Low Cost Business

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Article Marketing Mistake #1 - Not Understanding List Building With Your Articles

One of the things you have to know and have to do on the internet is have a list. Your list is people that have subscribed to your newsletter or perhaps a slice of your expertise that you give away in exchange for their email address.

Im biased because my niche, my expertise is article marketing. Other people will say this and back this up. Article marketing is the best free way to build your list. You can do pay per click, which means people opt in and each time they click on a link with Google you pay for it. You can build your list that way.

Most of my lists are built through article marketing because instead of somebody clicking a link or you having to buy lists or somebody co-registering somewhere else, when people join your list after reading one of your articles, youre getting a highly qualified and highly responsive list member because theyve already raised their hand and said, Hey, Im interested in this topic.

Theyve read your article, theyve begun to know, like, and trust you, and if they joined your list theyre saying they want to know more. Theyre telling you, I want to know more.

I would rather have a small list thats highly responsive built through article marketing than a larger list thats not responsive. Now ultimately you want to have a large list thats very responsive.

List building is one of the pillars of working on the internet and being successful in internet marketing. Offline we call it our database or our client list, etc etc. Online we call it our list.

And now I would like to offer you free access to two of my Article Writing Templates. You can download them by going to http://www.GreatArticleMarketingBlog.com

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit http://www.TheArticleGuyTeleSeminars.com to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy & GreatArticleMarketingNetwork.com

Real Estate Marketing Strategies: The Law of Attraction - Help or Hype in Today's Market?

One of the most popular movies circulating around in everyone's living room these days is The Secret. Everyone in every profession is watching this movie and wondering, Can the Law of Attraction really work for me?

If you are a real estate agent, this article will describe how I have used the law of attraction in coaching real estate agents to double and triple their incomes in the last 10 years.

I will describe why it works in some cases.

Why it doesn't in other cases.

What you can do to make it work for you 100% of the time.

I was skeptical at first

Were you skeptical when you first heard about the Law of Attraction? Even after watching The Secret were you still skeptical?

I was first introduced to the Law of Attraction, about 10 years ago. I wanted to see if it would work for me before I introduced it to my clients.

When I added it to what I had already been using The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey, I started to get immediate results as measured by increase of income, clients, and the lifestyle I desired. One of the biggest bonuses was that I was attracting the kind of clients I really wanted to work with, my Ideal Clients.

The time came to introduce it to my clients

After working with people for 30 years, 20 years as a psychologist, and 10 years as a business coach, I knew better than to introduce it to everyone. As I suspected, certain people were open for it and others not.

For the ones who were eager to learn about the Law of Attraction, I introduced it into the business coaching, along with Stephen Covey's 7 Habits and creative marketing strategies, customized for my clients.

The results were mixed

For about half of my clients, the introduction of the Law of Attraction worked wonders. Their businesses skyrocketed. For the other half of my clients, there was no difference.

Trained in psychology, I started to delve down, to find out why this was so. What I found out quickly was that the ones who benefited from the Law of Attraction, had already cleared their self limiting beliefs, either with me or before.

The ones upon whom the Law of Attraction had no effect, were still carrying self limiting beliefs, like:

I don't deserve to be successful,

I don't have what it takes to succeed,

Marketing is not for me,

There is never enough money to go around,

Real estate is too competitive for me.

Amazingly enough, once I coached them in how to release the self limiting beliefs and install and Empowered beliefs, like:

I deserve to be successful,

I have what it takes to succeed,

I'm good at marketing myself,

There is plenty of money to go around,

I think in a co-- operative way, rather than a competitive way.

then the law of attraction, worked like a charm.

What about today's market?

In today's market, more than any other time, the Law of Attraction should be in the toolkit of every successful realtor.


In today's market, we are bombarded with news from the media and other sources, all giving out negative messages. While at the same time the experts are predicting that the real estate market is strong and getting stronger. So are you going to look at the cup half-empty or half-full?

Did you know that successful real estate agents succeed in any market?

It's because of their mindset. While other people are listening to the news and getting caught up in a scarcity mindset, and focusing on what they don't want, successful real estate agents are looking at the possibilities and focusing on what they do want.

In a sense, successful real estate agents already practice the Law of Attraction.

In today's market, what are some simple steps you can follow?

