Low Cost Business

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Real Estate Marketing Strategies: The Law of Attraction - Help or Hype in Today's Market?

One of the most popular movies circulating around in everyone's living room these days is The Secret. Everyone in every profession is watching this movie and wondering, Can the Law of Attraction really work for me?

If you are a real estate agent, this article will describe how I have used the law of attraction in coaching real estate agents to double and triple their incomes in the last 10 years.

I will describe why it works in some cases.

Why it doesn't in other cases.

What you can do to make it work for you 100% of the time.

I was skeptical at first

Were you skeptical when you first heard about the Law of Attraction? Even after watching The Secret were you still skeptical?

I was first introduced to the Law of Attraction, about 10 years ago. I wanted to see if it would work for me before I introduced it to my clients.

When I added it to what I had already been using The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey, I started to get immediate results as measured by increase of income, clients, and the lifestyle I desired. One of the biggest bonuses was that I was attracting the kind of clients I really wanted to work with, my Ideal Clients.

The time came to introduce it to my clients

After working with people for 30 years, 20 years as a psychologist, and 10 years as a business coach, I knew better than to introduce it to everyone. As I suspected, certain people were open for it and others not.

For the ones who were eager to learn about the Law of Attraction, I introduced it into the business coaching, along with Stephen Covey's 7 Habits and creative marketing strategies, customized for my clients.

The results were mixed

For about half of my clients, the introduction of the Law of Attraction worked wonders. Their businesses skyrocketed. For the other half of my clients, there was no difference.

Trained in psychology, I started to delve down, to find out why this was so. What I found out quickly was that the ones who benefited from the Law of Attraction, had already cleared their self limiting beliefs, either with me or before.

The ones upon whom the Law of Attraction had no effect, were still carrying self limiting beliefs, like:

I don't deserve to be successful,

I don't have what it takes to succeed,

Marketing is not for me,

There is never enough money to go around,

Real estate is too competitive for me.

Amazingly enough, once I coached them in how to release the self limiting beliefs and install and Empowered beliefs, like:

I deserve to be successful,

I have what it takes to succeed,

I'm good at marketing myself,

There is plenty of money to go around,

I think in a co-- operative way, rather than a competitive way.

then the law of attraction, worked like a charm.

What about today's market?

In today's market, more than any other time, the Law of Attraction should be in the toolkit of every successful realtor.


In today's market, we are bombarded with news from the media and other sources, all giving out negative messages. While at the same time the experts are predicting that the real estate market is strong and getting stronger. So are you going to look at the cup half-empty or half-full?

Did you know that successful real estate agents succeed in any market?

It's because of their mindset. While other people are listening to the news and getting caught up in a scarcity mindset, and focusing on what they don't want, successful real estate agents are looking at the possibilities and focusing on what they do want.

In a sense, successful real estate agents already practice the Law of Attraction.

In today's market, what are some simple steps you can follow?

Based on my experience of having seen how the law of attraction can turn a business around through the power of a positive mindset, I would suggest practicing the simple principles of the Law of Attraction.

Get clear on what you don't want and write it in one column.

Get clear on what you do want and write in the second column.

Visualize having what you want in vivid detail, while at the same time, feeling what it feels like to have what you want.

Clear all of your opposing self limiting beliefs.

Take inspired action, release all doubts, and allow yourself to become magnetic for the clients, income, and lifestyle you want.

I have written in greater detail about how to practice the Law of Attraction. It's all in my article, The Law of Attraction: Are you the Victim, Flat liner or the Deliberate Creator of Your Life?

What's the bottom line?

You can continue doing the same thing over and over again and getting the same results or you can practice becoming magnetic through the Law of Attraction.

Here's what a former client had to say:

In the past week, I have been really focusing on the Law of Attraction. Out of the blue, I have got 3 new listings in one week. I know it's my practice of the Law of Attraction. I have been putting out a very positive energy, expecting results to come to me, and they have.

P. P., real estate agent

In today's market, when your own personal mindset is the key to your success, you will benefit greatly from using the Law of Attraction to help you focus on what you want, not on what you don't want, and to take Inspired action, rather than frantic action.



With her 30 years of psychological expertise, Dr. Maya Bailey specializes in helping Real Estate Professionals who want more clients, more free time, and a better lifestyle to create confidence, a positive mindset, and a step-by-step blueprint for success.

For specific ways to master your psychology about getting clients and growing your business, and your personalized step-by-step success blueprint, visit http://www.90DaysToMoreClients.com to receive your FREE special report and audio mentoring session: 7 Simple Strategies to More Clients in 90 Days. To contact Dr. Maya Bailey, call 707-799-5412 or visit http://www.90DaysToMoreClients.com


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