Low Cost Business

Saturday, June 7, 2008

3 Fast Track Methods To Magnetically Attract Subscribers To Your List!

Building a hugely profitable list is an art. You must consistently learn the ropes until you master this highly valuable skill online. There are various methods in which you can build a massive list and start creating automated income. Here are 3 of the best "fast track" methods to build a big list quickly:

1. Forum posts

Go to the biggest forums in your niche, sign up and start posting! Don't just post anything though. Post up highly useful content and don't forget to also include your URL in your signature. This will build your list on autopilot if you devote a little time to each day to making a few posts. Users will use the 'Search' feature in the forum and many will find your posts if you are one of the top forum posters.

2. Article marketing

Write informative articles on your niche and submit them to most high-trafficked article directories. This will truly build your list on complete autopilot as the forums will remain in circulation for years and ezine publishers and bloggers will grab your articles (which contain your URL link in the resource box) and publish them on their websites, giving your articles a highly viral element.

3. Coregistrations

This is the "secret weapon" of big name marketers. Coregistrations work in this way: when you sign up for a coregistration service, your site will be placed on a "rolling" list where your ad will appear on the Thank You pages of other websites who also use the coregistration service. This is big leverage power! You can build a list of thousands really fast using this method. Go do some coregistrations if you can, but watch your budget. This can be quite costly, so thread carefully and read up on coregistrations before venturing further into this lucrative way of building a list!

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to http://www.MurderYourJob.com to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Article Marketing - A Brief Scenario

To begin with, Article Marketing has increasingly assumed a lot of importance as an effective and indispensable SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategy. Seasoned Search Engine Optimizers are recommending as well as practicing this strategy extensively in order to promote the business interests of their clients. And they are not doing it as a matter of beating the line. They are actually creatively promoting their client's website, bringing in potential business and consequent optimized turnover.

Seriously speaking, the web marketers face a dare devil job of promoting a website out of a flood of other websites promoting identical products and services. The direct fall out of anonymity of a website is the flat defeat of its purpose, which is to make profit. The web presence of any website is largely determined by how the website fares in the SERPs (Search Engine Rank Pages) at Google, Yahoo, MSN and other search engines. The fact or rather the objective, in turn, emphasizes on quantity of quality inbound links to the website in question. And Article Marketing presents itself as a competent answer.

In Article Marketing, a website submits informative articles that revolve around the basic subject or business of the website. The articles contain a resource box which contains a short bio of the website and a link to the website. As the websites to which the articles are submitted, are basically established forums, blogs and e-magazines, they have their own faithful following of readers. Further, Google and other search engines search out these web articles for their informational value and closely matching keywords. These articles hit many birds in the bush with a single stone.

Article Marketing helps build up brand equity for the website, which is a domino effect of link popularity and high esteem enjoyed by the website as an expert. The articles serve as confidence building measures that reinforce the creditability and utility of the website in the minds of its customers and prospects. With strengthened publicity, the website gradually becomes a name to reckon with in the business sphere.

What's more, Article Marketing is incredibly economical in nature and has the least toll on the marketing budget of any website. To undertake article marketing, all the site needs to do is write quality articles on subjects relevant to the business of the website and submit these articles to maximum of web based forums, blogs and ezines. These websites are always seeking informative articles free of cost. Some of them may charge a nominal amount to further the articles to other forums/ blogs/ e-zines.

Article Marketing also saves the website from some major ordeals that are otherwise required by regular sales and marketing strategies. No website enjoys making cold calls or face-to-face sales appointments to sell their products and services. Article marketing comfortably rescues the websites from indulging into these hard-to-do marketing stunts, as well as, saves financial resources in the process.

As the option of article marketing is open to all, the quality of articles finally dictates the value of the articles and the magnitude of exposure. So, it is important to pay attention to the quality of content submitted through these articles. With consistency in quality of content, the website is able to establish itself as an expert author. This in itself translates the website getting maximum readers and that too instantly upon posting. Moreover, the overall reputation as an expert author adds prestige to the website's articles when they are submitted to various blogs, forums and ezines.

Jonathan White has been involved in article and other online marketing for over 4 years. He owns SimplySearch4it Articles Marketing Directory & AffiliateSeeking.com - Affiliate Programs Directory

Article Marketing - How to Write an Article When You Don't Have Time to Write an Article

Some days I feel like I just turn around and the day is gone. I dont think I have time to write, most days, but I some how do manage to write almost every day.

When I first get up in the morning, I find I have about twenty minutes before anyone else gets up, calls me, or figures out that they need my attention for whatever given topic they want me to do. Twenty minutes isnt long, so I have to get whatever Im going to do, done fast.

There are several methods of Article Writing Starting Processes that work well for me:

1. Start a list of topics

2. Add sub-topics under each topic

3. Add more topics and expand each sub-topic into more sub-topics

4. Write a paragraph about a topic.

5. Write down a quote about a topic.

6. Write down any thoughts on a given topic.

7. Write down a thought about where you got the topic idea.

All of these go into a single Document File, and I pull random ideas from the list, if Im stuck for a topic or writing idea. Beyond these, I use a spiral to jot down ideas when Im not at my computer. I have a small box by my computer where I put slips of paper that I list ideas and topics whenever Im not at the computer and dont have the spiral. Im always and forever, calling myself to leave a message --- TOPIC IDEA.

