Low Cost Business

Thursday, May 22, 2008

3 Ultra Powerful MySpace Marketing Strategies For Your MLM Business

MySpace has become a haven to generate free leads for your MLM business. There are now over 206,000,000 people who spend their time there on a daily basis. That's almost the size of the entire United States. When you learn how to tap into this one Marketing medium it will produce an endless amount of free leads for your business.

Here are 3 Ultra powerful tips for building your mlm business on MySpace.

1. Do NOT pitch people on your business opportunity on MySpace. Instead craft 'Attraction Marketing' based profiles that will naturally attract people to you. By doing this, you can avoid having to chase people around and will instead see the opposite. When you learn how to BRAND yourself...and connect with people at the heart level...you will find it FAR easier to recruit for your business.

2. Use software to automate your business. There are several different MySpace marketing strategies to use, and one of them is to have software automatically handle the time consuming tasks of marketing on MySpace which you normally would have to do by hand.

3. Target your market before you start adding friends. If you spend the time to collect Id's and target specific groups on MySpace that have shown an interest in what you have to offer...you will find much higher conversion rates on your MySpace marketing.

These 3 strategies alone have made me tens of thousands of dollars in the last few months off MySpace, and cause my organization to grow substantially on a daily basis now that my team uses these free strategies as well.

Jonathan Budd Is An Internet Marketing Expert Who Has Mastered Using MySpace To Produce Endless Growth For His Business. To Learn His Daily Cutting Edge Strategies Visit: http://www.SpaceMLMSecrets.com


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