Low Cost Business

Friday, June 6, 2008

Article Marketing the Quick and Easy Way

There are many budding writers in the Internet and they are lucky that in this day and age, they can get their point across quickly and easily. However, it is unfortunate that now they have to compete with millions just like them and that makes the probability of their articles being read drop down the marketability scale. So how can they possibly increase the potential of being recognized? Easy: employ the right tactics.

Tip number one: create a catchy title followed by a short summary of the article. The catchy title is self-explanatory; after all, would anyone choose to read About This Action Movie over something that goes like The Best Kickass Flick of the 21st Century!? Another point is that if the article has more than eight paragraphs, it is better to inform readers first of the content in three to four sentences. Since everything in the world being provided faster and more efficient now, net users are also getting more impatient, too so better give them a preview immediately.

The second tip is to ask people to review the article upon its release ask friends and critics. Dont fall for the trap of having everyone praise the article because people will know that you are bluffing, so make things realistic. More people are interested to read things which other people also know this is true both in internet articles and published books. So dont be afraid to accept rejection and praise because these build good writers into better ones.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Lucrative Article Marketing - Revealed - 6 Turbo Ways to Make Money Through Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the best ways to make money online. This is the perfect marketing solution to promote your products and services while establishing your expertise on your chosen niche all at the same time.

1. The first element that you need to take into consideration in order to succeed in this technique is the quality of your articles. You would want your articles to be picked up and republished by other online users to generate additional inbound links and strengthen your online presence. That can only happen if your articles are well-written and content rich.

2. You also need to consider the quantity of your output. The number of your inbound links largely depends on the number of your articles. The more articles you write and submit, the better your chances of connecting to your target market.

3. Keep SEO in mind when writing your articles. Your articles, no matter how good they are, will be left unread if they are not optimized. Strive to make your articles keyword-rich so they can easily be indexed by search engines.

4. Your articles must be useful. The information that you include on your articles must either resolve the pressing issues of your target market or increase their knowledge about their areas of interest.

5. Write about topics that are closely related to your offerings. If you would like to drive targeted traffic to your website, you better write about topics that are relevant to your products and services. If you are selling garments, articles about shoes or bags will not drive potential clients to your website.

6. Submit your articles to highly visited article submission sites. Submit your articles to sites that have impressive page ranking. These sites can help you realize your article marketing goals as they can give your articles the kind of exposure they need.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

The Key To Creating Valuable Keywords

There are a few things your have to have in order to really pull people into your website. The number one thing you need to do is come up with a list of relevant keywords that will bring you and potential customers together. A couple of questions you need to get answers to are: What is the subject matter of your business? What are the sub-categories?

The best way to decide these answers is to simply set down and start making a list. Don't worry about thinking up the perfect words yet, just include everything you can think of that has to do with your subject. Let's say my website is a coin collectors site. The subject matter for the site would be 'collectors.' Without stressing out about it, I would take a pen and paper and begin writing down anything I could think of that would work with it, for instance, coin, antique, hobby, and so on. The point is to make the list as long as you can.

You may be looking at your list now thinking 'Great, I have my keywords,' Sorry, but not yet. You have created a list of keywords, but they are not the ones you will use on your site. It is at this crucial step that most sites blow it. What you have before you is a list of subjects, not keywords. To really take it to the next step and reach your target audience, you need to identify the keyword phrases your potential customers are searching for within these subjects. Don't get frustrated, lucky for you it is a fairly easy process.

Word Tracker is a program that will take you from frustrated and guessing to relaxed and the perfect keyword list. It is a program that allows you to analyze a subject matter to find out every phrase a potential client may be using in searches for that particular subject. So how does word tracker make your life easier? Simply put, it does the work for you, and it does it well. For $8 you can get access to the program for two days. Once you have tried it out you may want to invest in a year's subscription. Whatever you may choose, you will find that the phrases and words that Word tracker comes up with will be a perfect for your subject matter.

Jason Pearson is an online marketing expert who wants to share his secrets with the world. To find out more...

