Low Cost Business

Saturday, May 24, 2008

List Building: Tools to Make Your Online Life Simpler

As you probably already know, list building is the most important thing you need to do for your business, whether it's an online business or an offline business. Of course, when I write about list building, it's usually the online kind because that's the kind of business I'm very good at and know very well.

With that being said, what are some of the ways you enhance your list building efforts?

  • Articles
  • Blogging
  • Ezine Advertising
  • Direct Mail
  • Press Releases
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Pay per Click
Now, these are only 7 of the 17 ways that I've identified that will drive traffic to your site, but they all have something in common--input. You have to type something into your computer in order to complete information. Right? So, what I'd like to do today is give you some tools that you can find online to help you.

First, with all of these methods, you'll need a way to write your articles, blog entries, etc. But let me warn you. Don't write your entries with Microsoft Word. Word puts in all kinds of symbols and stuff that don't work well in cyberworld, at least. If you're writing for print, as with direct mail, it really doesn't matter. Word does a great job, but if you're writing something to be published online, you need a program that writes plain text with no frills.

You're probably thinking WordPad or Notepad, both of which come with all PCs. Well, you can use those, too, but I have a product that I like a lot and would like to pass that information along. The program is called "TextPad," and it works much like MSWord, but it doesn't include the strange character translations. It's free to try and about $35 to buy, but it's well worth the price.

Another great tool, which you can get for free, is Roboform. You probably already know that Roboform will save passwords for you, right? Well, did you ever think of Roboform as a list building assistant?

Well it is. You see, Roboform also includes a feature called "Safenotes." It's great for saving your resource boxes. You can just click on Safenotes and choose whichever bio you want, copy it, and paste it into your article submission form. Works great! This feature of Roboform also works well when you're submitting to directories for SEO purposes. You can just put the description of your website into Safenotes and copy and paste wherever needed.

For determining keyword density for articles, you can find many free resources, if your page is already online, but what about if you haven't uploaded it yet, and it's still plain text? You can go to EasySEO's Live Keyword Analysis and paste in your article. Add up to three keywords and find the density of each on the spot. Articles are a great way to drive traffic to your list building page, and Live Keyword Analysis will assure the right density so that search engines will find them.

Those are only a few of the tools that come in handy when driving traffic to your list building page. They're easy to use and very helpful. Save time with mechanics and increase your list building efforts in other areas. One thing you can never recover is time, and these tools will help you to be more thrifty with it.

Tellman Knudson is CEO of OvercomeEverything, Inc. and a master of list building. Learn the 9 Laws of List Building at MyFirstList.com

Powerful Article Marketing - Announcing 5 Rewarding Secrets to Increase Your Article Marketing

Article marketing, which is considered one of the most dependable marketing solutions these days, requires a lot of dedication, determination, perseverance, and impeccable writing skills not only to succeed in this technique, but most importantly survive the stiff competition online.

1. Write to inform and not to impress. Forget your urge to use big words or boast about your knowledge and expertise. Remember, your content shouldn't be about you. It's should be about information that are needed by your target market that can help them to either solve their pressing issues or widen their knowledge about their areas of interest.

2. Make your articles interesting to read. Steer clear from using boring writing styles and aim to make it entertaining for readers to digest the information you are trying to get across. Insert humorous text or ask thought-provoking questions once in a while to make your content engaging.

3. Check your information and make sure they are all fact-based. You are writing to inform thus, it is very important that the information you communicate through your articles are valid and well-founded. This is to make sure that you won't mislead your readers and hurt your online credibility.

4. Be direct to the point. Too much introductions or beating around the bush can overkill your content. Present your ideas upfront and give your readers what they truly want without wasting their time. You will be surely appreciated for doing so.

5. Ask for feedback or suggestions. Before you post your articles online, have them read by your friends or other article writers. These people can give you objective feedback that can help you improve your article content.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

List Building - How To Build A Profitable List Of Responsive Buyers On eBay

When it comes to list building, the quality of the leads generated is important. And there's no better place on the Internet for generating high quality leads than on eBay. eBay is a wonderful place for businesses to advertise and sell directly, because people who are visiting that site are in a buying mood. They are not just merely looking for information, they are in the mood to buy something.

So how you can use this to your advantage? You can build a list of highly responsive buyers.

