Low Cost Business

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Did you know that your thoughts and intentions play a big part in your success in 2008? Not only that, but what you choose to focus on determines what you'll attract?

This article describes the Law of Attraction and why it's so important to master this Law. By learning how to implement the Law of Attraction you'll be able to create your Ideal Income In 2008.

The 5 steps:

Step 1: Get clear on what you don't want.

It sounds strange doesn't it to focus on what you don't want? However, that's what most of us do all the time, unconsciously. In my 30 years of empowering people to reach their goals, I have discovered that most people are focusing on what they don't want . So, for example, if they have a pile of bills, they'll focus on their pile of bills and their lack of money. What do they get? More of what they are focusing on.

Step 2: Get clear on what you do want.

For everything that you don't want, ask yourself, "So what do I want?" By doing that, you are sending signals to your conscious and subconscious mind to bring you more of what you do want. If money is your concern and there is a big contrast between the money you have and the money you want, put your focus on the money you want.

Step 3: Create your desire statement.

So after you begin focusing on what you do want, write a paragraph describing what you desire. If it's about money, then write out a Desire statement describing you Ideal Money Situation, as if it were happening right now. For example, "I now have an abundance of prosperity. Every month there is more coming in than going out. I am happily buying what I need and I have money left over......" and so forth.

Step 4: Clear your beliefs.

What would block you from manifesting the prosperity that you want? When I ask my clients that question, I usually get answers like, "I don't deserve it". "No one in my family makes that amount of money." "If I have that money everyone will want some of it and I'll never know if people like me or they like my money." "I don't' have what it takes to succeed at that level".

So what self-limiting beliefs do you have? What stops you from having your ideal income? What self sabotaging strategies do you use?

Step 5: Allow it to come to you.

In other words, suspend all doubt and just trust that you'll be guided into inspired action. By following your hunches and keeping your focus on what you want, you become increasingly magnetic.

A tip: Read your desire statement each day out loud and feel what it feels like to have it. Really allow your self to experience it so that you magnetize it to you.

With her 30 years of psychological expertise, Dr. Maya Bailey specializes in helping Real Estate Professionals who want more clients, more free time, and a better lifestyle to create confidence, a positive mindset, and a step-by-step blueprint for success.

For specific ways to "master your psychology" about getting clients and growing your business, and your personalized step-by-step success blueprint, visit http://www.90daystomoreclients.com to receive your FREE special report and "audio mentoring session": 7 Simple Strategies to More Clients in 90 Days. To contact Dr. Maya Bailey, call 707-799-5412 or visit http://www.90daystomoreclients.com

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story because of the way your articles reach humans who have an interest in them. Article Marketing will help you increase your link popularity, search engine positioning for your keywords and phrases, and it helps you reach more potential customers for your products or services.

When it boils down to it, return on investment is what you are looking for when investing in this area. How much does it cost, what will you get on the day and most importantly what return will you get from the activities after the day of the event?

To ensure that you get a good return on your investment, it's important to choose carefully. A lot of money spent on the wrong type of team event will be a waste and equally not enough money spent may also prove pointless.

So how do you go about deciding which is the right form for your company? Firstly decide what your objectives are. Ultimately your objectives will normally include increased profitability for your company and the link between bottom line profit margins and team building may seem initially a little vague but there is a strong link between the two.

The second question has to be what is stopping you from achieving increased profitability? It could be that everyone seems happy enough, that there is no immediate issue that you can pinpoint. It may be that you have a high turnover of staff, poor communication or low morale. This is when a tangible link between increased profitability and team building can be seen.

By selecting the right team building activity to address the issue that is stopping you from achieving increased profitability, you can see a direct return on investment. It may not be instantly obvious to you which type of team activity will address your issues, 's when talking to a professional and experienced team building company is essential.

It's then that you can outline your teams backgrounds, your objectives and what budget you have to work towards. It's then that the team building company can suggest effective and productive team building solutions for your company.

Effective team building doesn't have to be all about building a raft and getting across water, of course it can be if you'd like but as our business environment has become more sophisticated then so has team building solutions.

You have to capture their imagination, you have to engage them, to entertain them and to motivate them, make them feel that the event you have organised is worth them missing office time for and to do that you have to offer them an experience with a difference.

Team activities with a difference can span a huge range from cost effective options to top end, money's no object budgets. To the majority of clients, a budget has to be stuck to, so you need to have an activity that is tailored towards your team, a little company personalisation will go a long way into reinforcing your group that you have arranged this event for them, they will feel valued and part of a caring team.

It's also vital that you include everyone, you are always going to get people on holiday or simply can't make it but do your research and pick an optimum time to suit everyone. It should go without saying but a good team is lead from the top and so therefore it makes sense to have your key members of management present.

All too often senior managers will be busy working rather than concentrating on their most important asset - their team!

So does team building offer a good return on investment? If you follow our advice, this could give you the best return on investment that you've ever seen!

