Low Cost Business

Saturday, May 10, 2008

How To Write Articles Faster

When I first started writing articles I really battled to write good quality articles. I remember the first few articles that I wrote it took me days to write one article. You need to be very creative to write a good quality article that will be approved by an established article directory. The more practice that you get the better you will become. Now I can write a good quality article in as little as fifteen minutes. I would like to share with you some tips that will help you to write articles faster.

When I first start writing an article I first decide the audience I am writing the article for. So for example if I am targeting sales techniques for sales people I will think of a topic related to this. For example it could be how to solve a specific problem for example closing or the sales technique that I use that I find to be very effective.

The next step is to write the title. This is the most important step. You need to do keyword research and write your title with specific keywords in them to help your article to be found in search engines when you submit them to article directories. Also it is very important to have an attention grabbing headline as people are more likely to actually read your article.

After I have written the title I like to write the introduction and conclusion next. I then create bullet points. Consequently I expand on these bullet points. Finally I proof read my article and check it for grammar and spelling mistakes.

Once you learn the art of writing articles faster you will have a way to generate high quality free traffic that converts better than other sources of traffic. Imagine what will happen to your business if you wrote twenty articles a day.

Would you like to know more about the magical marketing techniques that have helped me to quit my day job? I have just completed my new guide.

Download it free here: Secrets Of Internet Marketing

Here's your chance to drive massive traffic to your web site: Secrets Of Article Marketing

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Article Marketing - My Private SEO Experiment

In this article I would like to go over some interesting things that I discovered from search engine optimization using article marketing.

For the purpose of this experiment I set up two web sites. One is a blog and another a lead capture page with a blog as well in a directory on the domain.

Now what has really been interesting is the following. The first few months my sites had virtually no rankings on Google. After about five months I started to notice search engine traffic from Google. A few months later there was a lot more traffic.

Analyzing the links pointing towards my web site I discovered the following. I had a lot of links pointing from the major article directories that have a very good page rank. Also as more web sites published my articles I got a lot of one way links to my web site.

Basically my web sites were beginning to rank well because of all the links that I was getting. Before I was doing article marketing I was submitting to directories. This can be very costly, but is a very quick way to get links. You just need to be sure that you only submit to a few directories a month because if you submit to many directories at once Google may discount the links.

I also use to do reciprocal linking. This use to work before. Unfortunately with the changes in the Google algorithm this is no longer effective because Google is trying to combat spam.

The valuable lesson that I learnt from article marketing is that you only need to write a lot of articles and submit them to the major article directories to get good search engine rankings.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Best Article Marketing - Announcing 5 Secrets to Excel At Article Marketing

Every website needs traffic to survive the stiff competition online. If you are a webmaster, you must understand that in order to keep your website alive, you need to draw targeted online users to your webpage. In line with this, you need to employ various marketing and traffic-generating techniques so you can augment the number of your online visitors. One of the best free online methods that you can use these days is article marketing. In this technique, you don't need to shell out money in promoting your website, just quality articles that will communicate your knowledge and expertise to your potential audience.

Here are the 5 secrets to excel in article marketing:

1. Set your objective. In article marketing, your main goal should be; direct your potential readers to your website so you can augment your traffic. You can easily do this by writing articles that talk about their pressing issues and presenting your website as solution to their existing problems.

2. Make your titles interesting and attention-grabbing. Treat your headlines as your baits so you can entice online users to read your articles. Make sure that your titles are well-written and communicate the gist of your copies.

3. Eliminate sales pitches on your articles. Save your promotional dialogues for your resource box and concentrate on giving your readers useful information so they will be enticed to visit your website.

4. Multiply the number of your articles. The number of your articles equate to the number of inbound links that you can get from publishing sites. Thus, if you want to excel in article marketing, you must increase the number of your articles from time to time.

5. Distribute your articles. Submit your articles only to publishing sites that have established readership so you can be assured of increased traffic.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Marketing - Discover 4 Amazing and Powerful Ways to Supercharge Your Article Marketing

A lot of webmasters, especially those who are just starting out, have limited marketing budget. But that doesn't mean that they cannot popularize their websites. With the advent of article marketing, a free and effective marketing tool, anyone can make a name online by just writing and distributing articles online.

1. Pick the best topics. In doing so, you must remember that your topics must be able to generate the interest and attention of your target market or those people who are most likely to buy from you. So, if you are selling golf equipments, you should write about golfing tips, world's famous golfers, upcoming tournaments, etc. These articles will surely attract those people who are playing or at least interested about golf - these are the people who you would like to drive to your website to augment your sales potential.

2. Widely distribute your articles. The effectiveness of your article marketing campaign lies on how many targeted people you are able to connect to. So, aside from article submission sites, you can also post your articles on your blog, social networking sites, social bookmarking sites, forums, or on your own website. You can also use them as newsletter content when you publish your ezine or compile them to create an ebook.

3. Be particular with your titles. Your articles, no matter how good they were written, will be ignored online if your titles are lousy. Improve your click through rate by using headlines that are attention-grabbing, enticing, direct to the point, intriguing, and keyword-rich.

4. Don't forget your potential audience. Always keep them in mind when writing your content and make sure that you design your articles to meet their needs and demands.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Want To Make Residual Income Online Time After Time?

So, who wants to make residual income online? (If you don't have your hand up in the air right now, call your family doctor, because you should. And you can be making residual income starting TODAY.)

By writing articles that are rich with the keywords that Google needs at the moment (think supply and demand here) then you run the very strong possibility of having that article find its way into the natural search results page.

For example, you write an article about "Alcohol Dependency Among Teens" because you've done you keyword research and this looks to be a ripe opportunity to do some writing. So far, great.

You then submit your article to ezinearticles.com one of the best directories in the eyes of Google (the biggest engine on the planet). So far, even better.

Now here's the fun part. Because ezine is so highly Page Ranked and because it has become one of the most prominent, if not THE most prominent article directoRy out there, Google places VERY HIGH values on the articles submitted here.

Google and the other engines then perform the searches actively looking for the content it needs. And if "Alcohol Dependency Among Teens" is something that they need (low supply) they will very quickly get your article up as a natural result!

So wait, I thought this article was about how to make residual income online. It is!

That article now 'lives' on that page of Google results. Depending on how popular that keyword is, thousands or tens of thousands of people will now be exposed to your article. That's repeated exposure. And repeated exposure is the pure definition of residual.

The income part of this equation happens in your resource box. That's where you very nicely invite people over to your site to read a review, or check out your latest and greatest.

Writing articles and mastering article marketing is one of the best ways to make residual income online. If there's a better, more natural way, I'd love to hear about it.

To learn, for free, how to harness the awesome power of article marketing so you can IMMEDIATELY start to make residual income online, visit http://www.become-a-copywriter/articlemarketing.html Be sure to download your FREE ebook on that page by scrolling to the bottom!