Here's how to do it:

Step 1: Create a low cost report

Create a report (an ebook) that is about 15-30 pages long. It should contain quality information about the topic you want to write about. If you cannot write the report yourself, hire a professional from Elance who will write it for you at a reasonable price.

Step 2: List your report on eBay

List your report on eBay at a $0.99 Buy It Now price. Why so low? Well you want as many buyers as possible to enter your marketing funnel. It only costs about $0.30 (plus a very small listing fee) to list your item. While making a small profit, you are going to be building your list. Read on!

Step 3: Build a list

Once your customer has bought your low cost report, he will be directed to an opt-in page, that has an opt-in form from your autoresponder. When your customer opts in, he has opted in to your list. You can then market to them for follow-up offers!

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to http://www.MurderYourJob.com to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Article Writing - Quantity or Quality?

Article Marketing can be a great way to gain exposure for yourself and your business. In its basic form, it is simply a process of writing an article and getting it distributed to as many places as possible. If done properly, submitting your articles to various Article Directories will allow you to use the power of Viral Marketing to spread your article across the Internet as Website owners, Newsletter publishers, and others perform the work of spreading your articles near and far.

When it comes to writing and distributing articles there are two basic schools of thought. One says that you should get as many articles out there as possible, employing various tactics such as paying 'ghost writers' a small fee to write articles for you. While you don't actually write the articles yourself, you receive credit as the author of the article.

If you visit some of the Article Directories, you'll notice that some writers have thousands of articles listed. While some may indeed be as prolific a writer as Isaac Asimov, many are employing others to write articles for them. Using an 'Article Ghostwriting' service allows a person to quickly get tons of articles out there, but has some drawbacks as well. The method I prefer consists of writing your own unique articles.

Writing is a very personal experience. You start with an idea and watch it take on a life of its own until it becomes a completed work. No matter how humble it may be, most writers take a bit of pride in composing something that is hopefully entertaining, informative or provides useful information in some shape or form.

Writing your own articles also allows you to control the writing process, enjoy the creative experience, and in the end place your name upon something that is uniquely a reflection of your own thoughts and knowledge.

When using someone else to write an article for you, you're giving up creative control and signing your name to someone else's thoughts. If your goal is simply to churn out articles and get them distributed, then this will be of little consequence to you.

However, if it matters more to you that your writings are truly a reflection of you and your unique personality, then in all likelihood you should chose to write your own articles. You should also recognize that you will most likely have to sacrifice quantity for quality. There are a few excellent Article Submission services like Article Marketer that can help you overcome this to a point, but by choosing to write your own articles, you most likely won't win a record for publishing the most articles.

As with most things in life, there is usually a trade-off between quality and quantity. While the two can exist together, the reality is that they rarely do. In writing your articles, make a decision as to what's the most important factors for you in your writings; quantity or quality?

William J. Thomas is actively engaged in E-Commerce and Internet Marketing. His current website is..Learn How to Generate Thousands of Dollars Monthly With Secret Affiliate Marketing System

What Exactly is Link Baiting?

The World Wide Web is far from a click, view, and enjoy system. The number of intricacies is mind boggling. In the race for supremacy techies have developed and fine tuned several ways to gain and retain No 1 slot. It is all about ranking, spiders, SEO, and more.

To be successful one needs to be popular and accessed. And, to be accessed or get hits one must tease the surfer with enticements in the form of content. Webmasters use hooks to bait, it is the World Wide Web version of fishing. Hooks can take the avatar of news hook, contrary hook, attack hook, resource hook, or humor hook.

Basically its innovative ways to get attention. And it could be anything from gossip, to hard news, to generating opinions, to asking for suggestions. To be effective it must have use, that is provide content which interests others.

So in terms of definition linkbaiting is web content that is placed on web pages in order to gather links from other web pages. All it really needs is to capture attention and this sets the ball rolling and in an instant the website has a huge number of links. All it establishes is that in the World Wide Web content retains its position of NO1.

Second is the though whether content results in links or is content generated just to produce links? So the question is whether linkbaiting is an SEO strategy? Over the internet opinions vary but all acknowledge that content and links are important to good business.

To be an effective linkbaiter you need to:

Keep your hand on the pulse of the World Wide Web. Know what is popular, what works, what methods are ineffective, and so on. The best way to do this is to read blogs, RSS feed, and forum on the Internet and SEO. Check with regularity sites like Technorati, PC world, and Google Zeitgeist. Read reviews as well as headlines and keep an ear open for whispers and excitement.