Literally, If I sat down and wrote constantly for two months, I dont think I could ever run out of ideas.

Once I have ideas, the writing goes fast:

1. Write a working Title

2. Ask a question.

3. Answer it with a referral to your article.

4. Write your specific format - tips, paragraphs, or thoughts.

5. Ask your reader if you can help them find an answer.

6. Write a quick referral and link to your site.

7. Copyright your article.

Youre done!

Are you ready to do something more with your articles?

Learn the Secret of putting articles into an Ebook Format and create Info Products for your website at http://ebookinfo.cn

2007 - Jan Verhoeff

Profitable Article Marketing - Announcing 4 Challenging Secrets to Grow Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is perhaps the easiest yet most powerful traffic-generating and marketing tool in this day and age. Millions of marketers and bloggers are using this technique not only to drive quality traffic to their websites but also to establish their knowledge and expertise on their chosen niche.

Here are the 4 challenging secrets to grow your article marketing:

1. Get the attention of online users - at all cost. By this, I mean be desperate for attention. You need to get more people to read your articles to increase their chances of being read and republished to effectively augment your quality inbound links. You can easily do this by using powerful and attention-grabbing titles that are direct to the point, keyword-rich, short, and communicate the benefits that your articles can offer.

2. Deliver new information. Steer clear from re-writing existing articles online and research for new topics that will interest your potential audience. Strive to give them something fresh or information that are seldom discussed on the web. This will add more value to your content that will boost your expert status online.

3. Write simply. If you want to easily create a name online, you need to make sure that you write to inform your readers and not to impress them. Forget your love for big words and strive to make it simple and easier for your readers to get the points you are trying to get across. Stick with simple terms and easy to understand writing format.

4. Take advantage of major article submission sites. Your goal in publishing your articles online is to give them enough exposure to effectively reach your target market. That is why, it is important that you carefully choose the publishing sites where you will post your articles. Stick with those which have great page ranking and steady traffic and don't waste your time on sites that are not even indexed by Google.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Lucrative Article Marketing - Announcing 5 Marvelous Secrets to Make Money with Article Marketing

Making money online cannot get easier these days. Thanks to the advent of article marketing, it is now hassle-free to drive qualified traffic to your website that can bring you great sales potential and increased revenue.

Here are the 5 marvelous secrets to make money with article marketing:

1. Offer high quality articles. This is the most important element of article marketing that you need to seriously consider to increase the chances of your articles being opened, read, and widely republished. Strive to offer your readers with not only valuable content but also with well-written articles that can give them great reading experience.

2. Be an expert. To succeed in this technique, you must be very knowledgeable on your chosen niche so you can easily share quality information with your readers. So, before you write and distribute your articles, make sure that you know the ins and outs of the niche that you are targeting. This can be done by keeping yourself abreast with the issues that are affecting your target niche and consistently doing research that can expand your knowledge.

3. Use a powerful resource box. If you want to easily convince your readers to check on your website, you must strive to make your resource box compelling and powerful. You can do this by using enticing elevator pitch and compelling call to action to easily move your readers to act on your favor. Don't forget to add your name, your website's URL, your expertise, and the problems that you solve to further convince online users to check on your website.

4. Don't place ad on your articles. When people open and read articles, they expect to get information that they can use in enriching their lives and they will not appreciate if you present them with sales letter-sounding article. This can easily annoy your readers and they will surely close your articles and move to the next one that can offer them what they are truly looking for.

5. Keep your articles short. If you have been in the internet for quite sometime, you already probably know that the audience you are serving have limited attention span and they do appreciate getting the information they need ASAP. Help them out by offering them short, concise, and brief articles. Avoid beating around the bush at all times and eliminate fillers from your content. Don't use lengthy introductions and just offer your information upfront.

Do you want to learn more about how I use article marketing to drive over 5194 unique visitors to my site each month?

Find out free here: article marketing traffic generation

Do you want to learn how I add over 1987 subscribers to my list each month? Discover my secret here: list building secrets

Do you want to learn how I generate over $15,347 online each month? Download this: Find out free here: How to Make 7 Figures Online

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,347 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Quick And Easy Steps To Getting Started With Article Marketing Part 1

You may ask yourself the reasons why you would want to start marketing your business using article marketing. For me the biggest reason is that article marketing creates leads of the best quality. Also these leads convert much better than leads from other sources.

Now let us look at the reasons why this may be the case. I think it is because the reader gets to know you through your articles. Chances are also that the reader may have read several of your articles before they clicked through to your web site. If you use traditional forms of advertising like ppc and ezine advertising you first need to establish trust and credibility with your subscriber. With article marketing this has already been established before you they have clicked on your website. Also the person visiting your website will be more receptive on a subsconscious level as you are not blatantly advertising, but merely informing and they are interested because you wrote something interesting.

The most crucial step in article marketing that you need to get right is that you need to select a niche market to focus on when writing your articles. The reason for this is primarily that you would like to choose a market small enough that a big company like Amazon would not care about. This allows a small home based internet business to be effective marketing a product that is not available in stores to this market where demand exceeds supply.

If there are already competitors in this market it will indicate that it is a profitable niche market. Chances are that there is still room for another competitor.

Here's your chance to drive massive traffic to your web site:

Download your free ebook here: Secrets Of Article Marketing

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.