Low Cost Business

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Increasing Blog Or Web Site Traffic With Article Submissions

In promoting affiliate programs with articles, what should be included in your article?

First, you really should be promoting affiliate programs by submitting articles. Doing so can greatly improve your Internet marketing success. This happens because submitting articles can increase the traffic to your blog or web site. Many affiliate marketers use it as their primary traffic generation method.

When you are submitting your articles to article directories or posting them on your blog, you should be concerned with keywords, keyword phrases and keyword density.

However, you still want the quality of your article to be high. Therefore, make sure that in your attempt to accomplish keyword emphasis, that you do not make your article uninteresting for the reader.

Keyword emphasis is essential for search engine optimization, but more important is the readability for your visitors. Return visitors are important to your success so make your article is interesting and easy to read.

Since having a high ranking in the search engines is also important to the traffic that you receive to your blog or web site, you need to strike a good balance when trying to accomplish keyword emphasis. Try for around 3-5 percent keyword density.

Another thing that your article must have is a good subject. If the subject does not attract the attention of your readers, they may not read your article. Then, they will not click thru to your site. Also, they will not post the article on their blog or web site so that you have a link back to your site.

All of this is important to increasing your traffic.

Also essential to obtaining traffic is good content. The best way to measure good content is to answer the question, "Does this article help the reader with solving a problem?"

The fact is that people like to find solutions to their problems. They also like to see content on your blog or web site that is relevant to the subject of your site.

If you provide useful information your status as an expert will be enhanced. Your readers may return for more. If they do, they will expect good content that they can use.

A resource box is critical if you will be submitting your article to article directories and/or ezines. You won't need this if you article is just posted on your blog or included in your own newsletter.

However, your reason for submitting it to article directories is so that you can get additional traffic to your site. So, be sure to include a link back to your site.

If your article impresses your reader, they may click the link and visit your site. Any visitor is a potential customer.

Hopefully, these tips or suggestions will help you in efforts at promoting affiliate programs by driving more traffic to your website or blog.

About the author: Lonnie Minton writes about Promoting Affiliate Programs and Affiliate Marketing in his newsletter, eCourses, and eBooks. Visit his blog at http://www.promotingaffiliateprograms.com Sign up for his Promoting Affiliate Programs Ezine at http://www.affiliateprofitsezine.com

Copyright 2008 by Lonnie Minton, All rights reserved.


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