Low Cost Business

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Article Marketing - Discover 7 Secrets To A Prospect & Profit Pulling Resource Box For Your Articles

Article marketing, to be successful, requires the ability to create a prospect and profit pulling resource box. You can write an incredible article and if you blow the resource box you have wasted your efforts.

So here are seven secrets for creating a prospect and profit pulling resource box.

Secret 1 - NAY - NAY stand for Not About You. The Resource Box is not about you. So do not cram all your credentials and the fact that your mother really likes you into the resource box. This is not the place for a "virtual ego wall" where you get to display all of your accomplishments.

Secret 2 - It's all about the reader - The Resource Box is all about the reader and what they need next. They have read your article looking for information and/or a solution to a problem. Think in terms of what the reader might need next. And then provide them a way to get it.

Secret 3 - It's invitation time - you want to ask the reader to take an action that leads them to your website or blog to get the free bonus you are offering. In marketing circles this is called a call to action. I like to think of it as an invitation. An invitation has a nicer sound to it, and I even use that language in my resource box. For example - "for more tips and tools on how to write a great quality article I invite you to visit" and then you give your website address. You are not hard selling here, you are simply extending a kind invitation. It's a kind invitation for the reader to take the action you want them to take.

Secret 4 - Offer them good stuff - you want to offer the reader something of value for free. The days of offering a free newsletter and having people jump all over it are long gone. Nowadays you almost have to write a sales letter to get someone to subscribe to the free newsletter. So instead offer the reader something tangible, of high perceived value, then they can get right away. For example - "I'd like to offer you free access to two of my article writing templates. You can download them by going to and then you give the website link.

Secret 5 - At least one complete URL - a complete URL would be something like this (http://www.yourwebsite.com (). While it's nice to have anchor text because it looks cool you must assume that the website, blog, or newsletter owner that uses your article may not know how to use the html necessary to create anchor text. So by using a complete URL you are assured of having a clickable link in your resource box.

Secret 6 - Keep it short - It's really hard to believe that someone would do this, but I've actually seen a resource box or two that were almost as long as the article. Keep it short and sweet. Give your invitation remind them who is from and get out of there.

Secret 7 - At the end - I usually only mention my name at the end of the resource box, and then only to make sure my name and brand is linked in the mind of the reader to the good stuff they are going to get when they click through. It will usually look something like this - "From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy and GreatArticleMarketing.com" - Notice I said to just mention your name. This is not the place to attempt to prove you are the expert. If you have not proven you are the expert in your article, its way to late to try to do so in the Resource Box. In fact, if you have not demonstrated that you are the expert in the article, the reader probably will probably never make it to the resource box anyway.

I invite you to use these resource box secrets to strengthen your article marketing.

And now I would like to offer you free access to 2 of my Instant Article Templates when you subscribe to my free Article Marketing Minute, a 52 week audio/video newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get your instant access at http://www.ArticleMarketingMinute.com

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network


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