Low Cost Business

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article marketing can be time consuming and challenging. Many folks, when using this marketing technique, tend to just write articles and post them to the biggest directories and hope for the best. What I would like to suggest today is a little change in strategy.

Generally speaking, when you are writing an article, you are addressing a certain subject. Let's take golf for example. Now let's say you write an article on golf and at the end of your article you have a resource bio box which directs the customer to a golf site. To a certain point, this article may be successful but let me show you where it falls short.

First, when your article is listed on a big directory, it is there amongst thousands of other articles and as a result, it gets buried pretty quickly as there are thousands of articles coming in every day. Second, because your article is on the general subject of golf, it may fail to address a specific need to a specific targeted audience.

Let's say, on the other hand, your article talks about the newest driver on the market and basically goes over the pros and cons so as to help the reader make an informed decision before purchasing - then in your bio box you have links going back to a specific page on that driver where you have listings of customer reviews.

Then let's say you submit this article to a smaller article directory that just covers sports and has various categories under golf which enables you to put your article exactly where you need it to be and those who visit this directory can specifically seek out an article on golf drivers.

Beyond that, there are not thousand of articles coming in everyday covering a general topic and as a consequence, your article holds its position longer. Additionally, publishers who specifically want to publish articles relative to golf drivers will be able to find and publish your article far easier.

I think you would agree that this article will by and far generate more sales and get published on multiple sites faster than if you were just submitting it to the big general directories. You know when it comes to Internet marketing you have to think outside the box. Don't just follow the herd, get more return on your time by being smart.

When it comes to making sales online you need to be specific and submitting to smaller article directories that are more targeted enables you to reach a specific market and as a result you can address their specific needs. Even when it comes to your article title you can be more specific and as a consequence get more people reading your article. In addition you also expand your market share.

To conclude, niche marketing can make you a lot of money online and that is why if you choose to write articles as a marketing technique you need to submit your article to niche directories which will help you to get targeted readers and get a higher return on your investment of time and money.

Stephen Long is an author for Sportsmans Article Resource Directory, providing you the latest fishing and hunting tips and techniques for the outdoorsman. Learn how article leverage will give you the most article marketing visibility for your articles.


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