Based on my experience of having seen how the law of attraction can turn a business around through the power of a positive mindset, I would suggest practicing the simple principles of the Law of Attraction.

Get clear on what you don't want and write it in one column.

Get clear on what you do want and write in the second column.

Visualize having what you want in vivid detail, while at the same time, feeling what it feels like to have what you want.

Clear all of your opposing self limiting beliefs.

Take inspired action, release all doubts, and allow yourself to become magnetic for the clients, income, and lifestyle you want.

I have written in greater detail about how to practice the Law of Attraction. It's all in my article, The Law of Attraction: Are you the Victim, Flat liner or the Deliberate Creator of Your Life?

What's the bottom line?

You can continue doing the same thing over and over again and getting the same results or you can practice becoming magnetic through the Law of Attraction.

Here's what a former client had to say:

In the past week, I have been really focusing on the Law of Attraction. Out of the blue, I have got 3 new listings in one week. I know it's my practice of the Law of Attraction. I have been putting out a very positive energy, expecting results to come to me, and they have.

P. P., real estate agent

In today's market, when your own personal mindset is the key to your success, you will benefit greatly from using the Law of Attraction to help you focus on what you want, not on what you don't want, and to take Inspired action, rather than frantic action.



With her 30 years of psychological expertise, Dr. Maya Bailey specializes in helping Real Estate Professionals who want more clients, more free time, and a better lifestyle to create confidence, a positive mindset, and a step-by-step blueprint for success.

For specific ways to master your psychology about getting clients and growing your business, and your personalized step-by-step success blueprint, visit http://www.90DaysToMoreClients.com to receive your FREE special report and audio mentoring session: 7 Simple Strategies to More Clients in 90 Days. To contact Dr. Maya Bailey, call 707-799-5412 or visit http://www.90DaysToMoreClients.com

Profitable Article Marketing - Revealed - 6 Amazing New Secrets to Amplify Your Article Marketing

Promoting your products and website cannot be easier these days. With the advent of article marketing, you need not to learn technical skills nor have huge marketing budget just to create brand awareness or increase your website's traffic. You just have to write and market your articles that are relevant to your target niche and useful to your potential clients.

1. Empathize. People would feel a lot better if they know that somebody understand where they are coming from. Learn how to empathize and put yourself in the shoes of your readers. This can promote customer trust and loyalty that can end up to trusting business relationship.

2. Content. Your articles must be able to offer valuable, useful information to your readers. In addition, they must also be well-written, fact-based, scannable, and free from grammar and spelling errors to give your potential clients great reading experience.

3. Be familiar with the rules set by publishing sites. This can help you create articles that conform to the standards set by publishers so you can be assured that you won't have problems in posting your articles online.

4. Make your resource box powerful, enticing, and compelling. You would want your readers to click on your resource box; otherwise, your article marketing efforts will just go down the drain. Strive to create a resource box that can effectively move your readers to visit your website.

5. Be consistent. Don't stop writing and submitting articles even if you have attracted enough traffic to you website. This can strengthen your online presence and pull up your search engine ranking.

6. Distribute your articles on other avenues. Aside from article submission sites, you can also post your articles to your blog, website, or use them on your email marketing campaign.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - The Single Most Effective Method To Increase Your Sales On The Internet!

Writing and submitting articles to directories can considerably increase your traffic and sales. It doesn't matter if you never wrote a single word before or if the last time you wrote a three hundred words article was more than ten years ago.

If you have a website about 'dog training', start writing right away. Just write like you talk. In fact, you can just write your articles as though you were talking in just simple, every day language that your reader will enjoy reading.

Don't be too concerned if you don't think you are good at writing articles, they don't need to be perfect. All you need to do is to give your reader useful information. If you can help them and give them the solution that to solve their problems faster, you will make a lot of money.

Your articles don't need to be extremely long but most article directories will have a minimum word of around 250 words.

With article marketing, you can promote your own product, affiliate products, your website or your blog. In fact, you can promote everything under the sun. Just be sure to add a bio box with a link to your web property.

Another advanced technique is to send your visitors to a squeeze page to capture their email address. Doing this will allow you to send them promotional offers for months to come.

