your website and vice versa. There are many people who think twice before they can put their competitor's website on their link page.

This should not be the case. Your competitor's website can be readily put on your website especially if you have a high Google page rank. You need to conduct a search on your Google for your key words and find the competitor with the number 1 ranking position. Check out their links page.

There will be other websites who will be sending them quality traffic. There will also be other reciprocal link partners for your website. Any website link is not the answer. The website links that are not relevant will not help you. Sticking to your website link is the answer.

The search engines have to be used properly and this is good way to get reciprocal link partners. You need to visit some top 10 or 20 websites on Google or Yahoo and do some research on their link partners. There are some other things that may be considered like good content, reports, e-books articles and other original material. There is the need to look for and stick to websites that stay within their 'niche'.

There is no need for the link partner that offers a host of things and no real substance to their website or business. These websites do not survive for too long on the Internet. You can also research reciprocal link partners through the Google and Alexa toolbars. Inside the toolbar you can get the ability to check the page rank the Google has a given to the potential link partner.

The website offers higher quality content and the more is the traffic the higher the page is ranked. A traffic rank of the potential link partner is shown by the Alexa toolbar. There are web pages on to your website where the links can be added manually.

A short form is filled up and it is submitted to the webmaster for consideration. You add their particulars to your site and the webmaster sends you an email that your link has been added. In some cases you may have to send reminder but the work is done.

Anyone with a Gaming or Casino site can request a Free Reciprocal Link Exchange and learn about Poker Chips at Poker Stars Direct. You may use this article but please leave bio & all links intact.

Search Engine Optimization Tips and Tricks

Search Engine Optimization, popularly known as SEO these days, is the process of improving your website so that it achieves a higher ranking in a search engine search result. It is one of the most practical and effective marketing strategies now. Knowing the tips and tricks of this aspect of internet technology can help you and your business succeed. The following are some useful tips.

Place navigational links in all web pages. You should allow a search engine to locate all your pages. Search engines look for html link tags. Therefore you should refrain from placing flash or JavaScript navigation links or images on your site.

Provide relevant content. Put as many appropriate and relevant contents as you can in order to have a higher chance at ranking better. People who search for products on a website do price comparisons and research first. So therefore you should include features and contents that will attract the searcher. Once the searcher is impressed, he/she will stick to your website and eventually buy your product.

Place keywords in your text. To improve your web site, you should employ keywords that are related to your field in all your text contents. This will enable search engine spiders to detect them thus giving your website a good chance at ranking higher. However you must not place excessive keywords. Doing so will just be a waste. What's important therefore is consistency and balance in using keywords.

Employ related words and phrases in Meta tags, titles, and headers. This will result in an extensive and consistent range of keywords in your website. More than any other aspect in your website, search engines give a lot of weight on page titles, text, and header meta tags.

Maintain a consistent order or sequence of your keywords. Shifting to another order or sequence of a term or phrase may affect the consistency and balance of your website and may lower your rank in a search engine.

Employ keywords in your file names. Always remember that this is a vital key also in achieving a higher rank in the search results. Use underscore between keywords. This will have a better chance of being detected by search engines. The keywords should best describe the contents of your webpage.
Use keywords in your links. In placing links in your website, use keywords that best describe the webpage link. This will enable the advanced search engines to detect the content of the link.

Submit your website to relevant and widely used sources. Yahoo.com, Zeal.com, and DMOZ.org are some of the most popular manually edited internet directories and are frequently used by widely known search engines such as AltaVista, LookSmart, Google, and Yahoo. Remember also to follow the submission rules of these internet directories to avoid being rejected.

Search engine optimization is the new trend in sales and marketing these days. Following the tricks and tips mentioned will make your website a top business or product site. Gone are the days when we had to spend big amounts on marketing and promoting our products.

Junaid Ashraf is a SEO Specialist and Freelance Website Designer who specializes in making search engine optimized websites. Read his seo blog at: http://www.junaid.biz/blog/

5 Surefire Traffic Building Strategies for Local Web Sites

Are you experiencing the typical doldrums that goes with owning a business website with no traffic? Youre not alone; the fact of the matter is that a large majority of websites are so under-visited that they might as well not exist.

Face it, a well designed website with all the bells and whistles, beautiful graphics and even pertinent information is not going to return its potential unless people see it. But how do you get people to see your site, especially if you are on a tight budget?

The good news is there are a number of highly effective ways to drive targeted traffic to your web site. Most of these can be implemented for little or no capital outlay, so the only expense that will be incurred is the time involved in developing and producing the strategy.