Shaun Parker has been at the forefront of the corporate events industry bringing the latest in team building and conference events to the public. For more information visit http://www.accolade-corporate-events.com

Online marketing starts with your website

Internet marketing allows you to reach a global audience. Internet marketing is marketing your business online. Online marketing starts with your website; make sure it???s attractive and easy to use. When they need information, modern-day consumers turn first to the Internet. All of your online marketing will make sure they will find

In marketing where articles are utilized, the most impacting to the potential clients is the article material itself. It is therefore a necessity to come up with an article that you know will create a positive impact to your expected readers and from there market and promote whatever it is that you want to advertise. Below are some of the amazing discoveries on how you can come up with an effective article marketing:

1. When creating an article, always think about how potential readers would perceive your writing. This means that you need to anticipate in the future the initial reactions of these people. You will clearly understand this when you are able to put yourself into their position.

2. In writing, it is always advised that you avoid the usage of unnecessary foreign expressions like Latin expressions such as et al., and e.g. These expressions can basically confuse the readers. The usage of such expressions in article writing may be allowed when you know in general the kinds of people who will be reading your material, although even when this is given, a little restriction is still imposed in the usage of such.

3. Know when to use and avoid technical jargons. These terms are specifically designed for types of people with a special set of skills. The usage of such terms on your article can bring confusion to your others readers who are not very familiar with the terms.

4. Eliminate any gaps in the presentation of logic. Every idea that you are presenting should be built logically on the preceding ideas. Readers should not be left hanging and begins to ask questions.

5. Always make use of concrete words and phrases rather than too generalized ones. This will make it a lot easier for your potential readers to have a clear grasp on what you are pointing at.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story because of the way your articles reach humans who have an interest in them. Article Marketing will help you increase your link popularity, search engine positioning for your keywords and phrases, and it helps you reach more potential customers for your products or services.

If you've been feeling like Tom Cruise climbing up the side of some remote jagged mountain in the blazing hot sun and concerned you're facing "mission impossible", chances are you own a web site.

Adding to the intense thrill of web site ownership are keyword comparisons and bidding for good keyword positions in search engines. You might hire a search engine optimization specialist who can track elusive algorithm clues and is unfazed by page rank drama. Your programmers and designers insist they get along. The marketing department actually believes deadlines are met. The new bank account is waiting for fresh revenue. And oh yes, it's assumed someone will come looking for your web site and wants to use it.

You did build it for them, right?

For every search result, there is the possibility that:

a. The engine will display a description that makes sense. Or not.

b. The page the search engine refers to does what the description said it would do and is about what the search engine said it would cover. Or not.

Your SEO/SEM, if you hired a good one, helped you write your title tag statement and Meta page description and structured it so it makes sense in SERPs (search engine results pages).

Your Usability professional, if you hired one, evaluated the page to make sure it would meet customer expectations and convince visitors there are other hot pages inside the web site to look at too. Without call to action prompts, well displayed, logically labeled navigation links and credible content, the chance of someone remaining on that page is pretty slim.

Says Gordon Hotchkiss, President and CEO of Enquiro Search Solutions, Inc., in a recent Search Day article written by Shari Thurow, called Creating Compelling Search Engine Ads and Landing Pages, "Once searchers arrive on your landing pages, you have 13.2 seconds to convince visitors that they are on the right site."

Impossible Mission?

Had enough of web page abandonment? Are those cost per click fees putting you further in credit card debt and not producing any bang for your buck? Which part of "understand your web site visitor" didn't make it to the drawing board?

I know this is hard. You're not a mind reader. Unless you have access to costly studies and data about who to build your web site for and their computer usage habits, chances are you simply wanted a web site and hoped people would find it and use it. By incorporating the skills and expertise of an SEO/SEM along with a user centered design specialist, you will not be wastefully tossing your web site off the search engine cliff. Rather, your adoring fans will clamor up the cliff to get to it.

Sometimes a web designer is also trained in these fields or is partnered with people who are. This is something to consider when shopping around for web site assistance.

Here are some things to keep in mind when studying your web site. You can also ask your team to consider these points.

1. What happens after your site reaches top rank? It's lonely up there, if nobody notices your page or understands the page description. How effective is high rank? Do people really click on "sponsored" pages vs. natural results?

2. Pay attention to inside "landing" pages. Optimize them for easy indexing and point visitors to your homepage, sale products or free stuff.

3. Be wise about what you invest. Every cost per click must be productive. If not, a usability web site review can locate roadblocks.

4. It's about the user experience. Really. It's a common habit for web site owners to create the site for themselves based on what they like and want. When you receive a complaint, consider it a favor. Yes, some people are mean and critical. But, enhancements are improvements that sometimes benefit a lot of people, and you too, in the long run.

5. Don't settle for minimum effort. One of your goals is to reach potential customers and readers. Your optimized pages reach people looking for them. Your user centered pages reach people wanting to use them and will refer them to friends.

6. Your competition does it better. Not by packing hidden keywords and buying links, but by carefully targeting keywords, providing cleverly written content and delivering user centered design.

7. Think sustainability. If you plan on your web site being around for a while, make this a checkpoint for every future decision related to your site. If someone has an idea that won't impact the long-term sustainability of the site, the site may disappear out of sheer user boredom. And search do engines notice.

8. Understanding your visitors and customers allows for more creative keyword combinations. Put a feedback form on your web site. Ask them how they found your web site. Ask them what keywords they used. Ask them why they came or what they wanted to find. Ask them if they found what they were looking for and if not, provide room for comments so they can explain what happened. This information is a gold mine for you.

