Low Cost Business

Saturday, May 17, 2008

"Passport To Wealth" Mentors What Every Entrepreneur Needs To Know About SEO Classes

If you an entrepreneur and are involved at all into network marketing then you have heard of search engine optimization. All over the Internet their are SEO classes teaching techniques to solving the puzzle of Google, Yahoo and MSN. As an entrepreneur, you understand the magnitude of having your website advertised on the first page of search engines. It can mean a flood of targeted customers coming to your site. Certainly that means more profit for you right. Absolutely, but only if you set up your campaign correctly at the beginning.

There are mentoring teams out there sharing SEO tactics and holding SEO classes. The first thing you should remember when joining one of these classes is commitment and consistency. Commit yourself at the beginning to sticking to the program. If someone tells you when setting up your search engine optimization campaign that it is easy and there is no work is crazy and not true. You have to commit yourself into this for the long haul because there will always be work and up keep to your campaign even after you have hit the first page. Do not live in the fantasy that this SEO will run itself and their is no work to you. According to Passport to Wealth back office over 65% of people taking SEO classes will not finish the class because of the work entailed. Now if you are paying someone to do the search engine optimization for you, then obviously this doesn't apply to you, the company or service you paid will do it for you. But if you are looking at mentors to teach you how to build your business then commit to the work and SEO classes, don't go in with false pretenses.

SEO is not something we can explain in one article. But it all starts with your website and design. Here is a list of ways to set up your website properly for optimal web site inclusion with search engines.

1.) Pick your keywords first - You should start with at list of at least 30 keywords to utilize. Go off the top of your head and think about your business your customers and what would they be searching to find your business. Always in the keywords you should include your business name. Once your keywords are established use a software tool like that is free and will assist you in finding how many people are searching for that keyword. If you don't have a high number of people searching that keyword then it is not going to do you much good. Get rid of that keyword and keep 5 - 6 keywords to start with that have good search results.

2.) Research your keywords - Once you pick out your keywords go to a search engine, like google, and type in your Keywords one at a time. Check out how many websites you have to beet to get on the top of the page. At the beginning try to go with a search that has less the 2 million. You want to make sure the competition is not to steep to accomplish moving up on the search engines.

3.) Website Creation - Your website, capture page, and front page should all be optimized with your keywords in mind. Your page should be keyword rich, meaning your keyword or keyword phrase should be placed in your website several times for the search engine spiders to crawl. So as you are adding your content make sure that you through your keywords in their several times.

4.) Title tag and Meta tags - There is some controversy from mentors on the importance of Meta Tag Keywords or Meta tag description. I think the mentors teaching SEO classes are all in agreement that the title tag is important. I still find these tactics useful and suggest you to place them in your website. They will certainly not hurt your efforts in SEO. When creating your title tag you want to make sure that you include your Main keyword at the beginning of the title. For an example, if your business is Passport To Wealth , I would suggest using Passport To Wealth as your main keyword and placing that at the beginning of the title tag. Title tags are what you see at the top of the browser page. Keep this short and to the point attempting to get your keywords in at least once in the title. Do not make this long and have it make sense. Meta tag keywords place all your keywords in this section. Make sure to include your main keyword first, and separate each keyword with commas. Meta tag descriptions, I still see a large benefit to meta tag descriptions. Keep the main keyword at the beginning and write a intriguing sentence regarding your business or service. The Meta tags are under your title on the search engines so you want to make sure that it will catch visitors attention and prompt them to open your site and see your opportunity.

5.) Pictures - If you are using pictures make sure to name them your keywords and then place them in the websites. Search engines will read these keywords as they are spidering through it and give you a better optimization.

6.) Bolding and underlining keywords - It is suggested to be beneficial to underline or bold your keywords. There is some controversy on this as some says it holds no relevance. I have experienced a higher page rank just from adding this a couple of times in my website. Not only does it stand out for your customers but also the search engines. Don't over do it, just a couple of times. The spiders are sensitive to this and if it is obvious they may spam your site. Just a couple of times is okay to get the desired effect.

7.) Properly used headers - Headers are important to search engine optimization. In SEO classes they teach the Headers stand out more then regular text with the spiders. If possible always have at least one Header at the top of the page with your keywords displayed. If you can include your main keyword first in the header it is said to bring higher points to your page.

8.) Show links to you other pages or sources - On the main page you should have links to other links, affiliate links, or subsequent pages. Hyper link them on you page either at the top or bottom. I don't suggest doing them within your body. I have seen where search engines don't like links going to irrelevant content with in your body. Try to keep the links at the top, left hand side, or bottom of your web page. Years ago they used to suggest creating squeeze pages, or gateway pages, which were websites keyword friendly. They didn't make sense they just had to have some content for the search engines benefit only. I don't suggest practicing this anymore, I would use real content when adding to your website.

9.) Browser detection - Be careful using this feature. Make sure that it does not break when the spiders or another agent may come through. The only way to get your website on the pages of the search engines is if the spiders can go through your website. Obviously if they can not get in, your website will not be spidered and displayed on the search engines.

10.) Get the right Domain Name: You url will hold some relevance in your search results. Spiders usually won't spider through a URL with special character in it. In addition having a shorter domain name is good for your customer base. When questioning the creation of your domain name consider putting your main keyword in the domain.

In conclusion, it is a known factor that search engine optimization is a highly recognized as a way to increase traffic to you website. Entrepreneur's, and Mentors have used these tactics for years. Testing and retesting what works as the search engines are forever changing how they spider our sites. The important thing to remember is that it does not stop with owning a website. Their are very specific steps that have to be accomplished in order to have the search engines recognize you. It is time consuming but the payoff and gratification when you accomplish the first page ranking is worth the hard work you may have invested in your SEO classes.

Megan Vaillancourt Founder Creator and Leader of The Famous Mentors 4 U Mentoring Team First Created for Passport To Wealth Members

President and Owner of Website Design Company, Megans Creative Design offers free capture page, SEO classes, SEO managment, Marketing and Advertising solutions, email campaigns. The most cost effective solution on the internet today. For a FREE consultation please call Megan at 802-285-2006 and get a chance for a FREE 10-20 page website design with seo optimization in place. Offer good till November 15, 2007. Winner will be announced by November 17,2007.

Passport To Wealth Leader of Top Mentoring Team. Join others that have earned 997.00 in the software industry. See How our Team has the highest duplication records in the industry. Visit the link below now to see what Passport To Wealth and My Team is doing to break records


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