Low Cost Business

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Million Dollar Resource Box

Writing articles can be a very profitable exercise if you focus on the details. One of the most important details of your article is the authors Resource Box. Many authors mistakenly use it to market themselves. They talk about their education, their background, and their accomplishments. Unless you are a famous individual, no one really cares where you went to school, where you grew up, or any of your fabulous accomplishments. Dont waste precious space in the Resource Box to brag. If you feel a need to tell people how great you are, write about it in an article and see how many page views you get. Ive researched over a thousand articles and the number one reason that many writers fail to make money with their articles is due to a flawed Resource Box.

In the ideal Resource Box, you should tout three things: your website, one of your own promotional items, and an affiliate program. Ive seen countless articles that did not even mention a website.

The article is written to benefit the public, the Resource Box is written to compensate the author. Many authors have one Bio that they use for every article they submit. This is a big mistake. When I finish writing an article, I dont step away from the computer until I complete two Resource Boxes. A plain text version for sites that do not accept html in their articles, and an html version for sites that accept the a href command. If a site says that they will allow html in their article, I will submit the html version. If the site does not specifically state that they will accept html, or if they say that they will strip it out, I submit the plain text version.

Your targeted Resource Box should contain just three or four sentences. None of them will contain information about you.

Sentence 1) If you have a domain with a catchy name, make sure you use it instead of an html (a href) link. This sentence will contain a link or URL pointing to the opt-in (or squeeze) page on your website. In order to entice the reader to click, you will offer them incentives such as free downloads, free ebooks, or a free report of some kind.

Sentence 2) If the site permits it, use hyper-linked text for this and the following sentences. In this sentence, include a link or URL offering one of your own money-making products.

Sentence 3) If you wish, you can say a few words about how great your website is and the benefits of using it.

Sentence 4) This is the last sentence; provide a link or URL to an affiliate program you are promoting.

By using this format for your Resource Box, you will be compensated quite nicely for your articles.

Download our FREE REPORT on making money writing articles and receive tons of free articles, reports, information, and downloads. Jo Mark is an Internet marketing expert specializing in the generation of income through the writing and placement of articles. Our successful ebooks have helped countless individuals to generate income by writing articles.


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