Low Cost Business

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

If you are doing any marketing on the Net you will always need new content. The content that gets the most read is unique, offers valuable information and contains

no obvious spelling or gramatical errors. If it fails to meet the above criteria it won't stand out from the thousands of articles being written and submitted every day.

7 steps to writing multiple articles quickly

1. Keyword research

Go to Wordtracker and enter the main keyword or keyword phrase you want to write about. The free wordtracker tool will list 100 new phrases. The number beside these phrases represent how many people entered these phrases in the search engines over a one month period. Copy and paste these phrases into an Excel speadsheet to refer to it at any time when you need to write another article on the same subject.

2. Create an headline

From your keyword phrase, create an attractive headline. If you can't create an attractive headline, don't worry. You can always create it later based on the content of your article. You'll probably change the headline several times while writing its content. The headline should capture the essence of the article topic so readers will know what to expect.

3. Create sub-topics

Write the first line for each of 5 paragraphs if you want to write a 500 word article. Each paragraph should contain approximately 500 words. The sub-topics expand from the main topics ie if your main topic is about camping your sub-topics may be:

What is camping?

What are the benefits of camping?

What types of camping are there?

Where are the best places to go camping?

What items do you need to take?

4. Expand upon each sub-topic

Flush out each sub-topic by including more points about it then expand upon them in the next few sentences. Very soon you will have 100 words per paragraph. If you need to write a 1000 word article just create more subtopics.

5. Create a resource box

Here is where you are allowed to market yourself and your products. Include your full name, web site address, your offer and a call to action.

Read How to Create a Highly Effective Resource Box

6. Check for grammar and spelling errors

Don't rely on the MS Word spell check. It doesn't correct all your spelling errors. Let your article sit for a few hours or a day then read it again. Often you find better ways to say something and correct obivous mistakes when you let your article stew for a while. Get someone else to read it since they will be more objective.

7. Rinse and repeat

Repeat the above steps for each new article. Create several new articles simultaneously by creating outlines for each of the keyword phrases. A sub-topic can easily be expanded into an article if you have lots of information to share.


Keep a notebook or tape recorder handy for new article ideas that pop into your head while walking, or driving somewhere. This will prevent you from getting writer's block..where you just stare at your monitor and nothing comes to mind. It will help you produce more content at a faster rate in less time.

Herman Drost is the Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW)
owner and author of Web Design, SEO, Hosting

Receive fresh, in-depth articles articles on how
to design, optimize and promote your web site by subscribing
to his"Marketing Tips" newsletter at: http://www.isitebuild.com/


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