Low Cost Business

Friday, June 13, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

While many niche marketers have their eye on the money coming in, it's likely that they'll find money going out on a regular basis as well. It's all part of the cost of living, but the smart entrepreneurs have a trio of techniques to make sure that the net result is positive and to have cash in hand after the bills are paid. Here's how they set about it:

Generate more clients

It's a given. You want more sales revenue? Then get more customers. You may already be using advertising to do just that, but whatever the case there are some tried and trusted ways of getting more people to buy from you. Make sure you follow through. Get three clients where you used only to get two, that's the big benefit about following through. Hang on to those leads, make them feel welcome and look forward to up to 50% more sales and profit.

You can also get your clients to sell for you. A happy client will spread the news without being encouraged, often to 2 or 3 people they know. If you start rewarding them, you'll boost that number as well. Spread your advertising further at no cost as well. News coverage works well locally. It's the thrill of recognizing the person featured in the paper. Give the journalists an interesting angle and you'll reap the benefits of good publicity with no charge.

Generate more money per customer

Suppose you could increase the spend of every customer that buys from your company. Try the following tactics. They may surprise you, but they've stood the test of time. First, put your prices up. That's right, up. Not down. As you increase prices, figure out ways to increase the worth of your product - as seen by your customers. It's a natural reaction: if you want higher quality, you pay a little dearer. And many will prefer a product that works and lasts, to one that sells at a rock-bottom price.

Then move up the food chain with higher priced products. Diversification has merit and the smart entrepreneur knows it. There's a good reason for it...a product at a premium price brings in more profit per sale even if it sells in less volume. Less work and more net income is the ideal way to sell. Suggest an add-on product that fits with what your customer is buying. Buying a DVD player? Hey, how about some DVDs to go with that! Help your customers and help yourself at the same time.

Generate more money more times per customer

Statistics prove it. People who have faith in you take less work to buy from you. Don't fall into the trap of exclusively running after new customers. Capitalize on the loyalty and liking that you've already built up by using the that special offer to prove to them that you are grateful for their trust and that they will be rewarded by special attention from you. They'll appreciate both aspects and you'll sell even more.

Offer them that new product that they told you they wanted. It'll prove how responsive you are to them, and boost your bottom line into the bargain. And remember to tell them about it. They need to hear from you - regularly. Tell them about the special offers and the new products that you're planning, and above all, remind them about how useful they find what you're selling today.

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