Low Cost Business

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

How Can Article Marketing Increase Your Sales?

Article Marketing is by far one of the most effective methods of marketing your product, affiliate product or website. It is very easy to do and is also a free marketing method. This is a promotional method that can be used by anyone at any level of internet marketing can use.

The first thing that you need to do is find a product to promote. Then you will need to sit down and write articles relating to your niche. You do need to give your readers some good quality information otherwise they are not likely to follow your link back to your website.

You can easily research the internet or books to find information relating to your niche and you can even research the article directories themselves, just make sure that you never copy anything word for word, and always write your articles in your own words.

When submitting your articles to article directories you will have a resource box at the end of the article where you can write a little information about yourself and also include a link or two back to your product or website.

Before starting your articles you should do some keyword research and find a number of long tail keywords relating to your topic. For example if your niche is on 'dog training' then you will look for long tail keywords like 'dog behaviour training', 'dog obedience training' and 'dog house training'. When writing your articles you can then write one article for each long tail keyword that you have. It is good to have about 30 different keywords to write about.

By doing this you are increasing the number of views your articles will get by targeting these different keyword phrases.

So whether you are promoting your website, blog, affiliate product, or your own product you should see a significant increase in your sales by using Article Marketing.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at: http://www.mynetmarketingland.com/article-marketing/

Advanced Article Marketing Secrets - The Dilemma Between Long And Short Articles

I am sure that if you have been using article marketing for some time you would have come across long articles and also short articles. You may be considering which of the two to use.

This is my primary method of traffic generation and I have experimented with both methods. What I have traditionally found is that long articles take up so much space that the reader actually does not see my resource box. In the end he does not end up clicking through to my website and subscribing to my newsletter. So in the end it is very ineffective to build a list.

You may be wondering what to do if you were to have a long 1000 word article. I suggest that in this case you break it up into three parts of approximately 300 words each. Say for example your title is How To Write A Killer Resource Box you would include Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 at the end of the title for each article.

In some cases there may be a use for very long articles. Usually this type will have a lot of expert information condensed. So if you would like to brand your name on the internet you can write one of these and submit them to popular magazines that publish reader's articles for maximum exposure.

However, if you are thinking of building a successful internet business you need to seriously look at building your list and getting loyal customers who buy over and over from you as this is the best way of building a stable business.

I suggest that you focus on 250 to 350 word articles to build your responsive list.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Profitable Article Marketing - Uncover 4 Amazing New Methods to Supercharge Your Article Marketing

Technical skills and huge marketing budget are no longer the elements that can take your website's popularity to the next level. Today, when everybody craves for valuable information online, content-based marketing solutions are the best ways to promote your ebusiness, your expertise, and your ideas.

One of the best content-based marketing solutions today is article marketing. As you know, it is the process of writing and distributing articles to numerous avenues that include article submission sites, blogs, forums, and even websites to obtain quality inbound links to your own website. This can lead to increased page ranking, improve sales potential, and amazing profits.

1. Quality content. There are numerous elements that can make your article marketing a success. But the most crucial one is the quality of your content. Strive to give your readers useful, informative, fact-based, timely, and well-written articles. When you are able to incorporate all of these on your writing, you can be assured that your articles will be picked up and widely distributed online.

2. Optimize your articles. Keep SEO in mind while writing your content. Knowing how to use and position your keywords on your articles can help you secure better page ranking online.

3. Be consistent not only in delivering quality content but also in submitting your articles to publishing sites on a regular basis. This can tremendously strengthen your online presence and your credibility.

4. Make your resource box compelling. You would want readers to click on your resource box so you can drive them on your website. Make it powerful and convincing by either offering your potential clients incentives or communicating the benefits you can offer once they click on your website's URL.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Internet Marketing Tips - Making Choices - Something Else Entirely

In this installment of Making Choices, I'm going to cover the possibility of making a completely different choice and what needs to be done in order to do that. Sometimes it takes a lot of guts to say no to choice A and choice B but to go with something entirely different. This article will show you what to do so that you're not wandering around in the dark searching for a clue.

To illustrate this as clearly as possible, I'm going to take a specific example. It's always easier to work with something concrete.

Let's say that you're trying to decide between two autoresponder services. You've narrowed it down to Aweber and GetResponse. After doing all the research, you've decided that there are things about each of them that you're not thrilled with. So you decide to go with choice C, which is to install your own autoresponder script on your server. Okay, but you now have to consider the differences between going with an established service and running your own autoresponder script.

With a service, you pay a monthly fee. This is something that you don't have to do with a script you install yourself. You buy it and then it's yours. With a service, you're locked into whatever features the service gives you. With your own script, you can customize it the way you like. With a service, you don't have to worry about spam complaints. The service will take care of them for you. With your own script, your ISP will shut you down if you get too many of them.

Can you see what I've done and what's happened? By going with a totally different choice, I've changed the rules of the game itself. With your own script, as you can see, there are advantages and disadvantages, and I haven't even covered every little thing about autoresponders. The above is just the tip of the iceberg. The point is, by changing those rules, you have to look at things a whole different way. You're no longer restricted to the "features" of two autoresponder services. You are now opening up the subject to pros and cons that you normally wouldn't have when going with an outside service.

Sometimes making a completely different choice is the way to go. However, if you're going to do that, you need to make sure you examine details that you might not have had to examine had you just been choosing between A and B.

Yes, this stuff can get very complicated sometimes.