Once you have written an article you then need to submit it to article directories. It is important to submit to at least a couple of the top directories such as EzineArticles, Article Dashboard and Article City. These directories have high page rankings so your articles will receive many visitors. Now when your articles have been approved and published then you should receive many visitors when people search Google for any of your keywords.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at: http://www.mynetmarketingland.com/article-marketing/

Article Marketing: Danger Signs

Marketing your articles is a fantastic way to gain needed exposure on the internet. Article directories are being introduced at a breakneck pace, but they are not all equal. In fact, listing your articles on some sites can be nothing but a waste of your time and could cause you to lose your valuable reputation. How so? Read on for more information.

One of the nicest compliments I have been paid is when a manager of an article directory approaches me to submit articles to his or her new site. Generally, this happens when they have discovered that I list a large number of articles to a high quality site, such as Ezine Articles, and realize that I have the ability to produce articles in spades.

Truthfully, I am very selective about joining new sites and only do so after examining how the site is set up and whether it is received by members of the article marketing community. The following list contains some of the danger signs of article directories that do not quite measure up:

No contact information. I want the person who manages the article directory to be personality driven. A little self promotion goes a long way! Sure, if they dont have what they say they have, it will soon become apparent that they are blowing in the wind. If it isnt possible to uncover the personality behind the directory, chances are they really arent that involved with the day to day operations.

No blog, no forum. Talk to me! Literally speaking. A blog and/or a forum are necessary parts of a successful article directory site, in my opinion. I want to get the article directory owners input on article marketing, and I want to leave a comment when inspired. Those article directories that encourage active participation are certainly the high achieving sites. Their success means your successplain and simple!

Feed it to them. Yes, a news feed that includes the articles submitted to the site is a must. RSS is a terrific way to maximize article exposure. I give article directories that have this feature an edge over all others as it tells me that they are serious about article marketing.

Statistically speaking. What, no stats?! If you cannot measure how many people have viewed your articles, downloaded the same, emailed them to someone, or left a comment, I have no use for you. Article marketing = statistics. You cannot possibly measure the success of what you write without some sort of feedback. Stats provide it!

Page rank. I want the article directory to pull down a Google page rank of at least 5. Heck, if my own article site can pull down a PR6, then I would expect an article directory to do at least the same! I give new sites 2 or 3 months to get their page rank up before deciding whether to submit to them or not.

Things I look for that are pluses: press releases; preservation of back links; easy submission of articles; approval within 48 hours; circulation of my articles via Google; a contact form to get a hold of the directory manager; continual growth of the site; and introduction of relevant new features to attract authors, content seekers, and the like.

Any site that fails to measure up is, in my opinion, a bad neighborhood. You wouldnt want to live in a bad neighborhood, so why would you feature your high quality articles there as well? Your reputation is golden; submit only to those sites that can enhance your reputation not lessen it.

Copyright 2005 -- Matthew Keegan is The Article Writer who writes on a variety of topics including: advocacy, automobiles, aviation, business, Christian themes, family, news, product reviews, travel, writing, and more. Samples from his portfolio are available right online.

Article Marketing Is The Single Best Advertising Method On The Internet

Article marketing is my preferred method to drive traffic to my websites. Don't believe those saying that it's a slow method. They are just trying to sell you something else.

Article marketing works and is highly effective. If it wasn't the case, why hundreds (or thousands) of articles are submitted to directories every single day? Do you think that all these business owners lost their minds and do something that do not produce tremendous results for their businesses? I don't think so.

Seriously, if you are not writing and submitting articles to directories yet, you want to start doing it today. If it seems like something that you can't do, think again because it's not that complicated. Every single successful Internet marketer I know use article marketing as one of his main traffic generation method, and I advise you to follow them.

Article marketing will add thousands of dollars a year to your business and it is not something you want to leave on the table (or I should say on the Internet). All you need to do is start writing an article on your niche topic, and once you are done, start submitting it to the top 3 article directories.

1. ezinearticles.com
2. goarticles.com
3. articledasboard.com

It's a highly effective and relatively low cost method. It will take you your time or a couple of bucks.

When you write articles, you will be quickly recognized as an expert in your niche. In fact, you can become an expert on any topic. And believe me, the smaller the niche, the higher your chances to stand out. You will start receiving traffic from several sources at the same time, and you will increase your profits, number of subscribers and become famous in your market.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at: http://www.mynetmarketingland.com/article-marketing/

Article Marketing is Your Best Viral Marketing Tool

The word viral marketing is tossed around right and left in internet marketing. Viral Marketing is a phenomenon that facilitates and encourages people to pass along a marketing message.