Create link-worthy content and spread the word through blogs, interactive forums, and reviews of your work. Tease the innate curiosity in internet surfers and techies.

Remember its news that gets views. The content must be current, juicy, and informative. Study what works on sites like Digg and Newsvine.

Attempt to be unique. Bring facts that are refreshing and not rehashes.

Conversations and dialogues work. People love to opine and give advice so write content that invites reactions. Start a flow of though and let others take over. A heated discussion on a current topic of interest to webmasters, designers, techies, ecommerce sites, and users works wonders and draws people like bees to honey.

According to a post by Jim Westergren what can work is: valuable how tos; special reports; profiles with special insights of prominent news worthy people; useful tools; contests; product reviews; new wars among giants like Microsoft and apple; scams; jokes; new software; trendsetters; or in depth research on something of universal interest.

Linkbaiting is integral to site building and promotion. To find out what works experts recommend keep in view sites like http://del.icio.us/popular/ and http://www.digg.com/ and blogs such as Lifehacker and Gizmodo. Other great sources are e-zines and web 2.0 applications.

In reality the WWW seems to have come full circle!

Aaron Brooks is a freelance writer for http://www.1888seoservices.com, the premier website to find Seo consulting, link buildings and professionals seo training, online marketing tips, seo tools and more. He also freelances for Submit Free Press Release Site http://www.1888pressrelease.com

Broken Links Will Hurt Your Search Engine Results

Search engine results are becoming more important every day as more people use the World Wide Web to find goods, services and information. One way to help your website achieve a decent ranking is by ensuring your site is free of bad links.

What Google Says About Links

When your website is ready: - Have other relevant sites link to yours. - Submit your website link or URL to relevant directories such as the Open Directory Project and Yahoo!, as well as to other industry-specific sites. - Make a website with a clear hierarchy and text links. Every web page should be reachable from at least one static text link. - Keep the links on a given page to a reasonable number (fewer than 100). - Check for broken links and correct HTML.

Broken Links Are Bad For Users And SEO

It is important to trade links with relevant websites. But the more sites you trade with the more difficult it becomes to detect a bad link.

Bad links happen when: - The company goes out of business or abandons its website - Domain name change - Website/ company merger - Page, pages or directory sections are deleted or no longer continued - Inexperienced Web editors or content managers make coding mistakes

Google will detect all bad links in your website. Google robots or crawlers are routinely gathering information from your website on a cyclic basis. You may experience a drop off or ranking change if your website contains bad links.

Think Of It This Way

Links are mini-direction maps. They tell the search engine robots where to find content within and outside of your website. Imagine someone giving you bad or inaccurate directions. Would you trust them? Would you come back or ask them again? Search engine robots work the same way.

Website Redesigns Can Affect Your Links

When you redesign your website it will most likely have a new link structure and new page names. For example, your home page may be given a new file name (index.asp) versus (index.html). And your interior pages might be given new naming conventions such as "suffolk-home-remodeling-team.html" versus "our-team.html."

Before the new website pages are launched, your webmaster should create redirects for all of your old or existing web pages so that clients or customers with bookmarks in their web browser "favorites" will be redirected to your new website or website interior pages. A redirect also tells the search engines where to find your new website interior pages. Webmaster should also include this information in your robots.txt file at the root directory of your website.

Link Checking

There are a few free and share-ware programs on the market that will perform a scan of your website link structure and detect and report any bad inbound or out-bound links. I prefer having someone do this for me on a daily basis. Most people simply do not have the time to do a link check every single day. I found a really inexpensive service that emails me reports when any bad links are detected. You can check them out at http://www.seventwentyfour.com/

There is also a popular software called Link Sleuth ™, a free multi-threaded link checking software that analyzes websites for broken links. It runs on Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000 and Windows XP. It requires some basic webmaster knowledge to run, but has pretty good documentation.

Solid Links = Solid Reputation

Whether you manually check your links, or use software or a link checking service, having a solid intact link structure reflects well on your website. It means you care about your visitors' online experience and your website presence.

Bad links may harm your website search engine ranking and leave your website visitors with a less than pleasurable experience.

Ricardo Vidallon is company owner and creative director for Visionefx a Virginia based web design company.

Link Building With Publicity Stunts

Link baiting with web content can really just come down to the good old fashioned publicity stunt.

