Low Cost Business

Monday, June 9, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article marketing service is what you need to market your articles. Article marketing is important for you as a money-making netizen as well as for any business. Article marketing helps in building a customer base and traffic to your website as well as helps to increase your overall business brand.

Article marketing services provided by different websites and directories are available all over the Internet. Article marketing net will spread your articles to more and more websites and directories around the world.

Advertising article marketing will help you to spread your ads among your target audience. It will ensure that you get the maximum output from your advertising effort at the lowest cost.

What type of articles should you write or have written to promote through article marketing services?

Write niche marketing articles, which are necessary to attract customers from different niches to your website. These niche marketing articles are the base for improved, efficient, and effective niche marketing strategies.

Article marketing web sites are necessary for you to send your articles across the Internet to different audiences and different target markets. They will help you to spread your articles among your prospects.

Internet marketing articles for small business can help other small business owners. Many of them are not aware of the power of internet marketing today. Many of them do not know how to do it. Internet marketing articles for small business will immensely help them.

Only original articles should be used for article marketing. Infringement of copyright or plagiarism will destroy your reputation and will land you in legal problems. Websites that market articles publish original articles only. So, use only original articles for this purpose.

Also write marketing strategy articles, strategic marketing articles, internet marketing articles and other articles which will help other people. Such articles are mostly encouraged by the article marketing services. Then only, you can have a loyal reader base which may convert to your loyal customer base. After all, it is an immutable law of the universe that in giving we open the door to receive.

ArticlesInMyInbox is the world's premier original content marketing articles service provider and your unfair advantage in creating original articles,search engine optimized for top placement in Google, in order to secure the search engine daily visits to your website as being listed #1 in your niche for all of your niche's most searched keyterms and phrases. Also, your customers will be pre-screened before coming to your website because they have just read an article that targets them to what you provide and have decided to click on the link in your resource box to take the next step. To make your next step the next level for your business by putting the professional team of writers at ArticlesInMyInbox to work for you, just visit http://www.ArticlesInMyInbox.com

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Providing quality content to your readers is golden and article marketing has been a proven marketing method many times over.

Writing informative articles is not the only way that article marketing will help your business:

1. Free Content

As for me I blog a lot, run several sites and coming up with posts seems impossible some days.

That's when I start to research articles that closely match my sites niche and use them as blog posts.

Email the author of the article and let them know you used their content including a link directly to their article.

2. Newsletters

Use articles to send out in newsletters.

Again I sometimes come up short with ideas for newsletters or would rather delegate the writing to someone else.

Keep your readers engaged by sending out regular newsletters with quality information and articles.

3. Start Your Own Article Directory

There are several ways that you can start your own article directory and one kickback is to make money from advertisements.

If you like your site more personalized you can hire a web designer to create one for you if you don't know how to already.

Search for free software or customizable templates that are actual article directory that you can create.

You can do what I do because I'm big on blogging so I made a mini directory as a part of one of my marketing blogs: Urban Writ

4. Ad Copy

An attention getting article can be used in web or print advertising. Post the article as a teaser and let readers know that they can find 'more information like this' at your website.

5. E-Zines

Search for articles that contain valuable content that your readers can appreciate. Instead of contacting the author to offer a guest spot use a series of their articles over a period of time.

Hidden Perks

Other benefits of using pre-written articles is the use of key phrases. A well written article may rank high for search engines and bring your web site to front page.

Sending the authors some traffic for work they have already done may get you some return traffic from their site.

Readers have the opportunity to deviate from your site by clicking the links in the resource box of the article. Keep in mind the time saved writing can be used to build your business instead.

Check out some of the latest information on blog marketing and Web 2.0 for your business at the Blogs That Make Money Website!

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

The way to make money working online is to simply find a viral way to spread your message about whatever it is that you are selling online. That is really all you need to do.

