Low Cost Business

Monday, June 9, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

What is Web site CONTENT? Why is Web site CONTENT so important?

Content is the foundation of a Web site. Content is what gives one the opportunity to show the visitor that your Web site is worth visiting again. Without content you cannot connect with your visitor and without valuable content the loss of your visitor is inevitable, who will never return.

On the home page which is your index page, you will tell your visitor what your Web site is all about and what it have to offer them. Example..."On this site you will discover how to and you will learn toand we will reveal or provide . The home page is the introduction to what it is you have to offer them.

Let the visitor know on the home page what to expect from your site and what it have to offer them in valuable information. .....Remember, visitors want to, learn something, discover something or have you reveal or provide something. They are looking for you to solve a problem they have...So keep these words in mind ( learn, discover, reveal, and provide) when writing content.

You wont really reveal any information on the first page other then what to expect from your site. The actual information your will "reveal/provide" or they will "learn or discover" will be on other pages. The home page is what information you are offering your visitor in your Web site that will solve a problem for them Do not try to sell anything on your home page. Your home page is just an introduction.

Make the visitor feel you are an expert in the field of your topic by having such valuable information on your web site. This is what keeps visitors coming back and passing your site on to others to read. Build a relationship with the visitor with great valuable content. When the visitor feels they can trust you, they then are easily lead in the direction you want them to go, as to a recommended site which will be one of your affiliates or a product you are selling. This will start a long term relationship which is what you are trying to establish.

When writing your content, ask yourself who is my targeted customer:

young, middle-aged, or senior?

predominantly male or female?

financially secure or budget-minded?

Keep your customer in mind when writing your content. If your targeted customer is young and you want to sell them a Britney Spears poster, you are not going to mention Guy Lombardo. If your targeted customer is predominantly woman you are not going to mention sports. If your targeted visitor is budget minded dont mention Sax Fifth Avenue.

As you write, always, remember....

.....your Content must serve

1) your visitor (deliver good content)

2) the Search Engines (Search Engine Optimization-SEO)

You have "two masters" to please, The human one (The visitor) The inhuman one (The Search Engine)

Optimization!! People are always asking how to do this. Trying to explain Search Engine Optimization goes something like this.

"One important factor is the keywords in the right position within your content also the length of the page title ... Another factor is meta tags (even though many feel this is not important any more) provides information such as page description, picture titles, keyword lists. Some engines ignore these tags and some dont. Having your keyword in the title name is important but if your title name is too long, .it may be ignored. Body text is most important also, the first 150 to 250 characters are most critical. This is where your major keywords should appear 3 times and no more. If you over do, you may be ignored.

And on it goes. The more you try to explain web site optimization, the more confusing it can become.

So in other words Optimization means giving the search engine what it wants..Great valuable content ( for the visitor and the search engine). Position the keywords in the right place

1. In the domain name

2. In the title

3. In the body of the content 3 times.

Do not over do the keywords or you may be ignored.

About the author and for more marketing tips and tools, please visit June Hollisters website Online Business and while you are there, click on the Free Downloads tab to the download center, "the best collection of FREE online business tutorial written by Ken Evoy founder of SBI."


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