9. Never mislead your visitors. Be accurate with what you say a site or page is about. Search results relevancy establishes trust from the start.

10. The elegance of action. The act of landing on a relevant, accurate, persuasive, interesting page leads to the fluid, unencumbered desire to know more and click deeper. Aim for this.

Do not drop your web site over the search engine cliff without considering the usability effect. Design it to be productive and user centered. This will pay off in many ways. Remember your original requirements and goals and trace back every dollar you spend to meeting them. Marketing efforts are strengthened when you make your visitors feel welcome, informed and productive once they arrive at your web site.

Usability Consultant, Kimberly Krause Berg, is the owner of http://www.UsabilityEffect.com, http://www.Cre8pc.com & http://www.Cre8asiteForums.com Her background in organic search engine optimization, combined with web site usability consulting, offers unique insight into web site development.

Copyright 2004 Cre8pc.com

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Marketing Abunza does not require any special education, nor does it require any previous success. In fact, internet marketing has taken on a whole new identity over the past year and will continue to evolve in the future. Successful marketing of the Abunza program can easily be accomplished by using resources that are all around us. Social websites and the like are extremely effective ways to generate traffic and sales.

In fact, there are people who have gone from home business losers, who couldn't even earn their money back, to top earners in a program by using nothing more than web 2.0 strategies and "real" internet marketing tactics, of which almost all are free! Abunza is no exception.

Abunza marketing simply requires that you learn not only what these marketing resources are (because you've probably already heard of most), rather, how to use them and tie them together.

Here are some great ways that you will pump up your marketing and generate laser targeted ready to buy prospects for you.

First of all, just know that most people confuse marketing with advertising. Advertising is very one dimensional and short-term. Marketing is long-term and creates a relationship between you and your audience.

Using these methods, sales conversions increase because your prospects WANT to work with you. They are not replying to an add, they are chasing you!

The secret to marketing Abunza for success is YOU. You may be thinking, that doesn't make any sense...it"s about the product, the business, whatever. How can I be the marketing secret? It's simple. The business sells itself. But, how do you think top earners become top earners? Well, just ask yourself this, "why should someone join you over someone else?" People will join you because of what you have to share and give them.

Robert Morris has taken Internet Marketing to the next level.

Find out more about his Training is Company and Techniques at the following sites. You can find his official site by clicking here.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Here are a few design failures that may call for an informational page solution:

Graphics Without HTML

Since search engines can't optically recognize text contained within graphics, they have nothing to index when they encounter a Web site entirely made up of graphics instead of HTML. Therefore, the Web site receives no rankings. In such a case, a Web site designer might construct an informational page to address any of the important keyword phrases that the site covers, and then link the visitor to the other areas of the Web site that the search engine could not index.

Not Enough Text

Here is one place where the saying "less is more" doesn't necessarily apply. Unfortunately, search engines need a reasonable amount of text to analyze to determine the content of a Web page. If you only throw 10 or 20 words into the mix, your site is unlikely to be a winner in the rankings. Some search engines have even stated that they won't index Web pages containing less than 250 words of copy (sometimes more, sometimes less). One thing you can do is construct your informational pages to cover various topics in more detail and link to pages that are full of dazzling graphics.

Too Many Topics

Ever eat a dish that tasted like the cook threw in every spice at hand? If so, you know that not all flavors combine well. When a Web page covers several unrelated topics, search engines algorithms have trouble classifying it. For instance, a Web page that discusses "dashboard mounted cellular telephones, " "global positioning satellite navigational devices," and "bulletproof glass" (all high-end automobile after-market accessories) may have difficulty attaining rankings on any of those phrases. Remember, one of the search engine's ranking criteria is "keyword weight." If a Web page contains 1000 words of copy and only one paragraph dedicated to each of these items, the page is unlikely to reach the critical keyword weight for any one of those keyword phrases.

Dynamically Generated Web Sites

Search engines seek to index Web pages that exist. That sounds like an overly obvious statement, right? But what if the Web page does not, in fact, exist until it is "called" by a program? Dynamically generated Web sites present a challenge to search engines, both technically and philosophically, because until the user clicks on a particular link, that page may not actually exist or have been built. Philosophically, the search engines does not want to index a Web page that is not actually there, one that does not, in fact, "exits." Technically, many platforms that produce dynamically generated content produce URL strings so long and complicated that some search engines spiders are unable to read or comprehend them. Worse yet, depending on how the dynamically generated site has been programmed, that same URL appears identically. Hence, the search engine indexes describes a Web page, but the searcher clicks through to find an entirely different page.

Using Frames

Search engines don't do a good job of indexing framed content, and they don't understand Flash. Despite the many workarounds, framed pages just don't consistently rank well. In these cases, the developer might build an informational page that discusses or summarizes specific content of a Web site and that is more inviting and indexable to the search engines. Even the best efforts by the largest companies do not produce good incomes with framed Web sites or Web sites that use Flash.

Pamela Upshur is the owner of Upshur Creative.

Upshur Creative combines fresh, contemporary, fully functional turnkey websites with the best PHP scripts and databases to create the largest and most comprehensive turnkey collection for entrepreneurs.

Visit her site at: Turnkey Home Based Business.

