Low Cost Business

Monday, May 12, 2008

5 Five Marketing Strategies To Make Your Website Sell

No doubt you want your website to sell your products and services, don't you?

In order to that you must of course get visitors to come to your site and there are many ways to do that. Placing ads in different places is one, writing articles is another and participating in forums is a third.

You have about five seconds to catch your visitors attention so you have to carefully design your first meeting - so to speak.

I will discuss five easy strategies to catch the visitor and keep at your site.

Strategy 1.

Keep it simple! This is so important and many times overlooked. If you put bells and whistle all over your site you will most likely confuse the visitor and it will also take more time for the page to load. Remember you have five seconds!

Strategy 2.

No matter what way of attracting visitors you are using, you must always send them to a squeeze page.

On the squeeze page you want the visitor primarily to give you his name and email - at least.

Visitors very seldom buy at the first visit. It might take up to five visits before they buy. Therefore you must have a squeeze page first before you send them to your regular site.

In order to get their name and email you must make it worth while for them. You can for instance give them a free report or a CD on the subject of your site. A simple newsletter will not do anymore. It is too common.

Strategy 3.

You must also explain the benefits for the visitor. What is she or he going to achieve by reading your report? What is in for them?

Compare this to your own reactions when you visit other websites. What attracts you? What do you dislike? Learn from this.

If you can do this with a short video, it is a great help. Explain exactly this in the video and what they have to do to get the report or whatever it is you are offering.

Testimonials, especially from known people, are very good to refer to here.

Use only one call for action and make it perfectly clear to the visitor what it is.

Use the so common "Submit" button wisely. You can change it something else like "Claim your report here". It does not have to say "Submit"!

Strategy 4.

Use your "thank you" page to build up more trust with the customer. He or she has just decided to trust you enough to order your report and deserves more than a nearly empty page.

If you haven't before said anything about privacy and spam this is the place to say it or preferably repeat it.

It is also good to offer an unadvertised bonus here. Make sure that the visitor does not have to fill in any information again.

Also state that this visitor is now special. I mean that you should take good care of him since he is now more than a visitor.

I personally very much dislike to get a one-time-offer at this stage. I perceive it as too pushy and I get angry when I am treated in this way.

I suggest instead that you ask for permission to send one more mail with a couple of question about what the visitor thought of the report. Even if you ask him to comment in your blog, he might not do so.

When you do this, you should have another ethical bribe ready, of course.

To me this is an excellent way to find out how the the prospective customer perceives the report and it might give you a good clue if there is anything missing.

Strategy 5.

When the customer has replied to this report and you deliver the ethical bribe it is time to give him a very good offer that you only give to customers who have replied to your email. Then of course you upgrade their status since you have now had several contacts and he starts to get to know you.

Of course you should also mail all others who have accepted the report with another offer which naturally is not as good as the above one. Make sure you state that also these customers can get a better offer by requesting to reply to some questions.

Resource Box No 2 for http://www.bigsellingconversions.com/onetime.php

Edvin Maximilian introduces you to the "5 Marketing Strategies to Make My Website Sell!". Learn how to achieve more conversions easily! Learn a simple trick stop your visitors dead in their tracks and make them read every word of your copy! Click here to share!

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