Many folks do not realize it but the World Wide Web is a natural when it comes to viral marketing. Don't forget that the web itself grew out of viral marketing. You don't recall seeing any TV or newspaper ads urging folks to get online do you? Fascinatingly if you carefully examine the history of every successful web business, the story is the same. They grew virally with their message spreading rapidly all over the web like some deadly virus that has gone out of control.

It really does not matter what kind of business you are doing, you will need to find a way to package your main message in such a way that it can easily be passed along by your happy customers. If you can go further and offer some incentives of some sort for others to spread your message the better and more effective the whole viral marketing campaign will be.

But first things first. There are a few golden rules that you will have to observe to ensure that your viral marketing is viable and will help make you money working online.

Before You Start Working, Choose Your Make Money Online Business Carefully

You will need to select your home business opportunity idea with a lot of care. No amount of viral marketing expertise will work with a product or service that nobody wants. If you are joining an existing opportunity then ensure that you do a lot of research before signing up to ascertain that it is a viable business and that there is a demand for the products.

Viral Marketing Is Not Instant

Another very important point to bear in mind is the fact that viral marketing is NOT instant. You will need to be patient while sticking to your well thought out plan. The big mistake many home based entrepreneurs make is to give up too quickly and too early. You will require lots of patience to make money working online using viral marketing techniques.

In Conclusion

Viral marketing techniques are ideal in building any home business opportunity. All one needs to do is to stick to the basics and to be prepared to learn as they go along. Actually there is no marketing weapon that is more effective for anybody determined enough to make money working online.

You will find many more interesting traffic generation ideas at my make money online web site, http://www.capitalistnow.com

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

People go online mostly to find information that can be useful and relevant to their lives. They usually access article submission sites as these are goldmines of free and informative articles. When they find an article that is very informative, useful, and well-written, they are most likely to bookmark it or find its writer. They click on the article's resource box to access the author's website giving it increased traffic. This is how article marketing works. As an online entrepreneur, it could be your best traffic generating tool as it can drive online users to your website without the need to spend a single dime.

1. Wow your readers. By this, I simply mean learn how to please them. This is an effective way to drive them to your website. Make sure that your articles contain all the information they need and that they are well-written, interesting to read, and engaging. Give them all the reasons to trust you so they will eventually consider doing business with you. Showcase your expertise through your content and be very generous in sharing trade secrets, techniques, and tips that they cannot find elsewhere.

2. Make your articles easy to understand. Avoid using offbeat acronyms that only few people can understand. Steer clear from using big words that can only cause confusion and strive to use short but effective sentences. Remember, your objective is to inform and not to impress.

3. Write numerous articles. To be successful in this field, you must never be contented with the number of your articles and submissions. Strive to write more by spending more time writing or by producing short articles that are quicker to write. You can also hire ghostwriters who can give you quality content for a fee.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

What is Web site CONTENT? Why is Web site CONTENT so important?

Content is the foundation of a Web site. Content is what gives one the opportunity to show the visitor that your Web site is worth visiting again. Without content you cannot connect with your visitor and without valuable content the loss of your visitor is inevitable, who will never return.

On the home page which is your index page, you will tell your visitor what your Web site is all about and what it have to offer them. Example..."On this site you will discover how to and you will learn toand we will reveal or provide . The home page is the introduction to what it is you have to offer them.

Let the visitor know on the home page what to expect from your site and what it have to offer them in valuable information. .....Remember, visitors want to, learn something, discover something or have you reveal or provide something. They are looking for you to solve a problem they have...So keep these words in mind ( learn, discover, reveal, and provide) when writing content.

You wont really reveal any information on the first page other then what to expect from your site. The actual information your will "reveal/provide" or they will "learn or discover" will be on other pages. The home page is what information you are offering your visitor in your Web site that will solve a problem for them Do not try to sell anything on your home page. Your home page is just an introduction.