When properly planned, targeted, and executed, publicity sought for publicitys sake can be an incredible force. It can turn an idea into a business and give a fading star a fresh chance to brave the media glare.

From Howards Sterns Union Square give-away of 500 free satellite radios to commemorate his switch to Sirius, to the Britney and Madonna kiss at the MTV Music Awards, to the Janet Jackson wardrobe malfunction, publicity stunts create attention.

But stunts are hard to control, and sometimes the after-effects can be mixed or downright nasty. Heres an example of an engineered maneuver that had the exact opposite effect from what was intended.

Elvis Presley laid the groundwork for the modern celebrity publicity stunt by joining the U.S. Army on March 24, 1958. It wasnt his stunt, though. Despite the lack of a war, he was drafted for a two year tour of duty in Germany until he was honorably discharged in 1960.

Presleys peacetime draft was a conservative political move to protect the country from the corrupting influence of his music, and it had exactly the opposite effect. Heres how Alan Levy's book Operation Elvis describes the move:

By pretending he was just like anybody else, the Army had demonstrated to the world The Importance of Being Elvis.

Thanks to a political miscalculation, Elvis became more famous than ever, and publicists ever since have worked this angle to amplify the importance of being [insert celebrity client name here]. The irony is, before leaving for Germany, Elvis had already agreed to make nearly ten years of really bad movies, which would help send his career all decked out in bejeweled white jumpsuits on a one-way trip to Vegas.

What can Elvis teach you about link building?

Brian Clark is the founder of http://www.tubetorial.com which provides free Internet Marketing video tutorials for effective online business. He also writes about online copywriting techniques at his blog Copyblogger.com

Copyright 2006 Brian Clark

Top 3 Frequently Asked Questions About Article Marketing

Article marketing is a really profitable method of advertising your business. You get to generate leads that convert up to ten times better leads than from other sources. As a sales trainer once said people like to buy from people that they like, know and trust. If people read several of your articles and they like them there is a much bigger chance that they will buy from you than from many other advertising sources as they already trust you.

Here are my top article marketing questions that get asked all the time:

1) How many articles do I need to write to succeed?

This is a very important question. You need to be writing at least five to ten articles every day to succeed. If you are not doing this then it will be very unlikely that you will succeed. Life only begins once you have two hundred and fifty articles.

2) What is the one factor that will boost my article marketing results significantly?

There are several things that you need to get right to succeed with this method of advertising. However, the one thing that I noticed had the most impact on my results was to have an attention grabbing headline. If your headline is boring then nobody will read it.

3) Which article directories do I need to submit to?

When I first started online I was submitting my articles to most of the directories. This was very time consuming and I did not get the results that I wanted. When I tracked my articles I noticed that Ezine Articles performed much better than all the other directories combined. Now I spend all my time writing and submitting to Ezine Articles.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

SEO Techniques That Power Search Engine Rankings

Search engine optimization is the art of upholding the search engine ranking of your web page. And this art is crafted by artisans called SEOs, who can feel the pulse of web and move with a bang followed by cutting-edge optimization techniques. There are innumerable tools and techniques of a successful optimization. A few are outlined below:

  • Link Building: Link building is an effective tool of search engine optimization. For a sound optimization, you need to exchange links from those who share interest similar to you. It is good to stare at those links which are worth important and share with those who are having a good page rank. Search engine usually do not consider those sites, which have no link/s pointing to its web page/s. Apart from giving links, you should check twice if someone is requesting you for a link exchange. Check out his site, its subject, page rank, value. If nothing is worrying you, add his link.
  • Web Site Design: For those, who want to get indexed, web site design is of great importance. It's good to go for a design that appeals but it shouldn't be over emphasized. Opt for a design that speaks for you more than itself. If possible stay away from flash websites. Give due importance to text content than HTML. Use all the latest and graphic designing tools to make it relevant and appropriate. However, shed those who sound too much.
  • Title tag and Alt Tag: Title tag has its necessary importance in a successful search engine optimization. Put title tag in every single web page. Put exact keyword for a web page in the title-tag. Alt tag is equally important. While optimizing, you should put the main keyword/s in Alt tag. But restrain from over doing the same.
  • Page size: Size matters! To let the robots spider your web page faster, you need to mull over the size of your web page. It is suggested to keep your website page between 5k and 15k in size. Anything more or less might create troubles to open-up your web page.
  • Content: Content is king. And this king is not backed by soldiers but by keywords. Search out the right keywords, add matters according to the context and get it uploaded. Optimize the site regularly and you are sure to garner innumerable clicks a day.

