Low Cost Business

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

List Building - 5 Simple Ways to Explode Your Mailing List on Autopilot

One of the biggest problems facing email marketers is the list attrition rate. To be successful in email marketing, it is important to get more leads than unsubscribes to maintain a low attrition rate. If you want to learn how to get 100 or more subscribers per day to your mailing list, read about these 5 simple ways to explode your mailing list on autopilot:

1. Get your squeeze page link out there on high-trafficked forums. Forums are some of the most visited places on the Internet. However, you don't want to flood the forums with spammy sales messages advertising your squeeze page. What you want to do instead is create an attractive signature file that has your link, then post informative stuff on the forums. Post replies and create compelling threads to get more exposure for your signature file.

2. Set up an article marketing machine and hire a few writers to write articles for you so you can send them out article directories and bring in the traffic. They are great if you have them in numbers around online.

3. Set up an affiliate program with Clickbank or PayDotCom. You can reward people who send you subscribers by giving them a commission for your one-time offer that you place after visitors subscribe on your squeeze page. This is one of the best ways to explode your list on autopilot.

4. Set up ad swaps with other email marketers who have a list. What happens is you promote their offer to your list, and they reciprocate by promoting your squeeze page to their list. This way, you both gain quickly!

5. Participate in a few Internet marketing giveaways as a contributor. Then promote the event using your referral link on launch day. This is a great way to leverage on the efforts of others and grow a gigantic list!

Fabian Tan is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the author of the popular 45-page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to http://www.MurderYourJob.com to get your FREE copy now before its gone!

One Way Link Building is Your Ticket to Top Google Rank

The best online business is the one that will demand little of your time and leave you with high profits. Affiliate marketing definitely remains one of the best options, and article marketing -along with an automatic article submitter- the weapon of choice when it comes to one way link building.

If you are familiar with article marketing, you are well aware of its importance within today's online marketing strategies. A great number of article directories are highly regarded by Google, so they can provide you with a huge Google boost through one way link building, ultimately creating the best online business (one that ranks first in Google and goes on autopilot).

In order to get actual results from article marketing as part your online marketing strategies and achieve significant one way link building, you need to submit your articles to at least 400 article directories. Indeed, this strategy will help you develop the best online business you can imagine, but you have to go for the big numbers, and an automatic article submitter is definitely the answer to achieve massive one way link building and high Google rank.

Doing this by hand is possible, but it will take about 8-10 minutes per article-per directory, so without an automatic article submitter article marketing can turn into a real pain that will do little for your online marketing strategies and will not render any significant one way link building.

Do the math: one article marketing campaign comprised of 6 articles means 10 minutes x 6 articles x 400 directories = 2400 minutes (40 hours) of your time, whereas an automatic article submitter will do it in just 1-2 hours; that means more one way link building per minute and time to develop more important areas of your online marketing strategies. Time efficiency is the best online business.

Therefore, an automatic article submitter is a must in order to achieve significant one way link building, which is what will ultimately deliver a high Google rank and a big kick in your quest to create the best online business. Indeed, considering that the best online business is the one that will claim less time and render more profits, and that article marketing is an essential part of any successful set of online marketing strategies, you simply can't go on with any online marketing effort without and automatic article submitter that ensures massive one way link building.

In fact, I'd dare to say any set of online marketing strategies involving article marketing should not even be considered if you don't have the help on an automatic article submitter. Creating the best online business is simply a matter of smart and time efficient choices, so whatever you do make sure you achieve massive one way link building by including an automatic article submitter within your online marketing strategies portfolio.

Gain Free access to this useful tool at: http://www.makequickmoney.info