Low Cost Business

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A Remarkably Simple And Effective Way To Build A High Converting Squeeze Page!

If you want to be profitable online, you need to have your own squeeze pages working for your on autopilot. By capturing your visitor's name and email address, you increase the chances of developing a strong relationship. Later on, your subscriber will trust you and buy your products.

What is a squeeze page?

Basically, a squeeze page (also known as opt-in page) is a simple landing page. The goal of your squeeze page is to convert your website visitors into subscribers.

You shouldn't distract your visitors by giving them to much to do. In fact, you only need the following elements to increase your online profits.

1. The Powerful Attention Grabbing Headline

When a visitor stumble on your website, you want to immediately grab his attention before he thinks about leaving. Your headline is the ad for the rest of your page.

Here are some proven headlines. Just complete them with your customers need:

"Discover How To..."
"How To..."
"The Truth About..."

2. Powerful bullet points

Those bullet points are going to close the visitor. In fact, these bullet points are several headlines. You just add five or six bullet point to let the reader know what he is going to receive if he gives you his email address.

You can take the same example I just gave you above.

Be sure to add those words:

"A quick and easy way to..."
"A proven technique to improve..."
"How to avoid..."

These work very well as bullet points.

3. Your money making opt-in form

The optin form can be at the bottom of the page, but be sure your to make it stand out. Your visitor should be able to find your optin box in less than five seconds.

In fact, it's even better if he doesn't have to scroll down to see the page. Your conversion rates will be higher if you follow this advice.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at: http://www.mynetmarketingland.com/article-marketing/

Article Marketing For Profit - Some Places Where You Can Sell Your Writings

Today, there are dozens of places where you can sell your articles. Typically these resources will fit into one of three categories. Depending on your writing style, how quickly you want to make money, and how much you want to make, one venue may work better than another. Without fail, as you develop better writing skills, you will be able to command higher rates no matter what market you choose.

First, you can purchase a market directory, such as Writer's Digest. This is ideal for writers that want to follow a traditional path to paper based publication. Unfortunately, if you have not sold articles before, or are new to the business of writing, it may be very difficult to break in. On the other hand, once you do make a sale, you can expect upwards of $30.00 per article. You may also want to try ezine publications. While they may not pay as much, they will give you some much needed name recognition.

Second, you may want to try offering your services at various freelance work sites. Typically, the articles you write will be designed based on customer specifications. You will also be working as a ghost writer, meaning that your name will never appear in conjunction with the article. Typically, you will be lucky if you get paid $2.00 to $5.00 per article at the beginning.

Irregardless of which method you choose, you should be able to make a decent living. Depending on sales volume, you may even want to work with both markets, and see if you can duplicate success in both places. One thing is for certain, you will always be learning something new, and enjoying the benefit of working on your own.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to http://www.MurderYourJob.com to get your free copy now before it's gone!