Above are a few of many important tools of a successful search engine optimization. The main purpose of it is upgrading the essential value and dignity of any website. And in course of doing the same, they decide, discover and develop. If every technique could be adapted and implemented thoroughly, your website will feature at the top of search engine rankings.

He is the founder of a resourceful SEO India company that offers complete SEO Services to carry out optimization activities successfully.

The Real Truth About EDC Gold - Is This What You Really Want?

Join With The Top Earner And You Will Make Money!

Well, from a different point of view I beg to differ. You see, the EDC Gold home business opportunity for any reason or whatsoever have been on the radar for quite awhile now.

Its just that it was not in the screens of the 'good radar'. Why? Is this because the founders Craig and Mike had slipped by marketing this program themselves too? Or is it because too many people were buying and only 1 or 2 was selling?

What Happened?

No one knows for sure what is the correct answer but all of the statements are true. Now, there is something you need to know about the easy daily cash opportunity.

They are EDC, EDC Gold and EDC Diamond. The priciest one goes up to more than $2000 in its price tag. Unless you have more than $3500 for a small business then reconsider.

Great Training And Products?

Anyway you look at it you have to admit that the company does provide a variety of things. Such as learning basic to advanced marketing techniques and strategies.

One EDC Gold rep even mentioned in a well known forum, "...not just to promote easy daily cash or these products but can be used to promote anything else out there". Think about it, the reason why you would ever join is the opportunity. Enough said.

Nothing Is A Secret

That being said, nothing is ever a secret especially when it comes to marketing effectively online. Even in the EDC Gold home business opportunity. You must be able to have a conscious feeling that it takes both effort and time to grow your income online.

About The Author:

This article is the property of http://www.Simple-Riches.com - you may freely publish it on a website as long as it is not modified in any way. It must include the author bylines; all hyperlinks and URLs must be made or remain active.

Vern How has been earning online since 2006. He is an Internet marketer who believes in giving back by helping others.

Find out the hottest online marketing musings and tips at Online Marketing Business

For more information your a proven secret to profiting massively on the Internet, check out more Truths About EDC Gold!

Productive Article Marketing - The Game of Article Marketing

The importance of article marketing has been discovered in the past few years in the Internet marketing. It became very beneficial to the authors, publishers, article directories and of course the online businesses. There is no loser in this game. Everyone is a winner once they vent on article marketing.

The author of the article become expert in an instant once he or she provided juicy contents. Also since a URL of the site of the author is being provided on the article directories, they are sure to get more traffic to their site. You see, it is even a double purpose for most authors.

Also, article directories are winners since they get more traffic from companies that are hungry with good articles that they can publish on their site. These directories are very beneficial since they usually top very high among search engines.

If you want to be successful with article marketing, you need to be patient. Learn what topic people want. Do not give up writing different articles so that you will be known as an expert in your field. Though the result may not be noticed overnight, still it will guarantee you continuous traffic to your web site.

And as long as there are authors that write, article directories that publish these articles and as long as there are people who search for information, article marketing is here to stay. It will still be considered and will be forever regarded as the most effective way of promoting online.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Introduction To Keyword Tools

So you want to know what all the hype about keywords and keywords tools is all about? This article will attempt to provide a high level overview of what keywords are and why keyword tools can be very useful for different types of activities.

Keywords are just that, keywords.These words could be used to identify an object, a product, a person, a service or many other things. Coffee and Tea are keywords. A keyphrase is one pair or more keywords together, Coffee + House and Starbucks + Coffee + House are keyphrases. When you need to communicate with another person and you want to speak about something specific, you throw in a keyword or key phrase so that they understand what your talking about.

Keywords are the fuel that keeps Search engines, like Google, Yahoo and MSN Live, running. When you talk to a search engine, by performing a search not speaking into your computer, the search engine uses the keywords that you type in to figure out what you are searching. The search engine will sort through all of its stored information, which could be billions of pages of content, and return what it believes is what you are searching for. These results will be ranked by the most relevant to the least relevant.Now your results will depend on the keywords or keyphrases you used to perform the search. Heres where it becomes interesting.

