Low Cost Business

Friday, May 23, 2008

8 Best SEO Tips To Boost Your Home Business Ideas and Make Money Now

What is SEO?

SEO refers to the process of improving the volume and quality of traffic to a website from search engines via natural or organic search results. Whether your website gets very little or massive amount of traffic depends a great deal on how much effort you have put in to optimize your website for SEO. In this article, I will describe some SEO on-page optimization factors in which you can very quickly make on your site to improve your search engine ranking. This will give you a boost to your home business ideas you promote in your website and start to make money now.

Keywords Meta Tag

It would do you good if you keep your keywords and phrases not exceedingly long, perhaps not more than a dozen. A mistake some marketers make is putting popular keywords here but why would people want to do that. Would you put a popular keyword like diet if you are promoting home business ideas? The tip here is to use keywords that are actually found in your website content. In reality, a lot of search engines ignore keywords meta tag and some marketers remove this tag completely and focus just on the content page. But there is really no harm putting them, as there are many search engines which still index this tag. You also do not know when search engines change their strategies.

Write Unique Content

You've heard of the saying "Content is King". If you consistently write good content and update it regularly, chances are, you will have more people visiting your site and looking at your interesting home business ideas. If you own a blog, always write not only unique content but update it regularly too. It is no different from the brick and mortar world. If you have a small store in which you do not have many things to sell, people are not going to patronize it, let alone buy from you. Just remember if you were the one looking at a website. If you've found one with good content, with keywords evenly spread out, a catchy title, you would probably be interested to read further. If you think about it, and apply this easy concept, making money now is really within your reach.

Using Keywords In The Headline

Document title is what users see at the top of the browser. It is very important to put most of your main keywords in here. It would also help to remove any prepositions like "and" and substitute them with a "|" key. I would also go as far as to say, besides the content of the document such as your article, the title is the second most important factor which determines your SEO ranking.

Using Keyword Phrases

Don't focus on single keyword but rather keyword phrases. There are five million pages on the web that contain the word "cat", so a search for just that term produces meaningless results. If your page is actually about cat care, then that's the keyword phrase you want to have on your home business ideas page. Similarly, make money and make money now produce very different results too.

Make Use of alt image tags

Include an image tag on every image or graphic and put your relevant keywords there. An example would be "weight loss picture graphic" or "safe weight loss image" using both words of graphic or image so that search engines do not view them as spam.

Add header tags (h1 and h2)

Add one header tag (h1) and place our most important keyword there. The header tag should be as far towards the top of your home business ideas homepage. When Google reads a webpage, it views the text from the top left hand side of the page to the bottom right hand side of the page. So, it's best to place your (h1) header tag on the top left hand or top/middle portion of your page. You can think of an (h1) header tag as a title for whatever content you have on your page. Similarly put your secondary keywords in h2 header.

Page Optimization Is A Skill

When a user enters terms into a search engine, the engine starts to scan the web looking for those words. If the engine finds the words on a page, it will count how many times the words appear and also determine whether the words appear in conjunction or on their own. If the words are grouped together, it's more likely that the page is a good result. So, how can you associate your page with certain keywords? It's simple really. Put them on your page. Put the keywords in the title element, the headings, the file name, and the text of the home business ideas homepage.

Keywords In Domain Name

A website with keywords in the domain name often ranked higher. So if you have not chosen your domain name, you have a great opportunity now to take advantage of this well known secret.

SEO is the process of optimizing a website as to obtain a high rank in search engine results pages. Search engine positioning and increased traffic essentially comes down to 3 basic elements. Keyword and keyword phrase selection, search engine friendly SEO, and good off-page SEO which includes your backlink management and strategy. Additionally, writing and posting articles, press releases and even videos can substantially help SEO placement and ultimately making money now for your home business ideas.

Find out how I boost my ranking by 100 positions for my home business ideas and you can easily make money now visit Peter Lee's Work At Home Ideas and Opportunities


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