Low Cost Business

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Targeted Article Marketing - Announcing 4 Practical Ways to Make Money with Article Marketing

With the advent of article marketing, making money online cannot get easier these days. If you have the knack for writing, you can use this marketing tool to augment your traffic that can lead to increased online revenue. You can also write and distribute your articles to sell more products if you are engaged in affiliate marketing.

1. Article submission sites. You have to make sure that each article you write conforms to the rules set by publishers to increase their chances of being posted online. Here are the quick tips to easily win the hearts of publishers: Your articles must be keyword-rich, informative, useful to your target market, content-rich, well-written, short, scannable, and interesting. Articles that meet all the mentioned elements will surely dominate the online arena.

2. Write. Write. Write. One of your objectives in writing and distributing your articles is to make your online presence felt. You can easily do that by writing numerous articles and continuously striving to augment the number of your output.

3. Search engines. In writing your articles, it is not enough that your content is useful and valuable to your target market. Your content will be useless if your potential clients cannot find your articles online. Make your articles search-engine friendly by sprinkling generous amount of keywords and search terms on your content. Don't forget to follow the appropriate keyword density too if you don't want to be penalized for keyword abuse.

4. Target market. There are so many considerations that you need to keep in mind when writing your content but you should put your target market on top of your priority list. Why? These are the people to whom you are writing your articles for and they are the ones who can ultimately help you realized your article marketing goals.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Profitable Real Estate Internet Marketing

More and more people are turning to the Internet to find local resources. At the top of the list is the search for real estate and agents.

The experts predict the next wave of the Internet will be local marketing. Currently the real estate industry is leading the way with estimated online marketing expenditures exceeding $1 billions for 2005. That amount is expected to grow substantially over the next few years.

There are those realtors who have figured out how to successfully market online, and are reaping the rewards. What are those rewards? A source of new customers at a much lower cost per acquisition.

As a realtor here are some facts that you simply cant ignore:

More then half (56 percent) of all consumers now use the Internet when buying real estate, which is up from 28 percent in 2000. When asked where they first learned about the home they purchased, 24% of buyers identified the Internet. That is an increase from 15% in 2004.

Buyers who initially do their research online tend to be better informed. Equipped with their knowledge gathered from the Internet, they spend significantly less time with their realtor, and preview fewer houses then traditional buyers. In other words, you get an ideal buyer that requires less of your time and resources in making a purchase.

What is required to profit on the Internet?

In addition to having a functional and effective web site, realtors need to aggressively market their business on the Internet. You must have a presence where your customers are searching.

One of the most effective methods for marketing online is Pay Per Click advertising. The two major players of PPC are Google and Yahoo. It works as follows:

1. A person searches on a keyword or phrase like, Evanston Illinois Real Estate.

2. As an advertiser you bid for ad positioning on that term (1st, 2nd, 3rd position, etc). Obviously you bid on terms that are relevant to your business and would be used by potential real estate buyers in your area. There is no limit to the number of keywords or phrases that you can bid on.

3. When the search results appear your ad is displayed at the top or right hand side of the page. These ads are often referred to as "Sponsored" links. If a person clicks on your ad and goes to your site, you pay a price per click that you designated. The appeal of PPC is that you control your costs by specifying a cost per click and a daily expenditure. In addition, you are only paying for performance. You only pay when there is a click to your site.

What makes PPC so appealing is the fact that it is so targeted. If you select the right terms to bid on, you end up with prospects coming to your site that are actively pursuing your services. That is the primarily reason it is much more cost-effective than offline advertising.

I recently set up a PPC campaign for a realtor in my area. It took a couple of hours. The Google ads went live immediately, and the Yahoo ads started two days later. In about a week I got a call from the Realtor. She said, "I dont know what you did, but we are suddenly swamped with leads." It is that simple if done right.

Fred Waters is co-founder of the Local Online Marketing Association, where you can get the Free Ebook, The Indispensable Guide to Local Online Marketing. Learn how your real estate business can profit on the Internet.

Productive Article Marketing - Latest 5 Profitable Steps to Grow Your Article Marketing

Numerous webmasters have unleashed the power of article marketing not only in generating enormous traffic to their site but also bringing in targeted, interested visitors for increased profit. If you have been using this technique but haven't gotten its maximum benefits yet, you might be doing something wrong or you might be missing killer secrets. In this article, I will present the latest profitable steps that can help you grow your article marketing to improve your search engine ranking.

a. Provide useful information. The only reason why online users will pay attention to your articles is because they would like to get valuable information. So, in writing your articles be sure that you offer new information that hasn't been or are rarely discussed. It would also help if your contents are timely, relevant to your target market, and above all, useful.

b. Keep your articles short, simple, and easy to understand. Remember, your main objective in writing articles is to showcase your expertise so your potential clients will trust you. If you are using complicated words and never-ending sentences and paragraphs, chances are, you will not succeed in getting your message across. If you want your articles to be read, you have to make sure that they are short, concise, and easy on the eyes.

c. Make your titles work for you. Give you readers a reason to read your articles. How? By simply communicating with them the benefits they can get through your titles.

d. Pick the best article directories. There are hundreds of article directories online but few have huge, steady traffic. Focus your efforts on these article submission sites (which includes ezinearticles and goarticles) to give your articles the maximum exposure.

e. Hire some help. Marketing your articles is serious business. It can be tedious and time-consuming. It would help if you can get someone to write or submit your articles for you on a regular basis. Just make sure that the people who will help you are knowledgeable and reliable.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Marketing - The #1 Use For Using Article Marketing

If you're looking for a great free advertising source then look no further than article marketing.

Article marketing is the best way you are going to find for free advertising.

Not only is article marketing a great no cost way of promoting a product or service but there's another benefit that shouldn't be over looked.

You also brand yourself as an expert in your field or topic that your article is about.

To make the most out of your article marketing efforts you should make your articles between 250-500 words long.

Fill your articles with great useful content.

Make sure your article is stuffed with a solution to a problem your reader can relate to.

Like the article you are reading right now is giving you the best ways to use article marketing for maximum results.

Don't try to sell anything within the article itself.

You do the selling in your resource box at the end of your article.

Your resource box is nothing more than an eye catching advertisement for your product or service.

You should make your resource box ad compelling enough to make the reader click to your website so you can either sell them a product or collect their name and email address for future follow up.

Once you have your article written, spell checked, and ready to go, you will want to submit it to an article directory.

One of the best directories is http://ezinearticles.com

You will want to write and submit at least 1 article per day for the best results when using article marketing.

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