What you, I and the search engine think are relevant keywords to a specific topic may be very different ideas. For example, someone who quilts could be looking for quilting supplies. This person types quilt into the search engine and receives results totaling more than 15 million. The first result is a website that has used quilts for sale. Not what the user had in mind when searching for quilt supplies. This is where Keyword tools become very helpful and interesting.

Using a keyword tool could assist both, the person searching for something and the web or web content designer develop content. How, by using actual hard data to bridge the gap between what people are actually searching for everyday and what we think or guess people are searching for. Keyword tools come in many shapes and sizes. Some are web based others are desktop applications. The cost also vary. So are free, some require one time charges and others are subscription based.Please note that using keyword tools will likely yield different results based on the specific tools and techniques that are used. These tools and techniques are beyond the scope of this article, however if you are seeking more of this type of information, visit the website listed at the end of this article.

Now, on the surface having this ability via keyword tools may not seem like much but beneath the surface and with the right know how, it is true power. Using keyword tools one would perform research on what they want to search for and have the keyword tool return results prior to using a search engine. Why not just search with the search engine one time and not this keyword tool thing? One reason is that the keyword tools results will be based on the most commonly searched keywords and key phrases. Some keyword tools will tell you how many times each of these were searched and also provide other variations of the keyword or keyphrase.

The content designer would reap the same rewards by using keyword tools. They would know what people are searching for and in what variations and key phrases they are using. This would prove to be priceless when designing web content and would allow the designer to optimize web content the matches exactly what people are searching for. The perfect marriage.

Keyword tools can be very useful for the web surfer and the web content developer by providing a small view inside of the daily operations of a search engine.

Written by Kyle M. Brown Read more about Keyword Tools at http://www.AdWords-Articles.com

Affiliate Marketing Secrets - 2 Reasons Why You Need To Valid Your Market With Keyword Research Tool

Finding a profitable market is vital to your affiliate marketing success and you will have to do this step correctly. You will firstly list down a list of the potential markets that you want to be involved in, follow by doing a research to find the profitability of the market. The next step that you will have to do is to validate.

The 1st reason is to make sure that the market is present on the internet. You will want to make sure that the market does not belong to the past or it has become redundant. There will be no market for you if the topic does not arouse any interest. If there is no interest in the market, it will also logically mean that you cannot make money from that money.

The 2nd reason is to verify that people are hungry enough for information that they have to search for it online. The search engines like Google and Yahoo have recently become a very popular option when people want to look for information. If you are able to find a list of keywords that are related to the niche market that you are in and there are high number of people who searches for information through the same key phrase, you will be sure that there is a demand for it.

These are the 2 simple reasons why you will need to validate your market with a keyword research tools. Once you have understand the 2 reasons, you will always check to make sure that the market you have chosen is profitable and you can build a long term business around it.

I would like to offer you Free "7 Days to Affiliate Marketing" course when you subscribe to my newsletter on Affiliate Marketing. You can get your instant access at http://www.MyAffiliateMarketingOnline.com

From Zack Lim - The Up And Coming Affiliate Marketer who provide valuable affiliate marketing information at http://www.MyAffiliateMarketingOnline.com

Amazing Article Marketing - Announcing 3 Fast Ways to Excel with Article Marketing

People go online mostly to find information that can be useful and relevant to their lives. They usually access article submission sites as these are goldmines of free and informative articles. When they find an article that is very informative, useful, and well-written, they are most likely to bookmark it or find its writer. They click on the article's resource box to access the author's website giving it increased traffic. This is how article marketing works. As an online entrepreneur, it could be your best traffic generating tool as it can drive online users to your website without the need to spend a single dime.

1. Wow your readers. By this, I simply mean learn how to please them. This is an effective way to drive them to your website. Make sure that your articles contain all the information they need and that they are well-written, interesting to read, and engaging. Give them all the reasons to trust you so they will eventually consider doing business with you. Showcase your expertise through your content and be very generous in sharing trade secrets, techniques, and tips that they cannot find elsewhere.

2. Make your articles easy to understand. Avoid using offbeat acronyms that only few people can understand. Steer clear from using big words that can only cause confusion and strive to use short but effective sentences. Remember, your objective is to inform and not to impress.