Viral marketing depends on a high pass-along rate from person to person. If a large percentage of recipients forward something to a large number of friends, the overall growth snowballs very quickly. If the pass-along numbers get too low, the overall growth quickly fizzles.

If you can get something to go viral on the internet with a link back to a site you are promoting you can write your own paycheck.

Article marketing is one method of viral marketing. There are thousands of websites, blogs and ezine publishers begging for content. To get your article into publishers hands you will need to submit them to article directories, forums and newsgroup announcement lists.

There are hundreds of article directories that let you freely publish your articles to their sites. You can search of these directories using your favorite search engine. Some of the top directories include:

Ezine Articles

Idea Marketers


What makes an article become a viral marketing tool?

Relevant information - information that is right on the pulse of whats going on in your niche. For instance Google is hot, hot, hot right now in internet marketing. There are thousands of internet marketing articles on how to earn from Google. If you are a smart internet marketer you find something linked to Google and grab on because everyone is selling it and everyone is buying it. If you cant think up new material on Google or dont have an original idea dont worry you can still participate. If you have recently purchased a Google related product write a review. People will appreciate the feedback. If it is a popular product there are people doing keyword searches for that specific product and possibly finding your review.

No matter what niche you are in find the hot topics and write new information about the topic or write a product review. The hotter the topic, the more people are looking for it. Publishers are going to be more willing to publish a hot topic item that is well written.

Your bio must be up to par and fit in with the theme of your article. Nothing would be worse than to write a killer viral marketing article and that is passed around like a hot potato only to get no traffic because of a bad byline.

Charity Adams Has developed been developing online marketing campaigns since 1997. For specific details on developing a success viral marketing campaign using article marketing techniques visit freedesktopads.com/articles

Article Marketing is Your Best Viral Marketing Tool

The word viral marketing is tossed around right and left in internet marketing. Viral Marketing is a phenomenon that facilitates and encourages people to pass along a marketing message.

Viral marketing depends on a high pass-along rate from person to person. If a large percentage of recipients forward something to a large number of friends, the overall growth snowballs very quickly. If the pass-along numbers get too low, the overall growth quickly fizzles.

If you can get something to go viral on the internet with a link back to a site you are promoting you can write your own paycheck.

Article marketing is one method of viral marketing. There are thousands of websites, blogs and ezine publishers begging for content. To get your article into publishers hands you will need to submit them to article directories, forums and newsgroup announcement lists.

There are hundreds of article directories that let you freely publish your articles to their sites. You can search of these directories using your favorite search engine. Some of the top directories include:

Ezine Articles

Idea Marketers


What makes an article become a viral marketing tool?

Relevant information - information that is right on the pulse of whats going on in your niche. For instance Google is hot, hot, hot right now in internet marketing. There are thousands of internet marketing articles on how to earn from Google. If you are a smart internet marketer you find something linked to Google and grab on because everyone is selling it and everyone is buying it. If you cant think up new material on Google or dont have an original idea dont worry you can still participate. If you have recently purchased a Google related product write a review. People will appreciate the feedback. If it is a popular product there are people doing keyword searches for that specific product and possibly finding your review.

No matter what niche you are in find the hot topics and write new information about the topic or write a product review. The hotter the topic, the more people are looking for it. Publishers are going to be more willing to publish a hot topic item that is well written.

Your bio must be up to par and fit in with the theme of your article. Nothing would be worse than to write a killer viral marketing article and that is passed around like a hot potato only to get no traffic because of a bad byline.

Charity Adams Has developed been developing online marketing campaigns since 1997. For specific details on developing a success viral marketing campaign using article marketing techniques visit freedesktopads.com/articles

Lucrative Article Marketing - Revealed - 4 New Ways to Energize Your Article Marketing

Article marketing has suddenly gained popularity because of various reasons. First, it is one of the easiest traffic-generating techniques that can be practically used by anyone who are running websites or engaged in affiliate marketing. Secondly, it delivers great results in such a short period of time. Among these great results are the following: Increased in targeted web traffic, improved page ranking, wider reader base, and augment in sales potential.