Online marketing starts with your website

Internet marketing allows you to reach a global audience. Internet marketing is marketing your business online. Online marketing starts with your website; make sure it???s attractive and easy to use. When they need information, modern-day consumers turn first to the Internet. All of your online marketing will make sure they will find

Any online business that's serious about getting noticed needs to adopt link exchange. It's because this popular marketing tool represents better search engine ranking, more visibility and popularity on the Internet.

What is it all about?

Link exchange basically entails exchanging banners and links with other sites that have associated content. This greatly improves one's chances at getting more site traffic as well as advertising each other's sites. Most of these link exchange programs are available free of cost. Once you find a website which has similar content you can contact the respective webmaster or site owner to request for their link to your site. In this way you can get more and more links to your site.

Targeted traffic

The reason why link exchange is so great is because by linking to relevant sites, you stand better chances at obtaining targeted traffic. This means that the traffic you receive on your site is already partially interested in what you are selling. This means your site can have better chances at selling its products online. By adopting link exchange programs you can in fact increase sales conversions on your site!

Paid or free

Many websites will offer you link exchange programs for an upfront fee. It's mostly because such sites are far more popular than other sites. By having your links on their site or getting access to their links, you stand better chances at gaining more traffic to your website. The ones that offer link exchange free of cost will usually be the less popular ones. However such sites will need to have at least a little bit of information that is similar to your site. It's because popular search engines determine page rankings based on the number of relevant sites you link with. Otherwise you will have to churn out at least a million hits - an impossible task, especially for a small startup company.

Quantity is not the only factor

Most of the popular search engines will determine your page ranking based on the number of inbound or on-way links as compared to the reciprocal or two-way links. Thus your link exchange program needs to focus more on one-way links to gain better page rankings.

Tips to get better results

First and foremost, try to keep the links as short and crisp as possible. Make sure to avoid using capital letters for all the words on the link - it affects readability. As an ethical practice, never delete any link exchange partner from your site, after they have placed your link on their site. When you perform follow-ups with the webmaster, you need to showcase why having your link on their site can be beneficial to them.

If you want to learn more, do not hesitate to visit the link attached. You will definitely be satisfied with what you can get from there.

If you want to know the secrets to great link exchange programs, then we have the answer for you. Now you can afford to spend less and get more! Simply click here for more details: Link Exchange

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story because of the way your articles reach humans who have an interest in them. Article Marketing will help you increase your link popularity, search engine positioning for your keywords and phrases, and it helps you reach more potential customers for your products or services.

What makes for a great webpage?

Wouldn't you like to know the main ingredients for creating a superior webpage? What basic elements you must have if you want a solidly designed webpage? A webpage that will stand out and be noticed by your visitors. One that will keep those visitors returning to your site, again and again. An effective webpage that is 95% better than most of the other pages on the Net.

Follow these simple design features when creating your next webpage and you will have the answer:

1. Good Keywords

The nucleus. The conception. Good keywords are the very first building blocks you must consider before your webpage even becomes a dim notion in your head. Picking the right keyword or keyword phrase is the ultimate factor that will determine the success or failure of your webpage. You must do major research on the keyword or keyword phrases that will be the focal point and drawing card for your webpage.

You must get this right. It is vital. It is the single most important element of a webpage. You can use keyword research software and sites such as GoodKeywords, Wordtracker.com, Nichebot.com, or superior keyword research software such as Brad Callen's Keyword Elite.

Regardless of what process you favor, you must choose your keywords very carefully. You must check the competition for your chosen keywords or phrase. You must check the number of searches made each month for your keyword. You must also check the keyword density of your page to see if it will register in the search engines. You may have to adjust or fine-tune your keyword density at a later date.

Make sure you place your keyword in the title of your page. Place it in the first Headline on the page and many marketers also place their keyword or phrase in the url. For example: www.yourdomain.com/keyword.html This will help the search engines and surfers to find your page quicker.

2. Simple Design

Keep it simple. You must keep your webpage simple and direct. Keep it professional. Make sure it is readable and clear to all your visitors. Do a spell check. Do a grammar check. You may also want to check how your webpage looks in all types of browsers. (www.anybrowser.com) Better safe than sorry.

Keep your visitors in mind at all times when designing your webpage. Keep it on topic, keep it related to your keywords. Most marketing studies show that's it's best not to confuse your visitors with too many options. If you're selling a product or products, limit the number on each page to one product if you can.

If you have a comparison page, limit the number to three or four. Studies also show that if you present too many options or products, the conversion rate goes down, not up. Keep all your products related. If you have a page on laptops, don't start discussing the benefits of owning a SUV.

Keep your sentences short and the number of words on a page down to 200 to 300. Many sites break up longer articles into multi-pages, this will be of some inconvenience for your visitors but you will have more room for advertising, your call.

3. Optimized

Let's face it, the average webpage will get most of its traffic from the search engines, mainly Google, although MSN and Yahoo are also worth considering. Optimize your page for Google. Use a simple hierarchy, keep your pages no more than three clicks away from the main page. Linking all your pages to your index page is a good practice, always do this. The search engines will find your page faster if it is linked directly from the main index page of your site.

