Low Cost Business

Monday, June 30, 2008

Online marketing starts with your website

Internet marketing allows you to reach a global audience. Internet marketing is marketing your business online. Online marketing starts with your website; make sure its attractive and easy to use. When they need information, modern-day consumers turn first to the Internet. All of your online marketing will make sure they will find

Marketing online is an increasingly popular and easy way to market products or services. The growth of the internet has made it cheaper to distribute information worldwide, to name just one of its many benefits. Methods include search engine marketing, display advertising, e-mail marketing, affiliate marketing, interactive advertising, online reputation management and also social media methods such as blog marketing and viral marketing.

If there was any drawback to internet marketing, it would be that it requires customers to use newer technology, but in today's world that problem is diminishing quickly. Below are ten of the top internet marketing strategies to help you get started.

1. Start with a web promotion plan along with an effective web design and development strategy. Good web design is important so that it catches your customers' eyes.

2. It is very helpful to get ranked high in major search engines since they are used by so many people. Practicing good search optimization techniques is useful too.

3. Learn to use email marketing effectively. Like search engines, so many people use email on a daily basis, so using email effectively to market is very important.

4. Dominate your marketing niche with affiliate, reseller, and associate programs.

5. Request an analysis from an internet marketing coach or internet marketing consultant. This is obviously a big help so you can get professional examination of your marketing techniques, as well as ideas to enhance them.

6. To add to your effective emailing, build a responsive opt-in email list. An opt-in list means that you have put a form on your website where a visitor can enter his/her email address, submit it, and start receiving your emails. This makes it easy for someone to sign up and requires minimal effort from you visitor, which is always a plus.

7. Publish articles and get listed in news stories. This is good for marketing because it gets your company name out there. This leads to word of mouth referencing which can increase knowledge of your company exponentially.

8. Write and publish online press releases. Like the last one, this is useful in getting your name heard.

9. Facilitate and run contests and giveaways via your web site. People love giveaways and contests, so this helps create a positive light for your company.

10. Last, blog and interact with your visitors. This also gives you a positive light.

Effectively marketing online takes work, but with a little help and some motivation anyone can do it right.

Kerry Johnson is owner and webmaster of Online Business Resource Sign up today for our Newsletter with tips and tricks to build a work from home business You may publish this article provided you include the resource box at the end.


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