Low Cost Business

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Internet And The MLM Industry - How Do They Fit Together In Web 2.0?

In 1989 something major happened, the Internet was born which changed history and ever since people do not conduct business even remotely close to how they once did. The biggest changes surfaced in business and commerce, this included the MLM industry. Olden day MLM or Network Marketing required a person to literally bust their butts for a few years to build a strong down line and then they could sit back and comfortable enjoy a flow of residual income that would be certain to be lucrative indeed. The internet is making the speed at which information is flowing and the ease with which one can sign-up for a new program so fast that it is almost scary. Using the Internet, attraction marketing strategies (sometimes called web 2.0) can be used to build your Network Marketing business.

The number of entries that are coming into MLM versus new company start ups is mind boggling. Remember, in network marketing, people are the hot commodity that is traded, making them very valuable to all of these companies. The internet has changed the network marketing industry. No longer is MLM limited to the offline world. With the popularity of the internet, there are more and more online network marketing companies. In fact, these opportunities are only available online. Remember days of old when your upline and company training consisted of hounding friends and family to join your efforts? In a traditional offline network marketing company, what is the first thing you are told to do? Well, take out a piece of paper; write down a list of 100 people you know. It is said that an average person will know at least 100 people. So the 100 people will include your friends, family, relatives, acquaintance, family doctor, grocery shop owners etc.

The problem with that approach is typically that you are not touching your target market, these are all untargeted leads. Either they are not interested in your opportunity or they are downright skeptical about it. In fact, some of them may even give you negative comments that may cause you to lose your motivations. Don't you think it is easier to convert people who are already interested in MLM opportunities? At best you might get two or three to join and likely they do not share your passion but joined rather out of a sense of obligation. Well, if you want to be successful in any home-based business, you will definitely need a system not a list of your family and friends. In fact, you will want to grow you organization to hundreds of people and if you do not have an online Internet system your business may suffer. Furthermore, after recruiting your down lines, you will also need to train them, a system will do this.

The first thing that you have to do is improve your retention rate and that is the biggest challenge that the network marketing industry faces. The first step you can take is to recruit high quality people. In other words, people who are self motivated. It is generally easier to retain these people. However, it is less likely to get these kind of people if you are only targeted your own circle of people. Another way that the Internet has changed the MLM industry is that by using the Internet one can join multiple companies so that if one bombs you are not out of business. The object is to build multiple streams of residual income which can not be done in a brick and mortar company. However, this is very achievable in the online world because the majority of the task can be automated. There is no doubt of how the Web has changed the manner in which MLM is conducted but it is also evident that these changes are generating passive incomes for many people.

Les Conner is an internet network marketing coach teaching the most effective methods for lead generation online. Enroll at Renegade University and learn how network marketers build their prospect list.


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