To YOUR Success,

Steven Wagenheim

Tired of busting your behind for peanuts online? Go to my web site and find out how I earn a monthly income that exceeds 5 figures and how I can help YOU do the same. Get your free report at http://www.mysecretarticles.com/report.html

Article Submission Mistake #1 - Focusing on Where Instead of How to Submit Your Articles

Confusion about the difference between where you submit your articles versus how you submit your articles is one of the biggest mistakes most article marketers make.

Where you submit your articles is what most people think of when they think of article submission. I look at article submission a little bit differently. To me article submission is how you submit your articles. Where you submit them is a sub-set of article marketing, article distribution.

In my mind, how you submit your articles is much more important than where. Now you can submit your articles to the best article directories EzineArticles and the other highly-ranked ones and thats great. I want you to do this.

But if you dont submit them well, it doesnt matter because theyre not going to get picked up as much, or you can submit them to any article directory and submit them well.

Many people will rush through the article submission process just wanting to get it done. This is huge mistake. You have spent all this time researching and writing your article, and it will not get picked up and used as much than if you took the time to submit your article well.

One of the article submission tips that will get your article picked up more often to using keywords and benefits in your title. Start with your keywords and then be sure to mention the benefits of reading your article.

Ex: "Article Marketing - How to Get Your Articles Picked Up More Often"

So article submission is how you submit your articles.

And now I would like to offer you free access to two of my Article Writing Templates. You can download them by going to http://www.GreatArticleMarketingBlog.com

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit http://www.TheArticleGuyTeleSeminars.com to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy & GreatArticleMarketingNetwork.com

How To Make Money Online By Knowing What You Are Worth

Salespeople are not paid for their ability to cold call. Anyone can pick up a phone, dial a random number and be told, "No." Salespeople are paid for their knowledge about how to turn that "no" into a "yes."

Expert witnesses get called in by lawyers because of what they know not because they can see the tire tracks in the mud. They understand what those tire tracks mean.

Everyone in a professional setting is paid for what they know and not what they do. You can do the same while you make money online. You are entitled to be compensated appropriately. The first thing you need to know when you want to do this is how to determine your worth. What are people getting paid and why are they getting paid that? Once you know the value of your knowledge then you can get "make money online."

Maybe you are worried that what you know is only worth $5.00 at the most. $5.00 does not seem like a lot of money nor does it even seem worth it. When looking at the bigger picture, however, it is much more appealing. 75% of Americans have access to the internet. If 1,000 people pay you $5.00 then you have made $5,000! If 10,000 people pay you $5.00 then you have made $50,000! And you can make that money online. All you have to do is know what you are worth.

Learning How to Make Money Online with Your Skills

We all have talents. Most people do not know the value of the wealth of information they hold in their minds. Do you have a knack for words? Are you really good with needlepoint? Are you a good craftsman or fly fisherman? Perhaps you are a hunter and you know the ins and outs of skinning game or tanning hides. All of those can be marketable skills. All of those can help you make money online.

There is nothing wrong or shameful about asking to be compensated for your knowledge. It took you time, effort and probably money to learn what you know and you have the right to ask to be compensated. Just because you want to make money online does not mean your services are less valuable than anyone else's services.

When we really think about it, don't we pay all professionals for what they know? Are administrative assistants paid for their ability to pick up a phone handset? No. They are paid for their ability to juggle twelve different tasks and make sure their boss knows the dry cleaning is picked up and Mr. Jones is the client who is allergic to peanuts. They are paid for what they know and how well they know it.

Making Money Online is not easy but if your taught correctly, a six to seven figure income is highly attainable.

Article Marketing - When Is Writing More Articles Detrimental To You?

Question - When is writing more articles detrimental to you?

Answer - When what you write is useless cr*p.

There seems to be a preponderance around article marketing sites that the more articles you write the better your return will be. Well, that may be the case if you are an Adsense marketer. However, what is the point of pumping out one useless, barren, valueless article after another if your intention is to get people to click through to your website? Quite simply, there is NONE!

There is a mathematical LAW that is called the "Multiplication Factor of Zero." Basically, what that means is that anything multiplied by zero is still zero. I have a saying that I use quite often which is: "Three fifths of five eighths of nothing is still nothing."

Pumping out dozens or even hundreds of poorly structured, grammatically incorrect, boring, useless, rubbishy articles will only hurt you in the long run. People will see your name and immediately peg you as a purveyor of junk and nonsense. Word gets out folks. Think about it. You probably already know the names of some people who have so completely bored you in the past with such mindless drivel that you wouldn't read another thing with their name on it in a pink fit.

So, having said all that, when is writing more articles beneficial to you?

Answer - when you become known for supplying good, solid information that people can use. The high views can then be used to click through to your website(s) for more information.

Look at your statistics. Are you getting a lot of views? Are you getting a decent click through rate? If you aren't then there is absolutely no point in writing more of the SAME articles because all you will achieve by that is getting more of the same with a greater volume. It will only be a waste of everybody's time - mostly yours.

By examining your statistics you can "tune" your articles for better results. When you keep doing this you will get more views and your click through rate will climb. Even better, you will develop a good name and people might even begin to search for your articles rather than run away from them whenever they see your name.

Research your statistics and give people more of what they want and you, too, will benefit from the exercise. Everybody will WIN!

Even though I have written quite a number of articles on this subject I don't have an Article Marketing website. I write these articles for education purposes only because I am sick of seeing junk. If you search on my name you will find the others. But I do have a wealth creation website. So, if you think that I have presented you with valuable information in this article and you want to know about how to make a lot more money and increase your personal wealth then, click HERE.