Low Cost Business

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Must-Have Internet Marketing Tools

A carpenter, no matter how skilled, won't be able to work without his hammer. A painter can't paint without paint. Skills and experience are always helpful in any kind of business, but they aren't enough in the long run. You need tools, materials, or resources to help you attain your goals. The same holds true in Internet marketing.

Must-Have Internet Marketing Tools

The following Internet marketing tools may not be considered a necessity, but the benefits you can derive from them are not something you should disregard.

Get People to Subscribe to Your RSS Feeds

RSS feeds are one of the easiest ways to update past, present, and future customers of the latest going-ons in your business or website. RSS saves time and effort for everyone and since they're simple and relatively free to create, giving them a chance wont hurt your business. To maximize the benefits from RSS feeds, consider posting a link to RSS FAQ in your page so that people who haven't yet tried subscribing to RSS feeds will finally have an idea of what they're missing on.

Make Good Use of Emails

Although the system of sending and receiving emails isn't flawless, it's certainly more reliable and effective than having your mail handled by the post office. Emails are one of the most underestimated Internet marketing tools online and it's high time you put them into good use.

Firstly, use emails for an efficient way to provide customer service and support. Being able to respond to your customers' inquiries and concerns in a reasonable period of time will build consumer loyalty and strengthen your customer base.

Use email to send newsletters to your customers. Instead of spending a lot of money having actual newsletters printed and mailed, create a digital version and send them for free to your customers. And since there's no need to worry about the costs of creating and distributing newsletters, youre free to send them out more frequently than usual. Of course, be sure not to flood the inboxes of your customers or your plan would just backfire.

Lastly, create an email-based auto-response system so that you can right away acknowledge specified actions taken by your customers.

Create Events that Allow Interaction and Participation

It can be a contest or an event where your customers can interact with a famous figure. It doesn't matter what kind of event you end up organizing just as long as it can generate positive hype for the business.

In creating events, you must keep the following considerations in mind.

Firstly, there must be something you're offering in exchange. For contests, the rewards are obviously the ones serving as an incentive for people to visit your website and participate. Be sure that you spell out the rewards or benefits clearly.

Secondly, what you get from these events must be naturally greater than what you're spending on it. Don't offer what you can't afford to give. Thirdly, don't forget to have press releases created. They'll make sure that your target market is aware of your event.

Get a Blog

People tend to prefer businesses that they can boast of being personally familiar with. With a blog, you can get your customers to know more about you as a person and hopefully win their trust and loyalty in the process. It's also a good way of learning more about your target market and using this knowledge to improve your products, services, and operation.

http://www.DaeganSmith.com is an Expert Online Marketer

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