3. Write numerous articles. To be successful in this field, you must never be contented with the number of your articles and submissions. Strive to write more by spending more time writing or by producing short articles that are quicker to write. You can also hire ghostwriters who can give you quality content for a fee.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Global Mentor's Team & The Reverse Funnel System

Is the Reverse Funnel System a Scam? I'm going to lay out some straight forward information to let you know what the Reverse Funnel System and Ty Coughlin's Inner Circle are all about.

First of all, the Reverse Funnel System is not a scam. You will always be able to find people that have tried to start a home business, but had no idea what they were doing, didn't have any support, and couldn't make it work. If you sign up for this business, or any business without doing the right research first, you are setting yourself up to fail. The Most Important thing you can do before you buy into the Reverse Funnel System is research the Team you want to be a part of, as well as the Sponsor who is signing you up. These people are where you will get the Knowledge that will make or break your success.

Yes, Ty Coughlin is the creator of the system, and the upper reaches of the Inner Circle are extremely knowledgeable and helpful, but they are not the people you are going to be dealing with day to day to get your business off the ground. Your immediate sponsor is who you will be talking to, and working with. You should be calling people to find out who you mesh with and who you want to work with.

For example, I am part of the Global Mentors Team. As one of hundreds who can make that claim, I know that not everyone will be able to work well with me. It depends on your personality, where you come from, your experience level, etc. It may be a better fit for you to work with someone like Jonathan Budd or Tatyana Gann. While I'm very laid back and easy to talk to, you may fit better with someone who is very high-energy, more of a type-A personality. The point is to research the organization and the sponsor you are joining in this business. You can greatly increase your chances of success by doing a good job in your research of the people, not just the company.

The Global Mentors Team provides you with immense marketing and advertising resources as well as a Team Forum and Team Training site where you can get information 24-7on all facets of the business. There are hundreds of people you can join the team under, but you need to decide who you will work the best with to give yourself the best chance at success.

Jason Williamson is an Internet Entrepreneur, Network and Affiliate Marketer. For More Information on Building a Successful Home Business, and My Main Source of Income, Please visit http://www.RFSThousandDollarProfits.com.

Remember, You have the Power to Create Whatever Reality you Desire!

5 Ways To Determine The Best Article Submission Sites

Every day new articles directories are popping up. I regularly receive invitations from new directory owners inviting me to submit articles. The question is, should you contribute content to these new sites? In my case, I routinely submit my articles to about 30 sites. As you can imagine, it is a fairly time consuming process. As a result, I only submit my articles to the best article submission sites. In most cases, you will maximize your marketing results by contributing to the best article submission sites. My definition of the best articles submission sites is as follows:

1. It must be a site that has been around for a while. I don't want to spend my time submitting to a brand new site only to see that the owner is not making enough money and closes the site in two months. My time is too precious to waste on fledgling sites.

2. I only submit to sites that have a Page Rank of 4 or above. Search engines could penalize your site if you have tons of links with poorly ranked sites. To ensure this doesn't happen to my sites, I only submit to sites with good Page Rank numbers.

3. Another of my qualifications for best article submission sites is a timely publishing schedule. I hate it when I spend my time submitting articles to a site and the editors still haven't reviewed and published my articles from 10 days ago. When this happens, I immediately drop them from my submission list.

4. Traffic - mine, not theirs. I check on where my traffic is coming from each day. It is a time consuming process, but it is very much worthwhile. If I notice that I am not getting any traffic from a particular directory, I drop from my list. As far as I'm concerned, there is no sense in sending my content to directories that are not benefiting me.

5. About once a month, I will view my article stats from each of the directories that I submit to. If the stats show lackluster page views, I will consider dropping them from my list and adding a site that I feel can be more productive.

To qualify for my list of one of The Best Article Submission Sites, a site must satisfy each of the criteria above. Don't just write articles and submit them to one or two sites that you heard are good. Do some research and submit to sites that can benefit you the most.

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While Planning or Designing a Website Wear the Shoes of a Crawl Spider

The World Wide Web is similar to tests of strength knights of yesteryears went through. To taste success a website needs to be more than functional or great looking. It is a complicated business and webmasters are now kept on their toes trying to get higher rankings on search engines.

The secret lies in appealing to search engine spiders and so you need to know in detail how a spider works before you build a site.

Spiders read text and cannot comprehend images, colours or graphics. So, any page that is design friendly with little or no content it will receive a low rank. Unless, you include in text format information contained in graphic images; submit only URLs of main content pages and not splash pages; include ALT descriptions of all pictures and include keywords that pertain to them.