In my experience, the five best ways to drive traffic to your site are:

1. Article Writing: Writing pertinent articles that are keyword rich and relate to the central theme of your site, will eventually pay off big dividends. I set aside Wednesday mornings each week and do nothing but compose and upload articles, both to my site and to article directories that will distribute them all over the web. Be sure that when you write your article you include what is referred to as a signature box with links back to your website and a contact link.

2. Offline Website Promotion: Here is one thing that is so out of the box that almost nobody thinks about it. I send out postcards to a targeted audience, offering a free report that will help them solve a problem related to their business. The only thing on the postcard is a message about the report and the address to a webpage where, in exchange for their email address, they can download the report. This works great and I get a large response at a very low cost per visitor.

3. Pay Per Click: It used to be Pay Per Click ads were ultra cheap, usually pennies per click. Unfortunately, those days seem to be in the past. You can however, still find keywords that relate to your topic at a fairly inexpensive rate. Pay Per Click works better for businesses selling products or services that are considered to be high end or companies that have an ongoing relationship with customers. If you want to learn about how to set up and run a successful Pay Per Click campaign, I highly recommend reading anything written by Perry Marshall, who is undoubtedly the guru of Adwords.

4. Blogging: Today it is easy to set up a free blogging account and begin to post blogs all within the space of a hour or two. Blogging gives you the opportunity to write on just about any subject and post it to the web. Once you become familiar with the how you can move on to more advance features, like RSS feeds, tagging and pinging your posts. The cool thing about blogging is that it is instantaneous; your message is live immediately.

5. Link Exchanges: Most website owners never consider the possibilities of linking to companies that are not competitors but who offer services that would compliment theirs, and visa versa. Think of an accountant who could offer a link to a business consultant, and the business consultant who would do the same for the accountant. Both would be able to recommend needed services to their clients that they themselves do not provide, thus becoming a valuable resource.

There are literally dozens of other traffic building strategies for your website, all of which have their merits. However, these five seem to work the best for local companies in a local environment. Whatever way you choose make sure to do something; if only because inaction will be a sure fire route to failure on the web.

The author, Michael Simmons, owned his own business for 27 years before going into web marketing. He now specializes in optimizing the web presence for local businesses through website development. You can visit his website at http://www.gmsimmons.com He also utilizes video, developing web video ads thru http://www.proweb-video.com He can be emailed at mike@gmsimmons.com

What to Avoid With SEO Consulting to Make Money on the Internet

Most web site owners concentrate solely on promoting their own sites and increasing their reputation on the Internet. They try to find different ways of improving their search engine optimization, which basically means that they strive to improve the rank they receive from large and popular search engines. With an increase in your sites SEO and search engine rank, then you will be able to make money on the Internet.

There are many ways to be profitable with the help of the Internet, the most common one being the establishment of a personal web site and then concentrating on making it the best it can be. Even though focusing on your own sites affairs is the common trend in todays Internet society, some site owners have started to help other people with their own web sites. This new trend of online consulting has turned into another method for making money on the Internet.

Most new web site owners are looking for help on how to increase their sites rankings with large search engines on the Internet. This type of SEO consultation can sometimes help you make money on the Internet, but in reality there are many things that you need to avoid in order to truly be successful.

Creating a web site is a very personal process, in which the owner must incorporate a very creative feel and their own personality into the online business. An SEO consultant will usually experience difficulties in trying to get people to implement their own personalities into the creation of their personal web site. It is much easier to deal with your own web site because you have complete control and the best knowledge of your personality.

Another problem that many SEO consultants will have to deal with is the increasing amount of SEO programs that exist in the online world. Many of these new SEO programs are very easy to use and help people to increase their web sites popularity and ranking with search engines. You will have to compete with the intelligence and cheap cost of these programs as time goes on.

There is a recent program that was created called SEO Digger, which helps online business owners to see what keywords are looked up the most on the Internet. SEO Digger allows web page designers to search out certain keywords that will make a web site very popular amongst Internet users. When people use search engines to search for different things on the Internet, these keywords are stored and recorded into the SEO Digger program and can report the constant results to people who are registered with the software.

With the SEO Digger program, you can see what keywords are ranked the highest and then place those keywords on your web site. This can greatly enhance the effectiveness of your web site because the probability is that you will more than likely have an increase in people who visit your web site, which will ultimately help you make money on the Internet.

Court provides information about how to make money with the internet through his website: Court's Internet Marketing School.