Low Cost Business

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

6 Ways To Promote A Real Life Internet Marketing Networking Group Meeting

Promoting a Real Life Internet Marketing Networking Group Meeting may seem to be a difficult undertaking because by nature the Internet is global and therefore may make it seem difficult to actually find people in your own back yard who share your passion for Internet Marketing. This is probably the reason that there are few Internet Marketing Networking Group Meetings. But these six simple steps can assist you in starting a group and gaining from the many benefits of having a group. These benefits include socialization, team work, and even educational resources.


Putting up 18 x 24 signs around your town is a great way to generate interest in your group.

Have or Want An Online Biz?

FREE Internet Marketerss
Networking Group Meeting
(555) 555-5555

{ your rtima site address}simple sayings such as the following work best

2.) Press Releases

Send out Press Releases about your group to your local newspapers, both big metro papers and the smaller community papers.

You can also send press releases to your local TV stations and to other community oriented groups in your area.

Simply search them out on the web, and find the contact information for where to send press releases.


Print out flyers and pass them out at Kinkos, Staples, Office Depot, Books-A-Million, and other places where you might find people who are in business for themselves. Send flyers to your local college and University Department of computer sciences, web marketing classes, web site design classes, business classes.

Again, search them out on the web, get the appropriate contact information and send the info.

4.) Other Networking Groups

Check your local newspapers for Business Networking Groups in your area. They will usually be published in the business section or your Community section. Also, you can do a search on yahoo or google for these groups. Go to some of their meetings. They are sure to be interested in you. Its a good place to recruit people who would like to take an interest in online marketing, and its also a great place to find products to market online for others.

5.) Online Groups and Forums

Craigslist is the place to announce events. You can also post on the Warrior Forum. You can search yahoo groups for local groups in your area and join the group to participate in their discussions. Try to answer questions on yahoo answers and drive traffic to your site via your sig file.

6.) Social Networking Sites

Myspace, Youtube, Squidoo, Hub Pages, WordPress Set up a myspace page about your group. Participate in groups, update your myspace page frequently. Allow members of your networking group to post comments on your myspace page and let them promote their own sites, products and affiliate programs on it. Record your meetings on both digital audio and digital video, post your best video clips on video sites like youtube, myspace, msn videos, and as many more as you can find.

Vanessa Blais-
Why Start A Real Life Internet Marketers Networking Group?
http://www.rtima.com/whystartgroup.pdf How to Start A Real Life Internet Marketers Networking Group?


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