Make the visitor feel you are an expert in the field of your topic by having such valuable information on your web site. This is what keeps visitors coming back and passing your site on to others to read. Build a relationship with the visitor with great valuable content. When the visitor feels they can trust you, they then are easily lead in the direction you want them to go, as to a recommended site which will be one of your affiliates or a product you are selling. This will start a long term relationship which is what you are trying to establish.

When writing your content, ask yourself who is my targeted customer:

young, middle-aged, or senior?

predominantly male or female?

financially secure or budget-minded?

Keep your customer in mind when writing your content. If your targeted customer is young and you want to sell them a Britney Spears poster, you are not going to mention Guy Lombardo. If your targeted customer is predominantly woman you are not going to mention sports. If your targeted visitor is budget minded dont mention Sax Fifth Avenue.

As you write, always, remember....

.....your Content must serve

1) your visitor (deliver good content)

2) the Search Engines (Search Engine Optimization-SEO)

You have "two masters" to please, The human one (The visitor) The inhuman one (The Search Engine)

Optimization!! People are always asking how to do this. Trying to explain Search Engine Optimization goes something like this.

"One important factor is the keywords in the right position within your content also the length of the page title ... Another factor is meta tags (even though many feel this is not important any more) provides information such as page description, picture titles, keyword lists. Some engines ignore these tags and some dont. Having your keyword in the title name is important but if your title name is too long, .it may be ignored. Body text is most important also, the first 150 to 250 characters are most critical. This is where your major keywords should appear 3 times and no more. If you over do, you may be ignored.

And on it goes. The more you try to explain web site optimization, the more confusing it can become.

So in other words Optimization means giving the search engine what it wants..Great valuable content ( for the visitor and the search engine). Position the keywords in the right place

1. In the domain name

2. In the title

3. In the body of the content 3 times.

Do not over do the keywords or you may be ignored.

About the author and for more marketing tips and tools, please visit June Hollisters website Online Business and while you are there, click on the Free Downloads tab to the download center, "the best collection of FREE online business tutorial written by Ken Evoy founder of SBI."

Article Marketing Service-Helping Other Businesses Opens the Door For Business Success!

Article marketing service is what you need to market your articles. Article marketing is important for you as a money-making netizen as well as for any business. Article marketing helps in building a customer base and traffic to your website as well as helps to increase your overall business brand.

Article marketing services provided by different websites and directories are available all over the Internet. Article marketing net will spread your articles to more and more websites and directories around the world.

Advertising article marketing will help you to spread your ads among your target audience. It will ensure that you get the maximum output from your advertising effort at the lowest cost.

What type of articles should you write or have written to promote through article marketing services?

Write niche marketing articles, which are necessary to attract customers from different niches to your website. These niche marketing articles are the base for improved, efficient, and effective niche marketing strategies.

Article marketing web sites are necessary for you to send your articles across the Internet to different audiences and different target markets. They will help you to spread your articles among your prospects.

Internet marketing articles for small business can help other small business owners. Many of them are not aware of the power of internet marketing today. Many of them do not know how to do it. Internet marketing articles for small business will immensely help them.

Only original articles should be used for article marketing. Infringement of copyright or plagiarism will destroy your reputation and will land you in legal problems. Websites that market articles publish original articles only. So, use only original articles for this purpose.

Also write marketing strategy articles, strategic marketing articles, internet marketing articles and other articles which will help other people. Such articles are mostly encouraged by the article marketing services. Then only, you can have a loyal reader base which may convert to your loyal customer base. After all, it is an immutable law of the universe that in giving we open the door to receive.

ArticlesInMyInbox is the world's premier original content marketing articles service provider and your unfair advantage in creating original articles,search engine optimized for top placement in Google, in order to secure the search engine daily visits to your website as being listed #1 in your niche for all of your niche's most searched keyterms and phrases. Also, your customers will be pre-screened before coming to your website because they have just read an article that targets them to what you provide and have decided to click on the link in your resource box to take the next step. To make your next step the next level for your business by putting the professional team of writers at ArticlesInMyInbox to work for you, just visit http://www.ArticlesInMyInbox.com