Know that the components that attract spiders are: TITLE tags, META tags, Header tags, keywords, and links. Many spiders score entire sites based on the overall scheme.

Spiders read algorithms and do not take in whole pages. So, be news savvy and like newspapers place the most important information first. Titles, headers, and the introductory paragraphs must present the essentials.

Keep updated on technical advancements in the way search engines examine materials. Read through guidelines of major search engines, as well as blogs and forum devoted to SEO and spiders.

Once your page is designed think about using a search engine stimulator to evaluate your pages. See: www.webconfs.com/search-engine-spider-simulator.php you can add the tool to your website. The report will clarify where you need to make any changes.

A search engine stimulator will also help you determine whether hyperlinks in your pages are real. Experts recommend using tags instead of java script based menus. Try and limit hyperlinks to less than 100 and check that they do not lead to 403 Forbidden or 404 Page Not Found pages. Spiders do not deal with such errors and your pages will not get indexed.

What any search engine spider does is that is crawls the web and indexes pages in any given database. The spider makes use of algorithms to determine page ranking and relevancy of indexed pages.

Be SEO savvy and select keywords that search engines will find. Tools like Keyword Playground and Website Key Word Suggestions will help greatly. Avoid dynamic pages and if you have them then run them through the spider stimulator to check if dynamic pages are accepted. Get your Meta Keywords and Meta Descriptions Right these are the delicacies a spider relishes. They are the cornerstones of page ranking and relevance in the eyes of any spider.

When planning a web site and its pages keep in mind at all times the spider. This will help you develop pages that are search engine friendly.

Aaron Brooks is a freelance writer for http://www.1888seoservices.com , the premier website to find Seo consulting, link buildings and professionals seo training, online marketing tips, seo tools and more. He also freelances for the premier Web Directory site http://www.1866webdirectory.com

SEO and the Content Between the Jingles

Have you ever wondered why radio stations use jingles? A mini-song (jingle) is played several times each hour. Listeners can get to the place where they know that jingle by heart and can sing it even when the radio is off. The jingle is used going into a weather break or back into music. The jingle seems ever present on radio, but why?

The reason many radio stations use the jingle is the same reason online business conforms to Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The more you tastefully use either the jingle for radio or keywords for your business website the more visibility you generate.

If done correctly the keywords that you use in the totality of your content will be very apparent if the reader is looking for it, but undetectable to most readers. That means that the content is not 'stuffed' with keywords or key phrases. The content should flow very naturally without feeling as though you are tripping over the same words over and over again.

It's the same way with radio jingles, they are audibly present, but should mesh well with everything else that is offered on the airwaves to allow the repeated message to be absorbed in an acceptable way.

SEO can be a bit like picking the best keyword to brand your site and utilizing them to your advantage while making sure the overall content of your site is worthwhile to your site visitor.

We've all logged into sites that either overdo the keywords or have content that is less satisfying than it would be if they would stick to the primary directive. Not only is it no fun to try to read from these sites it is also a key motivator in deciding not to return.

One of the secrets to SEO keyword phrasing is to write an article that conveys a thought. Structure your descriptions and company data to help the reader clearly understand what you do, while the infusion of keywords takes a necessary second place. Yes, keywords are vitally important, but not at the expense of losing prospects just when you get them to visit your site.

In a best-case scenario the reader should have no 'first blush' clue as to what your keyword or phrase is. They begin reading your content because they believe it will assist them in understanding the product or topic better. The information should be sound enough that the consumer leaves satisfied that they found quality information.

This can be a thin line to walk, but it is important to give search engines the keywords they need to rank you without making your website something that attempts only to cater to search engines. Real people will be reading your site as well.

Many businesses that try to stuff keywords into their content are often losers on two fronts. First they do not appeal well to consumers that will actually be the ones making the buying decisions. Secondly as search engines continue to refine and advance their methods of selection they will often detect 'stuffing' and penalize the site accordingly.

Keywords can help consumers and search engines connect with your site, but just like jingles on radio there is a need for quality content in between.

Scott Lindsay is a web developer and entrepreneur. He is the founder of HighPowerSites and many other web projects. Use the Website Builder with HighPowerSites.com or the Easy Website Builder at BuildAGreatSite.com. Make Money and Sell Ebooks at BooksWealth.com.