Low Cost Business

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Article Marketing - When Is Writing More Articles Detrimental To You?

Question - When is writing more articles detrimental to you?

Answer - When what you write is useless cr*p.

There seems to be a preponderance around article marketing sites that the more articles you write the better your return will be. Well, that may be the case if you are an Adsense marketer. However, what is the point of pumping out one useless, barren, valueless article after another if your intention is to get people to click through to your website? Quite simply, there is NONE!

There is a mathematical LAW that is called the "Multiplication Factor of Zero." Basically, what that means is that anything multiplied by zero is still zero. I have a saying that I use quite often which is: "Three fifths of five eighths of nothing is still nothing."

Pumping out dozens or even hundreds of poorly structured, grammatically incorrect, boring, useless, rubbishy articles will only hurt you in the long run. People will see your name and immediately peg you as a purveyor of junk and nonsense. Word gets out folks. Think about it. You probably already know the names of some people who have so completely bored you in the past with such mindless drivel that you wouldn't read another thing with their name on it in a pink fit.

So, having said all that, when is writing more articles beneficial to you?

Answer - when you become known for supplying good, solid information that people can use. The high views can then be used to click through to your website(s) for more information.

Look at your statistics. Are you getting a lot of views? Are you getting a decent click through rate? If you aren't then there is absolutely no point in writing more of the SAME articles because all you will achieve by that is getting more of the same with a greater volume. It will only be a waste of everybody's time - mostly yours.

By examining your statistics you can "tune" your articles for better results. When you keep doing this you will get more views and your click through rate will climb. Even better, you will develop a good name and people might even begin to search for your articles rather than run away from them whenever they see your name.

Research your statistics and give people more of what they want and you, too, will benefit from the exercise. Everybody will WIN!

Even though I have written quite a number of articles on this subject I don't have an Article Marketing website. I write these articles for education purposes only because I am sick of seeing junk. If you search on my name you will find the others. But I do have a wealth creation website. So, if you think that I have presented you with valuable information in this article and you want to know about how to make a lot more money and increase your personal wealth then, click HERE.


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