Using blogging software/structure that comes with such free blogging software as Wordpress will optimize your pages for you. Blogging systems have a linking hierarchy (categories, archives, etc.) that are very search engine friendly. It's almost impossible not to optimize your pages if you're using a blogging system. Plus, you have an RSS feed that will syndicate your content and place it into the search engines very quickly.

Check factors such as Mega Tags, title description and content. Use a robots text file for the search engine robots.

If you're new to building webpages, you may want to check out Google's Webpage Creator, you can create your pages and have it hosted free by Google and they will be indexed immediately in Google. Big Plus! http://www.pages.google.com

4. Easy Navigation

A great webpage will have easy and simple navigation. Link your page to and from your main index page if you can. Make sure you link to it from your sitemap page. Many webmasters put all the main links on their site at the top or the bottom of all their webpages, so that a visitor can freely move around and find what they're looking for. Keep your visitors' comfort level in mind at all times.

Double check to see all links on your webpage work! You may be surprised how many don't work, especially if you link out to other sites. The search engines don't like broken links, neither will your visitors.

Also double check to see if all images on your page display properly. Nothing will bring down the quality of your page than images that don't load.

5. Fresh Content

A great webpage will always have fresh content. Make sure you update your webpage often. Our world's technology changes rapidly, make sure your material is current and still relevant.

Remember, 9 times out of 10, the only reason a visitor is on your page is for information. Make sure you deliver. Make sure that information is recent and accurate. Besides, there is nothing like fresh content to keep your visitors interested and coming back for more.

6. Bookmarkable

A great webpage will always be bookmarkable. Your visitor will want to bookmark your page and return to it for more information. Make sure you make it easy for your visitor to bookmark your page. Use a bookmark script. Make sure you have a favicon, this is a small logo you place on your site and it will be automatically picked up and displayed in your visitor's bookmarks, drawing attention to your page. Consider a bookmark and favicon like bread crumbs, all leading the visitor back to your page.

7. Cool Factor

Every great webpage should have a WOW factor! Try to make your page stand out from the crowd. Try to make it unique, try to make it cool. Just remember, a simple professional webpage with valuable information is always cool. And remember there is nothing like a little good 'word of mouth' to get some traffic drawing PR for your page. Great buzz about your webpage is worth its worth in gold.

So the next time you're designing a webpage, go all out and try to create your webpage with all of the characteristics listed above. Start with your keywords, keep it simple, proof-read and test for coding errors, create good navigation and optimize for the search engines, make sure you provide valuable fresh content and information. Last but not least, try your hardest to make your webpage memorable and bookmarkable. Make it a professional webpage that will be superior to the majority of other pages on the web.

Aim high and you will reap the rewards.

Copyright 2006 Titus Hoskins

The author runs a modest Internet Marketing web site where you will find helpful online guides on RSS/Blogging, SEO, Building Profitable Websites, Affiliate Programs, List Building, Laptops, Internet Fax and quite a few Free Marketing Tools: http://www.bizwaremagic.com

This article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.

Just what are the Benefits of Submitting Articles to E-Zines

E-zine advertising is perhaps one of the most underused forms of promotion. It is a good idea to do your homework, before launching your viral marketing campaign. Article writing and publishing has become the latest buzz in the internet website marketing world. The name of the game as far as Internet marketing

How do they do it? When you look at other sites on the Internet and you see their popularity on the search engines, you just know that there has to be more to it than dazzling content. It's in the links. The links that come from other sites back to your site. Those are the links that you need to have.

How do you find those links? Try checking out the competition. There's an easy way to see where their links are coming from. Go to a search engine like Google and type the "link" command in the keyword search field together with the name of the site that interests you. Let's try an example. Suppose a competing site that is doing well is called theirsite.com. Then type in "link:www.theirsite.com" and hit return. The search engine will then come back with a list of the sites that have a link to theirsite.com

Now you know where the links are coming from, you can contact those other sites to see how you too can get links to your site. And of course you can use the same command to find out how you are doing. If your site is called "mysite.com", then type in "link:www.mysite.com" for an up to date assessment of how the search engine sees your see in terms of links.

You can also start to leave links to "mysite.com" in various other places around the web. Yahoo has an interesting part to its site called "Yahoo answers". This is where people can post questions about things that interest them or bug them, and other people can reply with information and answers. Internet being what it is, often these so called aswers are thinly disguised attempts to sell something.

So your approach in Yahoo answers will need to be a little more subtle. Sure, you want to leave a link in the answer that you provide in order to start the selling process. On the other hand, the person who left the question is thinking "I hope I can get a useful answer" rather than "I hope that someone will sell me something".

So go with the first wish. Provide useful information that perhaps provides a first level of an answer or a partial answer that is already useful. Explain that you have more information that would be too much to post in Yahoo Answers and suggest to the person reading your post to click on your link and complete their reading on your site.

When they come to your site, make sure they land on a page that is relevant to the discussion and at the same time as providing further information, start the selling or pre-selling process by suggesting that they sign up for your newsletter or that they check out a special offer that you have that is related to the discussion.

Forums work in a similar way. Yahoo Answers can be viewed as just one example of a forum. In the general case, forums have different threads of conversations where people can reply to the latest post or start a new thread by replying to a preceding post. Forums can therefore be very rich in content.

