Low Cost Business

Thursday, May 15, 2008

How Informative Articles Can Help You Market Your Business

People who want to learn about something will strive to learn more about it through any means regardless of whether what they are interested in is learning how to treat cancer, how to play golf or play the piano. Sharing what you know in any field through the use of informative articles is an excellent way of marketing any services and products that you have to offer people.

Expert articles can often be written in a manner similar to an advertorial or they can be written like a paid placement advertisement which looks somewhat similar to other real articles which are featured in a publication. They can also be written like a press release which may be used to announce new products, new services or any other event that is seen as newsworthy.

Articles shouldn't be written like a typical sales pitch but they should be written in s similar form. They should also be written in the same professional manner that every other article is written in. The reader should be in a position where they are unable to tell that the article in question is a marketing tool written by a professional copywriter rather than an unbiased state of events written by a journalist. The simple thing to do is to avoid looking like a paid advertisement.

You can do this in a number of ways, by delivering expert advice or by offering a unique how to approach on a number of subjects.

The Expert Says: In this sort of article, the writer uses the know-how of an experts or a client on a particular subject in order to update the reader about any new trends that have come up in that particular subject area. A fashion designer can offer any opinion that they have on items for the new season. A dermatologist may highlight the benefits and disadvantages of the different sorts of treatments for acne that are on offer. The essence is to introduce the user to whatever it is that you have to offer by looking like an expert in the field which you offer your products and services.

The How-To Article:

This sort of piece still takes the position of an expert but it is written in a very consumer friendly manner. A dentist may offer an article like: "10 Ways You Can Get a Brighter Smile" or a number of other things that can be avoided when you go to them for treatment. What this article should do is to prove the reader with an article that provides the reader with information that they can use for themselves.

Writing in the marketing sense needs a special skill for presenting information in a manner that is interesting and which entices readers to want to find out more. All this must be achieved without looking like an overt sales pitch, rather it should be disguised in a manner that educates the reader to learn more about that subject.

When writing either of these types of marketing -style articles there are a few things to remember:

Find The Right Angle:

Find whatever it is that your readers relate to and you can offer them information on any subject.

Doesn't Sound Like A Salesperson:

Articles shouldn't sound like sales pitches. Offer your readers some practical advice that should be of use to them regardless of whether they purchase your client's products or use their service or not.

Darren Williger is an over-caffeinated, low carbohydrate eating, winemaking enthusiast who writes for Williger.com, RareStamp.com, and MarketingSuccess.biz.


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