Click Here To Discover More About Jason Pearson

The Art of Listening-Visualization Marketing Strategies

The art of listening...
The art of hearing not speaking...

The art of visualization...

All important assets in online endeavors today.

The timely art of listening is fast becoming unknown in today's society. The fast-paced and hurried life of most people leaves a little to be desired.

Does this timely art pertain to the internet marketer of today? Of course! One must get past one's own chattering mind to be able to really listen to the needs of potential customers.

The personal agenda of the modern day marketer must be quieted in order to hear the wants and needs of the people. The internet is no exception to the rule. Appealing to people, being interested in what that person is trying to say, assisting that person with their own business, is the significant role in relationship marketing.

Rule of the day...blatant advertising is dead...let is rest!

Gone are the days when the marketer would blast out emails by the millions, (emails are not being delivered, or are being deleted) shouting out to the internet the products and services offered..."buy mine...want to make money online...make you rich in a week...the list goes on.

Those days are gone...thank God!

A new paradigm shift is transforming on the internet today. Relationship marketing is taking precedence over blatant, "catchy" titles...people just want credible, reliable information about how they can run a successful business.

WebTrafficConnection is built on that principle. The principle of listening to the needs of the professional marketer, the principle of doing business fairly and honestly on the internet, the business of getting people the legitimate traffic to their website that they desperately need.

Listening to the needs of people is no different on the net than face to face. Once marketers begin conducting their business in that.

Butch Hamilton is an accomplished SEO|SEM Specialist. His area of expertise lies in the ability to successfully promote individuals, as well as large company's websites on the internet. Top ranking positions are a daily occrrence for Mr. Hamilton.

Mr. Hamilton is a SEO trainer for the Veretekk system. He has been with the system and learned how to effectively use that knowledge in promoting on the internet.

Butch Hamilton is also the chief marketing official for Brevard Business Networking & Hosting Inc., located in Satellite Beach, Fl. Rick Stout, owner of the corporation and Mr. Hamilton work closely in the massive internet marketing system known as WebTrafficConnection. He is a trainer for the WTC system as well.

Article Marketing - Latest 5 Challenging Steps to Energize Your Article Marketing

A lot of online entrepreneurs and marketers have made article marketing as their primary marketing tool because of one, simple obvious reason: it delivers! It can easily drive quality traffic to your website, help you position yourself as a key person in your chosen industry, and increase your sales potential and online profits in no time.

Here are the latest 5 challenging steps to energize your article marketing:

1. Optimize your content. Learn how to please various search engines so they will properly index your articles. This can be done by identifying the keywords that play crucial roles in your target niche and using them all throughout your content. You must also be familiar with appropriate keyword density so you will not be tagged as a keyword abuser or spammer.

2. Your articles must be easy to understand. Don't leave your readers puzzled or wondering what you are trying to get across after they have read your articles. They must be able to understand your ideas by just reading your articles once so you will not waste their time. Avoid using offbeat acronyms or unfamiliar terms all throughout your content. Instead, stick with simple terms that are usually being used by your readers so they can easily understand your message.

3. Make each word work for you. Make sure that all the words you use in your content can help you educate your readers or make them understand your points. If any of the words do not serve this purpose, they are considered fillers and they must be removed from your articles to make them concise and direct to the point.

4. Use anchor texts on your resource box. Based on researches and various studies, people online respond better to anchor texts compare to absolute URLs because they are usually based on relevant keywords that readers can easily identify with. Take advantage of this and use up to two anchor texts on your resource box to easily increase your conversion rate.

5. Insert a powerful call to action on your resource box. Direct your readers to act on your favor by learning the art of persuasion. Do you want them to visit your website, sign-up on your email marketing list, or fill-up a survey for you? Whatever it is that you would like them to do for you, communicate it directly by using powerful words that can evoke action.

Do you want to learn more about how I use article marketing techniques, and list building methods to generate over $15,347 per month online?

Find out free here: How to Make 5 Figures Online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.