However, they have the same wish to see quality discussions that are of interest to the participants. They also have moderators who can remove posts or close threads that seem to diverge from the goals of the forum

So stay "clean", give good information in the first instance and build your credibility as an authority on the subject concerned. Then you can move to the next stage with visitors who already trust you and what you have to say.

Let's not forget blogs as well. Popular with both visitors and search engines, a blog is a mini web site set up to receive comments and posts rather like forums and Yahoo Answers. Blogs on the other hand belong to a person or perhaps a company and deal with what that person or company wants to talk about on the web. So play by their rules, post good comments and replies and leave your name and link at the end so that everyone gets the benefit.

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Just what are the Benefits of Submitting Articles to E-Zines

E-zine advertising is perhaps one of the most underused forms of promotion. It is a good idea to do your homework, before launching your viral marketing campaign. Article writing and publishing has become the latest buzz in the internet website marketing world. The name of the game as far as Internet marketing

Ever feel like you are at a loss for content? I will be honest with you, I don't. Right now I am in the process of writing 100 articles on article marketing. But, I do find myself getting distracted. Sometimes, I think I will get bored and won't be able to finish, but I have found a few ways that helped me avoid these problems so far.

First of all, a lack of content ideas to me is just crazy. I sign up for everything I can put my name and email address in. I get two email's a day from Armand Morin about his new big release on the 18th. I get two emails a day from Max Steingart about his instant messenger lead conversion program. I get two emails a day from Sean Mize, the author pretty well known for his article marketing.

The point is that there is a wealth of topics and information out there and everyone is dying to tell you about theirs. I could pick any one of the names above or 50 other names, and write 10 articles just by going through their emails and talking about much of the content that they give away trying to educate and entice me.

Sticking with one topic long enough to write a hundred articles about it is a first for me. There is a lot of really good information out there. For example, I recently listened to Christopher's audios created from over 40 questions from authors just like you and me. Christopher is the publisher of ezine article dot com, in case you did not know. He gives you 5 different formats with which you could write 5 different articles about the same subject matter.

In addition, he explains how you can look at the same topic from many different perspectives. I can write about article sets from the writer's perspective. I can write about them from the reader's perspective. I could even write about them from the article directories perspective. With the same basic information, I have just pounded out 3 or 4 more articles on a topic I am focused on, so all I have to do is reorganize things a little and follow the inspiration.

Finally, I can write about how article marketing relates to any topic in the world. Then I could write an article on how I would use article marketing to promote that topic. I could write about the process I would use to prepare, write and submit articles. Then I could write about what I would do with the articles after that, each one using a different product, service, interest, as they relate to their key words. And each would be an article that would help people in those areas.

The point is, once you have picked a topic, you can think about how it fits into, impacts, relates to, avoids and loves, what it would be like on vacation, what it would be like at a park. All you have to do is just put it in a different box depending on something that influences or inspires you. Then you have a unique and new article on the topic. Simple, right?

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques. http://aggressiveinternetmarketing.net/free-tool.html

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Article marketing offers webmasters numerous benefits: Quality backlinks to their blogs or website, increased traffic, and cost-effective marketing technique that is proven to work. If you want these benefits and more, follow this 7 steps to successful article marketing:

a. Avoid blatant advertising. Refrain from writing articles with the sole purpose of promoting your website and products. Instead offer your readers quality content that is useful, timely, relevant, and interesting.

b. Check your articles for broken links. Usually, articles with broken links are rejected by article submission sites. Thus, it is helpful if you can use the preview feature of each directory to make sure that all links are working before you click that submit button.

c. Bank on your content. Make your articles engaging and interesting. Also, use the articles to show your expertise on your field. This is the fastest way to gain your potential client's trust.

d. Make use of anchor texts. Hyperlink your targeted keywords so it will be easier for your readers to go to your site in just one click on their mouse.

e. Make short articles. Based on studies, short articles are preferred by most online users. Increase the chances of your articles being read by making them as short as possible. 250-500 word article is ideal for most article submission sites.

f. Create intriguing, interesting titles. Titles act as baits to get online users to read your articles, so take advantage of it. Make sure that your titles will capture the interest of your potential clients by establishing the benefits they can get from reading your articles.

g. Sprinkle keywords on your articles. To get your articles indexed by search engines, use keywords that are usually being used by your potential clients when they use search engines. Use these keywords on your title, on the body of your articles, on your anchor text, and on your resource box.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Just what are the Benefits of Submitting Articles to E-Zines

E-zine advertising is perhaps one of the most underused forms of promotion. It is a good idea to do your homework, before launching your viral marketing campaign. Article writing and publishing has become the latest buzz in the internet website marketing world. The name of the game as far as Internet marketing

In 1998 savvy, successful Network Marketers began looking toward the internet as a way to move their business building efforts from the hotels, motels and living rooms dotting the landscape to websites, chat rooms and web conferences. Companies began to move product fulfillment from toll-free numbers and FAX lines to on line ordering through websites assigned to individual distributors.

The internet's promises were myriad: 24 hour marketing, standardized presentations, the leverage of technology, the ability to cast a wide net to attract new customers and distributors without the limitations of region and distance.

