Low Cost Business

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Web Promotion Methods

Web promotion is very important aspect in online marketing. Your web site should have the best possible visibility for the online population. While promoting your web site you should focus on the content. You have to project your services better than your competitors. Select the best keywords which can drive traffic to your web site. Keywords selection is the initial and very first step in web promotion. From choosing the domain name to designing should be under the guidance of Search engine optimizer then it is easy to promote your web site. Here I will tell you some of important points which are useful in web promotion.

1. Initially select the right and related keywords about your industry. Divide the keywords into primary and secondary according to their competition.

2. Then choose the easy navigation structure which is useful for the visitors as well as for the search engines. Design site for the visitors not for the search engines.

3. Then write the unique content for your keywords. Place the unique content in Meta description tags. Never try to place keyword rich Meta description as this is harmful to your web site.

4. Body content of pages should be very informative and user friendly. Never use the complicated words try to use the general words. Never bother about the keyword density in the beginning.

5. Try to differentiate your services or products from the competitors. Just put your services as it is how it is. Never go for the unnecessary hype because it cause problems for your site.

6. Traffic is necessary but targeted traffic is more necessary. From the beginning you should have the clear idea about your web promotion. Use the free tools like Google analytics, webmaster tools and if your web site hosted in Linux servers your control panel it self shows details about search keyword phrases, unique visitors, hits etc.,

7. After completing the content and Meta structure submit your web site in directories and search engines. Before submitting frame the different descriptions, title and use randomly.

8. Then go for the link building. Link backs are like online votes that's why you need to approach your subject related web sites. Link request should be very convincing and you should explain why link backs are necessary and write the advantages and it should be small and straight.

9. Create the blogs and write about your services or products. Publish the unique content in blogs never post the duplicate content. Duplicate content is always harmful.

10. Next go for the article submissions. Initially submit article in one article portal if it is accepted then submit in many article portals. Max article portals use similar method to check the duplicate content.

In my next article I will tell you most advanced and result oriented web promotion methods for the static as well as for the dynamic sites.

Subhash Bose is working as SEO for Itglobalsolution. For any assistance in Webpromotion and all web related problems contact webmaster@itglobalsolution.com


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