1. Start your article with a good title. This is the first element that will potentially connect you to your readers. Thus, it is very crucial that you use headlines that your potential readers can relate to. Target their emotions or their logical reasoning to pique their curiosity. Or grab their attention by using bold statements or exaggerations.

2. Learn how to hold your readers' interest. Once you grabbed the interest of your readers by using great titles, you must not let it go or your articles will not be entirely read. To keep you readers interested, make your content equally interesting and intriguing. Spill in great information on every part of your content so you can make your readers read the last words on your articles.

3. Connect your readers to your content. Cite example or stories that your readers can relate to. By doing so, your readers will surely feel that you truly understand where they are coming from. This can result to rapport, trust, and good personal relationship with your reader base.

4. Write in a conversational tone. Ask your readers questions once in a while as you would when you are talking to your friends. Insert jokes and other humorous remarks when appropriate. By doing so, you will make your articles sound more human.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing is Your Best Viral Marketing Tool

The word viral marketing is tossed around right and left in internet marketing. Viral Marketing is a phenomenon that facilitates and encourages people to pass along a marketing message.

Viral marketing depends on a high pass-along rate from person to person. If a large percentage of recipients forward something to a large number of friends, the overall growth snowballs very quickly. If the pass-along numbers get too low, the overall growth quickly fizzles.

If you can get something to go viral on the internet with a link back to a site you are promoting you can write your own paycheck.

Article marketing is one method of viral marketing. There are thousands of websites, blogs and ezine publishers begging for content. To get your article into publishers hands you will need to submit them to article directories, forums and newsgroup announcement lists.

There are hundreds of article directories that let you freely publish your articles to their sites. You can search of these directories using your favorite search engine. Some of the top directories include:

Ezine Articles

Idea Marketers


What makes an article become a viral marketing tool?

Relevant information - information that is right on the pulse of whats going on in your niche. For instance Google is hot, hot, hot right now in internet marketing. There are thousands of internet marketing articles on how to earn from Google. If you are a smart internet marketer you find something linked to Google and grab on because everyone is selling it and everyone is buying it. If you cant think up new material on Google or dont have an original idea dont worry you can still participate. If you have recently purchased a Google related product write a review. People will appreciate the feedback. If it is a popular product there are people doing keyword searches for that specific product and possibly finding your review.

No matter what niche you are in find the hot topics and write new information about the topic or write a product review. The hotter the topic, the more people are looking for it. Publishers are going to be more willing to publish a hot topic item that is well written.

Your bio must be up to par and fit in with the theme of your article. Nothing would be worse than to write a killer viral marketing article and that is passed around like a hot potato only to get no traffic because of a bad byline.

Charity Adams Has developed been developing online marketing campaigns since 1997. For specific details on developing a success viral marketing campaign using article marketing techniques visit freedesktopads.com/articles

Best Article Marketing - 5 Huge Methods to Multiply Your Article Marketing

There are so many ways to promote your website in the World Wide Web to generate traffic. However, if you are looking for a single technique that will not only lead visitors to your site, but also pull up your search engine ranking, article marketing is highly recommended. This is one of the most reliable and cost-effective marketing methods that is being used by most successful webmasters.

Here are the 5 huge methods to multiply your article marketing:

1. Write more. To get the exposure you need, increase the number of articles you write everyday. Remember, the quantity of your articles determines the number of links you will get from publishing sites.

2. Write quality articles. To effectively convince your readers that you are actually very good at what you do, make sure that your articles reflect your expertise. So before you submit, ensure that your articles are well-written, useful, and easy to understand, packed with valuable information, and free from any error.

3. Be patient. Do not expect to get instant traffic after 20-30 submissions, as article marketing doesn't work overnight. Instead, continuously write quality articles and submit them to reputable publishing sites. Experts agree that you need at least 250-300 submissions before you will see noticeable increase in your traffic.

4. Pick the best publishing sites. Make sure that the publishing sites where you submit your articles have high page ranking and have ample traffic. In addition, you have to ensure that they have quick review and posting time.

5. Monitor your clickthroughs. Identify the articles that are picking up online. Determine the reasons why they are being read by your target market. It could be that they have attention-grabbing titles, they offer the information that your readers need, they are easy to read and understand, etc. Take note of these qualities and apply them on your next articles to ensure your success in article marketing.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.