Yet, by the year 2000 the viability of the internet as a business tool was seriously in doubt. The majority of consumers were using dial up connections at 56 kbps or less and could not access many of the presentations and downloads available online. High speed internet connections were reserved for businesses and consumers who could afford the 60 to 100 dollar per month premiums charged for a high speed connection. Consumers, concerned about online fraud, were reluctant to shop online. Finally many of the companies now considered internet bell weathers had yet to turn a profit online.

Additionally many companies and distributorships who found success with traditional network marketing models were reluctant to embrace online technologies or provide support for distributors seeking innovative ways to expand their businesses. Even today, distribution of information, technology and systems across the industry that may compliment and augment an individual distributor's business building efforts is not uniform leaving individual distributors to adopt older strategies which do work but to which they may not be suited or engage in counterproductive budget-draining strategies in search of the next guru with the answers.

Yes, the internet held promise but the overriding question was would high speed internet usage become common place enough to allow the free-flow goods, services and, most importantly, information in the market place?

According to a November 28, 2007 article in the LA Times, internet access in the US has grown tremendously since 2001 from an estimated 4.5% of households to 22.1 % of households in 2007. Most excitingly the US currently ranks 15th internationally in the availability of high speed internet opening the possibility of broad exposure in both domestic and international markets for the entrepreneurial distributor backed by effective technology, quality products and a seamless compensation plan.

While it is our opinion that the internet will never completely replace the need for and value of human interaction, social networking sites, forums and chat rooms amply demonstrate the value of the internet in forging new connections and strengthening bonds in the business community.

The truth is that successful network marketers have always had the ability for forge new connections, build large social networks and market themselves over time and space. These marketers, successful using traditional models, were "always on". They were always on the lookout for potential new business partners sometimes to the embarrassment and consternation of their friends and families. A trip to the mall was never just a trip to the mall. A trip to the movies never just a trip to the movies. A trip to the grocery store never just a trip to the grocery store.

As it applies to network marketing, the value of the internet is obvious. The following benefits are listed as illustrations and are by no means exhaustive:

1) standardized presentations that run 24 hours a day 7 days a week
2) order fulfillment that runs 24 hours a day 7 days per week
3) 24/7 business building and downline growth
4) multiple language presentations to grow your business
5) access to new markets
6) access to new warm markets and spheres of influence
7) on-going, long-term, customizable follow up with your prospects
8) time and space leveraged technologies that allow a presenter at home in his or her pajamas to present simultaneously to prospects in multiple locations
9) limitedless interpersonal connections required for business growth
10) ability to customize technologies to allow self-expression for the individual entrepreneur

What should a network marketer do who wants to take advantage of the internet yet has no support from his company or upline? That is a difficult question. Difficult because our experience teaches us that it is very easy for a distributor to get lost in the miasma of guruism in search of information or the "magic bullet" and forget all about his or her company, products or services thereby compounding rates of attrition already present in the industry. An internet marketing system will, in general, be an expense added to the already existing business expenses of autoship, product purchases, and corporate subscriptions. The following list is a guideline to assist you in finding or developing the system that is most appropriate for you and assist you in taking a practical approach to evaluating a system before you attempt to duplicate it throughout your organization:

1) A system should have professionally written autoresponders
2) Link tracking. If a prospect clicks on your link, where did that click come from?
3) Well-designed landing pages that capture prospect information
4) Category sorting for prospects and the ability to customize campaigns to those categories
5) White-listed server. Will your prospects get e-mails send from your system?
6) Can-spam compliant
7) Unsubscribe function that should unsubscribe prospects from all prospect categories
8) System upgrades and new sites included in purchase price and ongoing subscription
9) Internal well-designed presentations
10) Integration with your corporate websites to facilitate product purchases
11) Excellent customer service
12) Initial start up cost of no more than 80 dollars and ongoing subscription rates of no more than 49.95 per month
13) Dedicated web team to keep the system running
14) Form code generators that allow you to integrate independent pages into your system
15) Refer-a-friend pages or scripts for your pages
This list is not exhaustive but will serve as a useful guideline to help you get started on the right foot if you want to build your network marketing business online.

Finally, as access to high speed internet connections continues to grow around the globe, the internet holds tremendous potential for those seeking to build their network marketing business online by providing access to new markets. Access that was once restricted to those with large budgets and the unrestricted ability to travel. The internet, in short, levels the playing field allowing more avenues to the "winners circle" of your chosen company.

Ouida Vincent has been generating leads for her primary network marketing business and teaching duplicable strategies to her team from the comfort of her home for over 5 years. To learn strategies to get your Network Marketing business online, pick up her team's e-book, Lighthouse Marketing, at http://www.passiveincomesecretsonline.com

Michael Ray, MLM internet entrepreneur and expert in building a successful MLM organization online, has used his strategies to earn over a million dollars in MLM. Find out more at http://www.click2wealth.com

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story because of the way your articles reach humans who have an interest in them. Article Marketing will help you increase your link popularity, search engine positioning for your keywords and phrases, and it helps you reach more potential customers for your products or services.

Basically the internet can be used to make money in three ways:

1) Selling a thing or service that you provide yourself

2) Selling a thing or service that someone else provides (affiliate marketing)

3) Using the internet to play the stock market, Forex market, traded options or other form of intelligent gambling.

For beginners the easiest is number 2 - affiliate marketing, and this article is going to deal with that. An"affiliate" is just someone who points the prospective customer at the website of the seller. There are plenty of wealthy affiliates who earn more than $700 a week. We are going to split that method into two parts, leaving the other methods with just a passing mention.

"Pay per click" (PPC)

If you have a little capital to invest you can use established advertising services such as Google Adwords or Yahoo Search Marketing. This involves writing a short advertisement, placing it with Google or Yahoo or some other advertising outfit and letting them display it, for which you will pay them. The more money you are prepared to pay, the better they will display it.

If they display it in a prominent place - i.e. among the first ten search results that come up when someone enters the phrase that forms your ad heading into the search box - people will click on it and be brought to the site where the article or service is sold. You will pay for every click, and the cost can soon mount up so you had better be sure that only those who really want to buy will click your ad.

This is terribly important, so be warned! Your ad must be such that very few who are just browsing are going to want to click it: it must be specific. An ad with a heading "Luxury watches" is going to get a lot of clicks but you won't sell enough watches to cover the cost of the ad, never mind making a profit. On the other hand, an ad headed "Patek Philippe nautilus watch" will attract mostly those who are looking for this kind of watch and are considering buying one, so that a greater proportion of clicks will "convert" into sales.

Article Marketing

Another way of affiliate marketing is to write articles. These articles will be on subjects that interest people and their purpose is to bring the reader to the website where your product is being sold. You will publish them on one of the article sites on the internet - EzineArticles.com, Goarticles.com and USFreeAds.com are three well used sites. Your article will contain, either in the body of the article or at the end, (editorial policy varies between sites) links to a site where there will be a sales page.

The big search engines are looking over these sites, too, and they may feature extracts from your article on their search results pages. You must become a member of these sites, and USFreeAds.com charges a small monthly fee. The other two are free. USFreeAds allows blatant ads, the other two want informative articles with some links.

The great advantage of this form of selling is that it costs very little or is even completely free. Free as regards money, that is. But certainly NOT free as regards work. You are going to have to spend much time and thought over your writing, and if you are not an experienced writer this can be a daunting task. It does need sustained work in researching and writing articles and for some - me anyway - that does not come easy. Just writing one or two articles, publishing them and sitting back is not going to make you much money. You will need, thirty, fifty or a hundred articles to be sure of making money, because not all of them are going to work. Even writing just one a day can tax your creative powers to the limit if you are a beginner.

If you do persevere and publish a large number of articles, many of them are going to bring in sales and you will make money. Some article publishers make much more than $700 a week, so you can set your sights quite high!

You will find more help than you can possibly use at certain sites on the internet. Not everyone with a website is out to fleece you, some will give very good value for money, and there is a lot of free advice even by experts. The site I find most useful is run by two very successful young men - wealthy affiliates - who get a kick out of helping others and I recommend it. Newsletters and free e-books can also be useful - if you don't get sucked in and spend instead of earning!

Gil Gamesh http://anewmee.wordpress.com/

For those two young men I mentioned, open my recent post "Seeking Abundance ..." on my blog here and click the "Wealthy Affiliates" link towards the top of my post. I highly recommend them, there is personal service, tuition and a very lively forum to help would-be millionaires. You will not find a more helpful site on the web. Here's to your making much more than that $700 a week!

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story because of the way your articles reach humans who have an interest in them. Article Marketing will help you increase your link popularity, search engine positioning for your keywords and phrases, and it helps you reach more potential customers for your products or services.

Information abounds online most of it hurtful to your business if you do not have a proper understanding of how things actually work online. Some marketers believe they just need to put up a flash website to promote their product. They operate on the basis that people who arrive at their website will make a purchase just because they have been asked to.

Disappointment soon sets in as they discover people are not flocking to their website in expected numbers nor are they making any purchases. This can lead to them quitting a potentially profitable online business or worse go heavily into debt.

It is worth noting that the compulsive buyer will buy just about anything if they trust you and are in the buying zone. The problem is this will only account for 1 in 10000 customers. You simply cannot put your trust in this type of buyer however hot your product may be. Traffic is not cheap.

The smart internet marketer simply invites interested visitors to their sites with the understanding that if they don't buy something on their first visit they can follow them up until they do make a purchase. Bear in mind that these visitors have shown an interest in your website offer. It would be a shame not to follow them up.

So how do you follow them up?

1. Set up a squeeze page to capture their names and addresses first of all.

2. Get an auto responder so you can send out messages to your subscribers. Your auto responder also gives you the html code to place on your squeeze page opt in box

3. Write out some messages to send out to your subscribers at regular intervals

4. Drive traffic to your website/squeeze page. There are lots of traffic generation strategies to choose from. Master one or two and get on with it. I prefer article marketing.

5. Build a genuine relationship with your subscribers. Let them know you really care about their success online. Suffice to say that their success is your success too.

Now most of what I have listed above requires your time and effort to learn what needs to be done. I can assure you that once learned you will be in a very strong position to make profits online. You will have the opportunity of building a solid relationship with people who have come to trust you over time. When you then make a product recommendation they will be more responsive to it. This certainly beats sending traffic to a sales page and expecting total strangers to trust you enough to part with their money.

Ready to build a email list?

Free eCourse at: http://www.List-Building-Success.com

Willfred D is an expert author and marketer specialising in opt in email list building and pre qualified traffic generation techniques.